22. Kissed by Zac Efron

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Emara Stone

"How could you forget it?" Ethan yells irritatingly.

"I just forgot! But why are you being so obsessed with a book?" I ask as I walk past him with a bag of Doritos. "We have exams from next month for god's sake when you will start being serious for once?" Ethan growls loudly so the neighbors know we have exams coming up.

"Geez.. Stop screaming! We have a whole month." I shrug my shoulders and walk away from his heated eyes. Honestly, I didn't forget his book. It's just my bag was filled with Ryan's heavy files that there was no space left for Ethan's fatass Java book. So I left it where I saw it last time, in my locker.

"Just a month, Emara. One month!" He yells as he walks after me to the living room where our parents are cozily sitting on the couch laughing at TikTok videos. Get a room!

"I am very tired now. I am going to sleep, good night everyone." I hastily climb the stairs before Ethan could follow me with his rant then rush to my room and lock it. Phew!

I drop my clothes on the floor and stand naked under the showerhead. I take my time to wash my hair, underarms, ass, and the penis fly trap in between my legs. I grab a razer and clean the lady garden.

Vulvarine needs action tonight.

After a good wash, I put a chocolate smelling lotion and pick my phone to see the time, 9:40 PM.

'I am leaving.'

I text Anna and immediately wear my jeans and full sleeves black color t-shirt so I can get camouflaged in the dark. I keep my heels and purse in the bag and turn off all the switches then slowly open my window. 

I look down and see the difference of ten feet between the window and the concrete ground. If I accidentally fall, I am pretty sure I'll break all of my teeth and both the knees. I am confident that I am very clumsy.

I carefully stand on the edge of the window holding the side railings and count in how many seconds I'll crash land on the floor. I breathe in, breathe out and tightly hold the pole as I recite the proverb in my mind,

If Ryan can do it, I can do it.

I have never done anything so stupid and dangerous in my life. I hope this fucking party be worth it because if I slipped, for sure I am going to be hospitalized and pee in bed for a month. 

I carefully slide halfway down to the pole then jump on the car's bonnet making minimum noises. I slump down and with mute steps cross the boundary of my house and run like a hoe on the street to catch the cab.

I am free motherfuckers! 

. . .

"Close your eyes." Anna dictates and I immediately shut them. I feel soft feathery hair brushing my eyelids, I sit back and enjoy the feels. My eyes have never been dusted so delicately in my whole life. 

"Don't open them yet." I keep them close on her order. Anna pets her finger gently on my eyelids, covering the whole area under her pad. I trust Anna even if she barbecues my eyes, I know am gonna look good.

Suddenly I feel a cool wet liquid above my eyelashes which made me giggle, "Boo trust me, you gonna give blue balls to a lot of guys tonight." Anna praises excitedly and blows cool air on the wet area.

"There will be lots of jerks in the party so do not just go and ride any random dude. Especially not Lil' Willie, his tip is so small that even after you have sex with him, you will still be a virgin." Anna warns me in a serious tone. 

"You must be kidding!" I chuckle with my eyes closed. "No kidding. Boys are overoptimistic and highly overconfident about their micropenises. You could never guess they have a rat size dick in their crocodile pants"

Either Anna hates men or she knows them very well.

"There is a reason why God didn't give men a vagina and womb, coz he knew they are highly stupid and would get pregnant every week and doom the population of earth." I end up laughing at her comment. She is so cool.

My eyes flicker open and I see black glimmering eye shadow with winged eyeliner so sharp that it can pierce through heart and murder anyone. Sexy!

"Trust me Emara, you will know when you will meet a real man, he will be radiating this strong Big Dick energy that will make your body go jello instantly and your pussy will purr Daddy automatically." Noted.

Anna opens the cap of the liquid lipstick and gently spread it on my lips. Dark red lips strike like danger on my moonlight face. At one glance I look intimidating with black clouds on my eyes and blood on my lips, someone who looks like she won a war. 

I mean, I don't disagree as I have slain and massacred many dragons in my garden with the left hand.

"Your dress is behind the door." Anna powders her cheek as she points towards her bathroom. I immediately wear the dress and turn around to check me out in the mirror. 


Fuck! I think I should sleep with myself, that would be the best sex of my life. 

I stand there slaying in the short leather dress that dominatingly hugs all of my curves. But the strapless bra makes me feel itchy from inside. I instantly unbuckle and throw away the only thing that holds my titties in place.

Like it is said, Superman needs no seatbelt.

I twist my body right and left to see the gorgeous curvy trajectory my body is designed in. I throw my hair back in slow motion and give flying kisses to my reflection in the mirror. So hawt! 

I look hot like the chicken who just jumped out of the barbecue grill.

Only if Ryan could see me now, he would sell away his evil kidneys and beg on his knee caps to have a glance at me and my entrancing heavenly body. But I would still reject him and send him away kidneyless.

I kick the door open and walk into the room like a diva. "How hot I look?" I roam my hands hungrily on my breast, thighs, and stomach as I sultrily ask Anna who is spraying her hair with oxygen. I think that's oxygen.

She swiftly turns around and eyes my figure packed inside her shoulderless black dress that hardly covers my thighs. "Boo, you look so hot that you deserve to get kissed by Zac Efron." Some inhuman noises come out from me as I laugh out loud.

I look at Anna who is wearing silky smooth one piece of satin that is hung on her shoulders with the mercy of two thin straps. She looks irresistible. If I were a guy, I would definitely smash her she is that beautiful. 

"Stop drooling at me. Let's GO!" Anna squeals excitedly as she grabs her purse and my hand. I wear my black color heals and grab my purse as I follow her to make some bad decisions tonight.

She drags me out of her house and into her dad's Volvo. After driving for a good twenty minutes, we come across a street from where loud music can be heard pumping out from a house. No, a Villa, a mansion. A town with one house.

We enter a private property that is surrounded by trees from all sides making it look like a perfect hideout spot. Red solo cups litter the large lawn and the path is packed with cars and heavy motorcycles. I could alone become a millionaire if I sell all these expensive-looking vehicles at half of their price.

My eyes widen as I look at the huge three floors mansion that screams of drunk people and loud rap songs. Anna finds a parking spot, hopping out she locks the car and bends down to adjust her breast so they look plum and heavy in her satin dress. 

I follow her actions and shake my titties inside the tight leather dress that makes them look more lively and appealing. Anna takes my hand and drags me straight into the house that is blasting with music.

My eyes widen as I look at the party that I have dreamed of. People are crazily howling to the music and pumping their heads and fists in the air energetically. Drunk boys are humping girls, boys, walls, tables... Basically they are grinding anything that has legs. Beautiful.

Anna leans to my ears and screams above the loud music, "Do not accept drinks from jerks and do not follow any dick to any room." I nod at her obediently as we walk past sweaty bodies that are roughly swinging as if they are possessed.

I stumble a little at my left as a guy almost falls on me, he is drenched in sweat and alcohol. His both the eyes flutter at a different time as he purrs, "Hey boobs, nice girl." 

"What?" I freak out. Anna immediately grabs my hand tightly and leads me to the kitchen. She makes me sit beside the counter that is crowded with empty beer cups. I look around and admire the wild party, people throwing hands, cups, and bodies in the air while enjoying every second of it. 

"How is it?" Anna yells, her hips sexily swing to the music. "Awesome!" I yell back at her as I rock my body to the beat. She disappears for a minute and appears with two small glasses. I lift the glass with transparent liquid and gulp it down quickly. 

"What was that?" The liquor burns through my throat and stomach like acid as I feel my internal organs digesting it.

"Sauza Tequila." 

Anna pulls me off the seat as she drags me in between the dancing sweating bodies, we push through the crowd until we found a spot. She puts her hands on my shoulders and swings her body to the beat. The tequila suddenly kicks in my head and I hold Anna's tiny waist for support and sway my hips.

[Author- Who wants a lesbian dance? No one? Okay]

As if my booty found its own head, it keeps on swirling, grinding, whirling in the air hitting other people's bum. After a good bum cheek bum dance, we get back to the counter with more drinks.

"Do not move, okay? I'll just go meet a friend and will be back in a few minutes." Anna yells.

I nod at her sipping my drink. The smell of alcohol is strong as everyone dances to the pounding music. The liquor kicks in again and I dance on my place.

"Blue hair girl, Emara?"

I turn around and find red sleepy eyes staring right back at me. The guy looks like a skeleton with skin, he has dirty blond hair and a faint bliss smile on his tan face. "Yeaahhhh." I slowly nod.

The guy has a black color box in his other hand and deep swollen eyes on the face that aimlessly stare at me. He slowly sits on the other side of the counter as he continues, "Hi, I am Moe... Moe Lester. Friend of Anna."

"Heyyyy. Wassup!" I awkwardly greet him, his puffed red eagle eyes acutely gawk me as he smiles a little, "Anna told me to watch you... So I am watching you." He says without blinking. 

"Oh! Okay. Is this your party?" I take a deep breath as I try to make a conversation with him ignoring the alcohol kicks in my veins. "No." He says looking at me.

"Oh! Okay. So who's party is this?" I ask looking up at him. "I don't know." He replies.

"Oh! Wait... what?" I ask in doubt, still dumbfounded by the fact we both don't know whose party is this. "I heard about a party on the streets, so I sent the address to all of my friends." He smiles and opens the black box as he asks, "Brownies?" 

I look at the dark fudged brownies then look back at his serene bliss face. Did this cuckoo head just self-invited everyone to a random party? Cool!

"Oh! Thank you." I chew the fudge and it immediately melts on my tongue like cotton candy. "Wow! This is so good." I lick my fingers so I don't waste its residue. 

"Want more?" Moe Lester asks as he offers me the box again. This time, being a little greedy I pick two pieces and they both melt on my tongue as well. My limbs feel like feathers as if they weight nothing. This is some another dimension cooking.

"Moe! Bro, I need your help." My eyes instantly open from the trance as I heard a desperate hoarse voice. I look at the guy who looks like he has been locked into a room for a week with 500-grams Cocaine and he just got out. "Bro I just robbed a bank and I have 99999999$ with me." He shrieks.

"Why you robbed a bank, Willie?" Moe Lester asks calmly.

"Bro, it was a mission... Help me mahn!"

I choke on my serenity as I realize I am in a party with ear-piercing music and drunk people. I stand up and walk to the nearby bathroom as my bladder feels heavy and full. As soon as I open the door I meet an unpleasant site of a guy whose face is leaned down in the toilet and he throws up non stop.

I stand there in horror as I watch him puke one liter of orange color vomit in the pot. Ewwww!

I walk back to the guys who are severely talking about money. "Bro how do I transfer money from Gta 5 to my original bank account?" 

"Moe, where can I find a bathroom?" He looks at blankly as he points towards the ceiling. It took me a whole one minute to decode that he meant to point the above floor not the heavens.

That's what I thought, why would I have to die to pee? 

I am no expert, but I think drunk people are more stupid than kids. After a good twenty minutes of searching and circling the whole house twice, I finally find the staircase to the above floor.

My steps wobble-wobble as I take every step. I don't feel my legs and I am pretty sure my legs don't feel me either.

I hold the railings and the railings hold me as I ascend the confusing tricky stairs. There is something evil about this stairway that I can't understand. 

By the time I reach the floor, I forget why I even came here. 

I look around in mere confusion and uncertainty as I see no one on the floor dancing or humping the wall. The heavy pounding of music softens as I walk deep into the empty corridor of doors and more doors. 

Suddenly, I hear a noise. A scream followed by a painful cry. Blood freezes in me as I hear it again coming from behind one of the doors. I twist the ball on the door but seems like it is locked from inside where the groans are coming. 

"Faster! Yes, yes, YES!"

"Do it again. Ahhhhh!"

"Fuck me you bad boy. Fuck!"

"Oh god Dante! Ahhh!"

What the fuck!

Sex! They are having sex. 

I back off from the door and soon realize that every door is sounding the same. Screams and moans are coming from behind the locked doors as I stand there alone in nightmare. This is horrific! 

"Are you lost, kitty?" My heart thumps wildly as a deep voice rings in my ears. The grave heaviness in it sends chills down my spine. 

I slowly turn around and meet poisonous green eyes that are staring intensely right back at me with a lascivious grin on lips. Oh boy!


Guess who is getting a D in the party 😉🤣

Thank you so much for your votes and comments. You people are da best 😘

Shout out to these amazing people for showering with votes❤️
Sunshine_qxeen , chlaufy , nymerla , KMadhumathiPai , dou04ae , Ashmeezee44 , _arike , user52453870 , ShaniceBugridge , GraceAlbert2 , DilangSumor

And to these lovelies too ❤️
Simlewider , HerbertCampbell , Hasiya14 , Koutanyi2511 , TemitopeJejelaye , DebbyMartins7 , Amajae14 , zannnnn_ , janeikadarling , Anna_Lively8 , shmily002

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