21. I am a Lesbian

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Emara Stone

My hair swirls due to wind as I calmly walk on the lonely road. No vehicles are visible, neither in front nor behind. Just me and the orange sun, we both slowly strides towards the south.

Suddenly my head swings back as I hear a loud car honk. I squeal in panic as a black color sedan car stops right beside me at superfast speed. The tire of the car releases smoke with the sudden brakes and slowly the window of the driver's seat pulls down.

"Are you going somewhere, mate?" 

The window roll down and a man with a mustache, red bandana on the forehead with long deadlock hair appears. His beard is braided in two ponies and secured with beads in the end. Oh wait... I have seen him before. 

"You... You are Jack Sparrow, right?" 

He scrunches his nose as he corrects me in his half-drunk voice, "Captain. Captain Jack Sparrow." 

I gasp as I gawk at him, he is real! Captain Jack Sparrow keeps his elbow on the car's window and sniffs in the air, "My tremendous intuitive sense of the female creature informs me that you are troubled." 

What a genius!

I nod. "I am lost." The kind Captain throws his hand as he actions me to hop in his car. I immediately get in and we rode off at superfast speed on the lonely highway. The sun is slowly setting in front of us creating a mesmerizing pink and orange hue in the sky. Beautiful.

"Brace yourself because we are close to the world's end." Suddenly he alerts as he steers the car into the topmost gear. I clutch my seat in panic as the speed of the car crosses the speedometer's limit. "What?" I scream in horror. 

Captain Jack Sparrow points towards the sun that is about to disappear behind the trees and says, "Sun down. We rise up."

He then points his finger in all the directions and says, "Up is down. Down is up."

I couldn't understand him but tightly grip my seat as he drives at a suiciding speed. I look for seat belts but there is nothing in its place. Not even a parachute is under my seat.

"Hold the Kraken."

He throws a small rotten cage at me that contains an octopus who is puking green jelly everywhere. I shriek in horror as I try to grab anything but the octopus to compose myself as the car hits a small hill and turns upside down in the air and a bright light spreads in the sky.

The light sharply pierces through my lens as I open my eyes to the annoying sound of the alarm clock.




Oh Fuck it!

Wait... what was I dreaming again?

. . .

I walk alone on the lonely campus road of my college. The bell rang about half an hour ago before I reached, but I didn't give a fuck. I feel like my battery is low today.

The whole world can fuck itself with a tiny dildo and I won't give a damn about it.

I whistle and carefreely walk, there are no humans on the path, it is free to run and lie down. No Instagram model is ogling me with her envious eyes nor any guy is staring at my ass. I really like coming late. 

Suddenly my steps halt as I see a familiar black color car parked on my way. The Devil's trident stands erect and shines proudly on its bonnet. 

I clench my fist and grit my teeth in anger as I remember what Ryan did yesterday. That bastard left me on the high way and ran off where there was no service of taxies. It took me two fucking hours to get back to my home walking alone on my tiny legs.

I peek inside the car but see nothing. The tainted black windows of the car are as black as Ryan's soul that doesn't allow to look inside it. I cover my eyes with my palms and try harder to look inside the car. But all I could see is my eyes staring right back at me.

"Are you looking for me?" A deep racy voice rings in my ears.


My head swings back so fast that I might have developed a crack in my neck. My eyes open wide in shock and heart flushes down to my stomach as I look at him. His creepy smile is spread all over on his face as he raunchily stares at me.

"How do I look chica?" Daniel asks me pointing at his hair. I gasp and almost faint looking at his blue bleached hair.

This motherplumber!

Daniel smugly runs his fingers through his bright blue hair color that was black till yesterday. I gulp the tart taste of saliva as I look at the mess in front of me. But the thing is, I just looked at the crack, the whole booty is yet to be observed.

My eyes take in his whole attire, Daniel is wearing a plain black color t-shirt with dirty denim jeans and white shoes, just like me. With one look, we both look like each other's doppelgangers. 

Please don't tell me he did it all to look like me?

"Don't we look like a couple?" He asks flirtatiously as he steps towards me. My heart thumps as he keeps his hand on the car beside my head and purrs, "What a nice girl like you is doing in my dirty mind?"

Truth to be told, whenever I see Daniel, I get dry. Everything just suddenly gets dry down there.

"I must have lost my way." I reply uninterested to which he simply nods getting a little closer. I bury my head in the car's metal as he leans down to me and says in his husky voice, 

"Do you want to go on a ate? I'll give you the D later." And winks.

Voila... Now I am a lesbian.

"I-ay no. I don't think so-" I gently push him aside to create some space but suddenly I take a sharp breath as I see Shawn walking towards us in his pastel blue bleached hair wearing a black tee, denim jeans, and white chucks just like mine. What did I eat this morning?

Daniel stands tall as he looks at his friendly mate with piercing fierce eyes. "Shawn!" He grits his teeth as he looks at his attire. Funny, they both look like a couple now. Lol.

"Bro, why the fuck you stole my idea?" Shawn asks hurtfully as he looks at his bro's hair and clothes. Daniel points his finger at him and aggressively growls, "YOUU STOLE IT." Shawn assertively steps forward with his finger in the air aimed at Daniel, "NO YOU DID!" 

I lean on the car and look at them quarreling, accusing each other of their mistake like a newly wedded egoistic couple. Looking at each one of us, we three look like triplets whose parents dressed them alike so they don't lose any one of them.

These irresistible blockheads are getting on my nerves now. I quietly walk away turning around from their way, I adjust my t-shirt and walk inside the engineering building. I just fucking hate everyone. 

. . .

After the second lecture ends, I chose to just sit in the class during the break than go out and be a victim of other people's horny and envious gaze. I see Rose walking up to me with a book in her hand. "Hi Emara, can you give this book to Ethan?" She asks me in her tiny voice. 

I look at thousands of dollar clothes and remind myself that I might have to sell my kidneys to look like her. "Of course. Today is his last day of suspension anyway." I tell her just in case that's what she came here for. But I see no surprise on her face. Oh wait... she already knows. 

"That's great. Um... I was thinking to ask you if you would like to join the Annual fest's fashion show? A lot of people want to see you on stage." She asks me politely. Oh, that annual college fest that everyone is excited about. A day to celebrate the end of the year with music, dance, and silly ass games. Blah!

"Sorry Rose, I have no interest in the fashion show but thanks for asking." I honestly don't even know how to walk properly and definitely ain't walking in short skirts to please the horny audience who are ready to take my booty pictures. Naw naw!

"It's okay, if you change your mind please let me know." She gives me a short smile and turns around in her expensive heels to walk away. I pick up the heavy Java book that weights equal to a newborn baby and walks to the hallway where student lockers are situated. How the hell did she carry this?

I open my locker that has cobwebs in it, I throw the brick heavy book, and as soon as I close it, I squeal in surprise as I see him standing beside me with an innocent smile.

"Hardick! You scared me." 

"Hi Emara. I wanted to talk with you about something." He nervously speaks in his Indian accent. In one glance Hardick looks like he has a very sad life. He has messy hair, his roommate is an asshole and his neighbors are nuts. [Dick Joke]

"Yeah.. What is it?" I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion as I look at him with doubts. His t-shirt is hung so loosely on his shoulders that even I can fit in it. 

"Would you like to be our model?" He looks at me with hope as he passes me a paper. My eyebrows shoot up as I read it.

Episode: Game of Bids. 

$10- Take a Selfie 

$50- Hit a red Tomato

$100- Get followed back on all Social Medias

$500- One minute Dance

$800- Hit two smelly Eggs

$1000- Get a passionate Kiss

$1200- Hit a full force Slap

What the fucktooth is this?

"We are organizing a fundraising booth in our college's Annual Fest where people will bid on our models and pay to get a selfie or dance in return." I read the paper again and notice there are a lot more things than just selfie or dance. 

"Rita and one of her friends have already agreed to be our model and I was thinking if you would become our model too then all the people will rush to our booth and we could raise a good amount."  

I chew my lips in pressure as I feel awful to reject his offer, I really don't want to be displayed as a model so motherfuckers can throw anything at me. "Do not worry, all the not so welcome things are high on price so hardly anyone will choose it." Hardick says while adjusting his aunty glasses. 

I gulp the thick saliva of guilt, Hardick always saved a seat for me, lend me his pens, and shared his homework with me. I look up and feel worse after seeing his friendly smile and his hopeful optimistic eyes. 

"Okay." I agree under the weight of our friendship.

Hardick's eyes lit up like Christmas as he hears me, "Wow! I never expected you to agree. Thank you so much, Emara." He happily exclaimed not believing his luck. But suddenly his happy Teletubby face disappears as he stutters, "O-ok. See you. B-bye."

Hardick leaves in a hurry. I frown as I see him running away as if he saw a castration machine. 

"Who was he?" 

I jolt up in surprise as I hear a growl behind my head. I swiftly turn around and see Ryan the Ass staring at me emotionlessly. "Hard-Hardick, my classmate" I mumbled looking at his grey shirt that is hugging his body like a hoe. His dark hair is messy that is adding up to his bad boy look.

I am convinced that Ryan is carved by the gods. They took their day off and put extra attention on him while they designed and made him... Sexy, check. Hot, check. Asshole, check.

Ryan narrows his eyes dangerously at me, he leans a little as he grits, "Oh well, I am harder and trust me, he won't be hard for much longer." His jaw clenches as he stares at me with his demonic eyes. I gulp and nod to whatever he said.

"What are you doing this weekend?" Ryan asks as he stands straight showing off his tall height to my short ass. "Nothing much." I reply short. Is he going to ask me out on a date? Is he?


Suddenly he slams two heavy files on my tiny hands and grunts, "I want them completed by Monday with all the diagrams and tables." His deep voice is laced with authority and I remember my book is still under his captive. I wonder how he treats her pages. 

"What are these?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and stare at him stupidly. "My submission reports. Just copy and paste it." He says nonchalantly while gazing at my attire. I open a file and see there are around fifty-sixty pages with some complicated drawing of engines and machines. 

I gasp as Ryan without any warning leans down to my face. People stop their steps and turn around to look at us as Ryan places his sturdy arms on the locker behind my head and cage me in between. 

"Now say, yes master I'll do it."

My eyes widen as I stare at his roguish face that is reeking of immoral intentions. I lick my lips and say, "Yes mass-ahh!" I suddenly moan as I feel my ass vibrating due to my phone.

I immediately pull out my phone and pick up whoever called, "Ema boo, guess what? Tonight we are going to a Paarrrtyy!" Anna screams from the other side of the phone. 

I grip the phone tightly as her excitement shakes my hand, "There will be lots of hot guys and tonight... You will be losing your ancient era virginity by fucking a hot hunk." She screams. I purse my lips as Ryan glares at me with his cold eyes and emotionless face.

"Yay o-okay. Anna, I'll call you later." I breathe rapidly under his gaze as they fixated on me like prey. "Don't you dare to rain check on me this time. I already decided our dresses." I gulp and agree immediately then keep the phone back in my ass pocket.

Ryan looks pissed, his eyes are narrowed to the limit that I can hardly see the whites in them. His jaw clenches as he annoyingly spats, "I am still waiting."

His muscular arms beside my head remind me I am imprisoned between the locker and his rigged hard body. I gulp the stubborn saliva and mumble, "Mass-turr I'll complete it." 

Ryan nods with a serious face, my heart backflips in my chest as his rough thumb rubs on my jaw as he warns, "You better complete it, Amara. Or be ready for some hardcore punishment." Oh boy!


I am so excited for the party🍻 Yay!

Thank you for your votes and comments. I love reading them

Shout out to these amazing readers for showering with votes❤️
Doreenundi , michyvamps20 , queen_toffie , BheriloMabandla , BubbleTeaBoba , Theo_wildrose , freakazoid28 , estherefe20

And to these
nicholeirish , annie2005edition , AyeshaMughal7 , XoXoandXo , MsChazzie171 , MitchellErediegha , ryansky27 , LgtMvrck 

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