19. O Na Na What's My Name?

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Emara Stone

"Blow me if you want your book."

Ryan's words dance like small piggies in my head, they run in circles shaking their tiny tails with ass up in the air. I stand in a moral question to do or not to. Though I have never done something like this before, I have seen in movies how much boys love it. 

I can't believe he is trying to blackmail ME? Me, the best kiss nominee of our college.

Ryan's fingers possessive grab my stomach as if he owns it, his sturdy arms are in no intention of leaving me and I have no strength to fight them. Maybe if I had my sword that king had bestowed me for my bravery from fighting a dozen fire dragons, I would have chopped the devil's almighty banana and kept it at the entrance of my kingdom so everyone could see my slicing skills.

But alas! Neither I have the sword nor the bravery to peel his banana. I look up at the devil, brown hair falls on his enticing eyes that penetrate deep inside my soul. Excitement is clearly seen through them as they gawk me with intensity. "Okay, I'll do it." I mutter and in an instance, his cruel lips widen in a smirk showing his polished white teeth.

I waste no time and take in lots of oxygen mix carbon dioxide and nitrogen in my lungs and blow on Ryan's smirking face with an intensity that could even blow a wig away. Take this, take it all you boneless kebab!

Ryan's eyes immediately shut down as my high ferocity wind forces his eyelids to submit and fall down. His hair that was lifelessly falling on his eyes suddenly dances on my mercy and sits on the top of his head. I call it 'Fire breathing dragon' blow. It can put life even in a KFC chicken.

I fill my cheeks again with gases and blow hot air on his face but by mistake, my tongue comes in an angle that along with hot air some water droplets from my mouth lands on Ryan's beautiful face at a superfast speed. Oops!

"STOP IT." He growled. 

The birds flinch back in fear along with me, my heart throbs heavily as I feel blazing anger radiating from his skin. In an instance, Ryan slams his large palm on his chiseled face and clean the residue of my saliva. Why he is getting mad? I did what he told me to do.

"You didn't like it?" I ask him for reviews but all he does is keep staring at me deadly. Ryan's lips get thin with anger and his nostrils flare with fire as he stares down at me menacingly. The distance between us vanishes as he furiously leans down to me.

I think I hurt his penis again.

"What THE FUCK was that?" Ryan's cold eyes snip straight into mine as he roars brutishly on my face. I whimper and quiver under his burning gaze as I try to conserve myself from his fury, "Yo-yu toll me tu blo-blow on youh so ay di-dh." God knows what I spoke!

"I what?" He spats venomously, his hands roughly run through his silky brown hair that I had just blown. "I can't fucking believe this" Ryan mumbles under his breath as he talks to himself like a schizophrenia patient. I wonder how an injury in the penis can cause brain damage?

I am no doctor but I can tell there must be a very long nerve that directly connects from his pee-pee's head to his upper head. 

Ryan blankly looks at me, as if I am see-through. His face looks like he lost his shares and million-dollar company to his ex-wife who ran away with a pizza delivery guy and now he is forced to be a stripper in a gay club. In short, he looks pissed. 

Suddenly my soul screams in horror as Ryan smiles, his fake smile spreads wide on his 'Give me a knife' face. 

Maniac, a pure lunatic psycho maniac is dripping from his eyes as he looks at me interestingly. Oh boy! I gulp loudly as Ryan slowly leans down to my height and softly says, "It's okay, we will start from the beginning."

I blink in uncertainty, not sure if he was talking to me or someone in his head. The enthusiasm in his voice reached till his eyes and they start dancing in flames. Hell's flames. I gulp and nod, my heart feels heavy as if I just made a dangerous deal with the Devil that everyone warned me about. 

As it is said, if you keep knocking on Satan's door, sooner or later he will invite you in. 

Ryan folds his muscular arms on the chest, his broad shoulders puff up like sturdy steel armor. Suddenly I feel the itch to touch his veiny arms and lick his god damn Black Currant smelling chest. I can't stop thinking of my tongue rolling on his hard chest and soft nipples.

Wait nipples? I wonder what color they are.

My eyes again meet his narrowed brown eyes that are deeply studying me. We both gaze in each other's eyes, not a word spoken by either of us. Ryan slowly wets his lips and suddenly out of nowhere asks,

"What's my name?" 

O Na Na!

What's my name?

O Na Na!

"What do you mean?" I mutter in confusion as I blankly look at him. I wonder if I accidentally blew his brain away from his skull. Ryan smirks and my heart skips some of its beats as he leans down to my face and whispers in his husky voice, "What is my name?" 

[Author- motherfucker]

My breaths come out short and my lips quiver with our closeness as I mumble, "R-Ryan." Ryan nods and leans closer to my mouth, so close that if I pout, my lips would easily brush his soft petal lips. "Again." Ryan orders softly, his warm nicotine breath fans on my parted lips. "Ryan." I whisper following his orgasmic command.

A satisfying smile appears on his god-damn-beautiful face, like a predator on a hunt he leisurely tilts his head in my neck's crook. I feel an electric current passing through my body as I feel his breath on my sensitive neck.


I grip his macho biceps as I feel the tension building in my tissues and moan his name, "Ryan." His tender lips burn as they make contact with my skin and my body boils like it is on the stove. I feel my bones going Jell-O as Ryan slowly, taking his time covers every area of my neck with his sinful lips. "Again." 

"Ah Ryann!" I moan louder than the birds chirp as I feel his thumb circling and massaging my belly button. He pressures more on my navel as if checking the depth or probably navel fingering me. "Again." He grunts deeply.

"Ryaaaan!" I breathlessly moaned his name. Like a pressure cooker, hot steam releases from my body as he slides down the tee from my shoulder giving new areas for his tongue to roll on. I take in a sharp breath as I feel his hot mouth sucking on my delicate skin like a kid desperately licks his favorite candy.

A hand runs through my hair, as the kisses become harder and more urgent. "Again." He growls. I feel an earthquake in my panties and I mindlessly moan his name, "Ryaa-ah! Ryan." My heart runs like a hamster in a cage as his teeth graze on my collar bone, sucking and licking it repeatedly.

The birds on the trees scream for a threesome but Ryan completely ignores them. With an authority he clutches his hands on my hips, leaning me in against his muscular body. I could feel his hard chest, torso, arms, and thighs pressed against mine heavily. "Ryaaanh!" I gasp his name like a mantra that could save my life. 

"Oh god, Ryan!" 

As if I want to be set on fire, every atom of me screams for more heat. It begs for something that I couldn't understand. Where ever Ryan touches me, desperate and pleasurable moans come out of my mouth. As if he switched on my sensual buttons and he plays the melody of my moans by pressing the right keys on my body.

It wasn't just my heart who ran like a chicken, Ryan puffs and pants as he looks at my lips like a starving wild animal. "You are so hot." His orgasmic voice collides in my head and sends electric shivers in between my shaky thighs with great force.

The devil's cruel intentions are already a success.

I surrender my control and get lost within the breathless paradise of his hypnotizing eyes. I know what we are about to do is wrong, but I want to be wrong. I want to feel wrong. Oh so wrong!

Suddenly the playful seduction and lust evaporate from Ryan's eyes as his head shoots up abruptly. Indeed even his focus is somewhere behind me as if my heaving and panting body have become invisible to him. My heart jumps to my throat in fear as I hear a loud revving sound of an engine.

Ryan fiercely stands straight, his jaw twitches as he grits his teeth looking straight behind me. I instantly turn around and see a red color car that looks like a monster SUV.  Its thick tires are covered in mud, the car purrs hoarsely and stops ten feet away from us on the gravel sand. Though there are splatters of mud on the bonnet, the words RANGE ROVER is clearly readable.

The door opens and a platinum blond hair guy walks out. He is sturdy and tall, wearing a tank top and baggy jeans. His arms have more ink than the skin and his eyebrows have numerous piercing that makes him look a nefarious criminal. His eyes fall on Ryan and a creepy smile spreads on his face, "Oooohhhoo! What do we have here? Ryan The-Damn-Son." He purrs teasingly. 

Ryan's chest puffs up in anger, his eyes get narrowed and just as destructive as a nuke. "What an invisible cunt like you doing here, Zydus?" He menacingly grits his name as if he hates him since centuries. I quietly stand beside Ryan hoping to turn invisible and escape quietly.

The blond guy leans back and throws his hand pointing at his crotch as he sneers, "Just rolling money in my pants with the last match baby. Woooh!" He howls cheering for himself. Ryan balls his fist to control himself, anger boils deep in his system, as hot as lava. The blond guy grins evilly, enjoying his opponent's silence.

That's when I noticed the blonde closely, he has guns and naked women tattoos all over his skin, his cheekbones and lips are ruptured as if he got beaten a few days ago. And his arms, they are thicker than my thighs and probably stronger like a wolf. 

Suddenly my intestines twist awfully as the tattooed guy catches me staring at him. His vile eyes openly gawk my figure up and down. "Hey, I know you." He extends his pointed finger at me and says, "You are Stacey, right?"

The only person who should look like me is Ethan. Who the hell is Stacey?

I shake my head like it is set on a vibrator, before I could say anything he turns around towards the car where two more guys walk out. One of them is wearing a Denim shirt and caring a black color duffle bag, a heavy one. And the other one, he appears untouchable, tall and broad like a deadly shark swimming along in the deep ocean. Dangerous!

Even the birds shut their beaks looking at him.

The man has the swagger of someone I don't even want to ever lock eyes with. He is wearing a white shirt that is almost see-through from where his muscular chest and heinous eight pack abs are visible. His jaw is cut in perfect angles with a subtle 5 o'clock shadow and chiseled cheekbones like a Greek fucking god.


Like a mystery dark pitch-black color glasses cover his eyes completely, nobody knows where he is looking or what he is thinking. Suddenly his lips curve up in a wolfish grin as if they met Ryan's atrocious gaze and he almost smiled, smiled as if he knows something bad is about to happen and he is going to love it.

Whereas Ryan's knuckles turn pale as he outrageously stares at the mysterious guy. His cold furious eyes burn with dangerous intensity as they murderously gawk back at the guy. I have never seen him this angry, not even when Ethan punched him, it is clear by his barbaric gaze that he hates this guy and wants him dead at any cost. 

The mysterious guy stops right in front of Ryan, a few inches away. My heart skips a beat as he removes his glasses and green venomous eyes appear under his thick and long eyelashes.

His jaw twitches and he grits, "Ryan."


Well Well Well! What do we have here? 😈

I am so pleased to see you all enjoying the story. Thank you for your kind votes and amazing comments  😘

Thank you Afshanooorulain for sharing this lovely art of Ryan and Emara with us.

Shout out to these lovely readers for showering with votes ❤️
TheLast_Unicorn , StephanieAlu , wilmean , utor_nwa , purplegoogsey , lanreluv , havingaread123

And to these ❤️
rrushikaaa , Sekani09 , honeyjoy977 , babynorth017 , noella_bae , miserableren , hardeyborlah

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