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We meet again,

In each other's arms,

In each other's breath,

In each other's soul,

In each other's name.


I walked up briskly and held the flowers tightly against my chest. My heart saying prayers for everyone buried in this very graveyard. My amber brown eyes trailed to all the tombstones on my way. As I walked through the path for the one I had bought flowers for.

Cool air whisked past me in the winter afternoon. And goosebumps sprawled over the exposed skin of my nape, my eyes reaching the familiar grave. And almost immediately guilt drew towards my heart. A shaky breath escaped my parted lips as I kneeled down by Ronaq's grave.

Sometimes it was still hard to believe, she lay under here.

My hands reached to the soil covering her and I held a fistful of it. My fingers feeling the numbness of the soil. Her voice whispered against my ears, chanting I love yous and I smiled before keeping the flowers I had gotten her. Pink flowers. Her favourite. Peeling away the plastic wrap, I leisurely decorated the soil with the flowers. Dusting away the soil, I rubbed my cold hands together and blew out a breath.

It was finally the day. The day I had peace of mind and heart. The day I return to Ronaq. The day I return back. Bazid's question from a couple of months back resonated against my ears and I ducked my head down.

"You won't come to her grave anymore?

Not until I find peace."

I had found peace within me. And I had found Ronaq's part of peace within me. For all I needed to do was look carefully. Warm tears brimmed my waterline and I gulped.

" I love you Ronaq, with all my heart and with all my soul."

I whispered to her. Letting the tears cascade down my cold skin.

" I am sorry for leaving you here. I won't do this ever again."

I added and stood up to read fatiha. Completing the prayer, I caressed my cheeks with my palms and wiped away the tears.

" Love, Jahan. For love will hold you when you'll keep falling, harder."

Ronaq had once said this and I smiled recalling this right now. She was my jahan. But I never knew in what context she had spoken this until I fell for Saboohi. And it all made sense. She had taught me to love, not her but Saboohi.

Looking at her grave for the longest of times, I flickered my eyes away before making my way back to the car. Driving through the familiar roads and down the valley, I reached before the gates. Seeing the guards pull the grand gates open. Smiles blowing their features as they straightened their posture upon my arrival. I nodded my head in acknowledgement before killing the engine in the driveway.

The feeling of being home hit me hard and I unconsciously stretched my arms as soon as I got out of the car. My eyes raking over my home before I walked inside with a bouquet of fresh flowers for Saboohi.

Dadi Gul Jan's sharp eyes caught my figure and I rushed towards her embrace her in a warm hug.

" Jahan, my child."

Her voice had grabbed Khan Dada's attention who walked out with his cane. His eyes shining as he smiled. Making me release Dadi Gul Jan to meet him. Soon everyone was gathering in the large hall. Zaryaab, Afaaf, mom and dad gathered around me and my heart filled with warmth. Yet my heart craved to see a pair of butterscotch eyes. And my anxious eyes looked around as everyone sat down.

Mohid came running down the stairs and flung himself in my arms.

" Jaan chachu."

He squealed as I crushed him into a hug.

" How are you buddy?" I pulled away tickling his tummy as he giggled. Looking up at me with large eyes.

" My baby brother is sleeping." He said and I kissed his head. I had yet to meet Maher.

" It's okay Jahan. You'll get all your time to meet him." Afaaf said as she served tea and I nodded my head. My eyes scanned everyone's faces and I saw how oblivious they acted.

Why was no one mentioning Saboohi?

And where was she?

" Where is Saboo?"

As if reading my thoughts Mohid voiced out and my eyes grew a fraction at the child's instinct. Dadi Gul Jan and mom hid their smiles whilst Afaaf giggled.

" I think Jaan chachu would have to go and find her." The woman said as she forwarded her son a plate of chocolate chip cookies.

Mohid slid off my lap and I stood up as everyone's expectant eyes flickered to me.

" I should- um."

I coughed awkwardly before excusing myself from the hall. Hearing everyone burst into laughter. Bringing a smile to my face. With the flowers in hand I reached for the stairs. Standing before the bedroom door, I gauzed the door. There was in no way Saboohi was behind it. Because if she would have been she would have come down by now.

Running into my arms.

I reached for the stairs again, heading for the terrace this time. My eyes scanned the deserted terrace.

" Abey yaar."

I huffed out, breathless now.

" Where are you Saboohi." I leaned against the parapet and looked at the garden area. My eyes caught the old quarter room door open and my eyes lit up.

Could she be there?

I ran down the stairs before walking out the door and rounding the house. I was here, the very next day as I had promised her seven months ago. And reaching home, I first person I wanted to meet was her. But how could I have met her. To see her, to feel her, I needed all the time of the world. To feel her presence, to feel her scent again, I needed an eternity with her.

Seeing the door to the room open, my heart thudded loudly against my chest now. I had come here, this far, but I had no words practiced to say to her. I chuckled to myself. Maybe Saboohi didn't need words. Sure we talked on the phone the past three months and she'd fill me in about her treatment and I used to fill her in details about my day. But being here meant something else.

Reaching to the threshold of the door, I looked inside. And disappointment shadowed over me. She wasn't here. I walked backwards, my shoulders dropping with defeat. My lips dipped low and I pulled out my phone, ready to ring her up when an unfamiliar noise gathered my precise attention. I looked over at the old gazebo that was constructed at the very back of our home. It was so old that wild vines had now covered its tall pillars. The old towering trees shadowed over it with their heavy leaves. And Zaryaab and I would scare Ronaq, hinting that ghosts lived there when we were little.

Cold winter leaves crushed under my feet as I walked skeptically to the gazebo. My eyebrows drew closer as the noise sounded closer now. My curious eyes looked at the wild vines as I stepped over the steps leading to the gazebo. And my heart beats picked up pace.

Before me was a woman, kneeling on the floor. Her back to me. And dazed in the alluring beauty, I leaned against the pillar unable to avert my eyes.

Her hair were long, wavy and dark brown. The strands covering the length of her thoracic spine. And the strands slid just a fraction each time she moved just a little. Her hair were beautiful and luscious, the kind you'd want to run you fingers through. Adorned in an ice blue long maxi styled dress, she had the fabric all around her like sea. Her long matching dupatta splayed on the floor behind her. I caught sight of her creamy skin as she lifted her hand and ran it over her forehead. Her fitted full sleeves hiding away any more fraction of her skin.

My lips parted as I took a step closer and instantly hit my foot on something almost knocking down the pot by my feet but I leaned down and balanced it just in time to prevent it from breaking. My eyes had for away from the woman and now I looked at all the pots of various sizes and designs crowding the floor.

Pottery clay was all over the floor and a small smile curved my lips as I sneakily kneeled behind the woman. She still remained oblivious of my presence and sitting so close to her now gave me a nice view of her lovely features.

Big butterscotch eyes, lively and undistracted. Full round cheeks. A cute nose and pink lips tugged between her teeth as her hands remained endorsed in the clay and the wheel spun of the pottery machine. Her slender fingers moudling the clay over the spinning wheel. My amber eyes ran over her features yet again.


She was so focused on her work that she didn't stiffen when I moved behind her and reached my hands on either side of her. My chin brushed over her head as my hands found hers in the clay. Her head tilted to the side just to look at my arm before she sighed. I frowned.

I expected her to stiffen, flinch or even gasp. But all she reacted was with a sigh.

I leaned closer feeling the cold clay now mash with my hands. And placed my chin over her shoulder.

" Saboohi."

I called out seeing the woman hum and a small beautiful smile lifted her lips. My heart thudded loudly now against my ribcage.

" Saboohi."

I almost whined at the lack of attention I got and the woman's smike grew as her eyes reached mine and she looked at me before speaking.

" See, you mould this gently and softly and it takes the shape of whatever you guide it into."

She indicated to the pot and smiled. I returned her smile and silence fell over us. I enjoyed the new vibes she gave me. She was treating me as if we had all the time in the world now, which we had. Her fingers guided mine and soon the clay started to take the shape of a beautiful small pot.

" It's done. Our first pot together."

Saboohi's soft voice spoke and she turned to look at me. I grinned seeing the pot on the wheel now.

" It is our first pot."

I nodded seeing the woman avert her eyes now. I removed my hands from around her and now stood up. Reaching towards the tap down the gazebo, I washed off the clay and walked back to my wife seeing her still sitting.

" Welcome home."

She said as her eyes met mine and I nodded looking at her carefully. She stood up and shifted on her feet. And then I noticed how beautiful she looked in an actual color. She was wearing ice blue and no white. Her streaked hair were gone and she had dyed them dark brown now. Her long lashes covered her eyes as she looked everywhere but me. And I instantly caught her.

She was being shy. Something she had never been and I chuckled out aloud catching her attention.

" What?"

Saboohi asked as she looked at me approaching her. I stood before her and cupped her face, rubbing the clay away she had on her forehead.

" You look beautiful."

I compliment her in a whisper. Seeing different emotions wash over her features and her cheeks turned pink with blushing heat.

" Thank you."

Her lips parted as she spoke. And I opened my arms and embraced her, hearing a gasp from her as her clay clad hands reached between us. Making me guide her hands behind my neck. I nuzzled my face into her neck and heard her sigh as she pushed herself more into me.

" I missed you so much."

She expressed and I grinned.

" I know."

I squeezed her body to me, pulling her up so that her toes barely touched the ground.

" Jahan."

She giggled as I peppered kisses over the warm skin of her neck. I closed my eyes and pulled in a deep breath. Tightening my arms around her.

" I am home."

I whispered feeling her nod against my shoulder. Pulling away from Saboohi, I sat her on the floor and then picked her up bridal style.

" Jahan." She squealed, her features twisting into fear for a second and I chuckled.

" I'm not going to drop you." I spoke leading us down the gazebo. Tilting the tap, I watched as she washed her hands. And then looked at me expectantly with large eyes.

" Now?"

I hummed and squinted my eyes as if I was thinking something and then pressed my forehead to hers.

" Now. I don't let you go. Ever."

She laughed. Her laughter, music to my ears and I shook my head. Looking innocently at her as I walked us towards our home. Her arms tightened around my neck.

" You're not taking me seriously. I'll actually not let you go."

I clenched my jaw putting up my point and the woman drew her eyebrows closer. Her slender finger poking my cheek.

" who's even asking you to?"

She smirked and I got a hint of my old Saboohi. But old or new, she was acceptable to me in all forms.

" I love you."

I said as we reached the door and she pulled my cheek so hard that I hissed. She soothed it with a love filled smile.

" I love you."

Her eyes averted away from my face and as soon as she realized we were inside the house, she started to wiggle in my arms making me almost lose my balance. And I stopped in my tracks.

" What are you-"

" Put me down, Jahan."

She panicked as she demanded. I chuckled in confusion.

" Why?"

She glared at me briefly before saying softly.

" Please put me down."

" No, why?"

I resumed walking only for the woman to wiggle again.

" Jahan, what would everyone think? Please let me down."

She hissed and grabbed my collar pleadingly. I smirked at her expressions.

" What would they think, Saboohi? Obviously we've met after months, they'd understand our position." I said teasingly.

She rolled her large eyes at me as if I spoke nonsense.

" No you put me down right away. I am not used to being like this before them."

She tilted her chin up and my eyes widened at what she had said.

" Well then everything has a first time. Now they'll be used to seeing you like this."

I took another step forward and she gasped before pouting.

" Please put me down Jahan, or else-"

I smirked and rose an eyebrow at her. Looking at her devilishly.

" Or else- I'll bite your cheek."

She whispered in my ear looking at me equally devilish. I chuckled and nodded my head.

" Then please go ahead."

I cooed at her and she huffed.

" What would Khan Dada think?"

I chuckled at her cuteness and shook my head.

" Saboohi you are impossible."

" So are you."

She planted her lips over my cheek and kissed me. Leaving her lips to trail a little longer and just as I was about to smile, the fierce woman bit my cheek.

" Ouch."

I hissed and she batted her eyelashes at me.

" Down." She mouthed and I groaned before easing her on her feet.

I rubbed my cheek with focused eyes on her as she straightened out her dupatta and draped it over her shoulder. Making me wonder how her new makeover suited her so well. Her eyes caught mine and she smiled sweetly.

" Sorry, my dear husband."

She leaned up to peck my cheek. And I melted away, interlacing our fingers together. Hand in hand we walked towards the large hall, hearing the voices dispersing out of the room. As we entered, all eyes settled on us, welcoming us in.

Looking at everyone, an idea struck me and I smirked. Just as Saboohi went a step ahead of me, I effortlessly pulled her back by snaking my arms around her waist. She gasped at the unexpected action and I kissed the crown of her head.

" I am so proud of you, Saboohi."

I whispered with all honesty and heart. A second later she moved away and I held her hand again as if nothing had happened. The silent hall room filled with voices again and everyone pretended as if they hadn't witnessed anything. Hiding teasing smiles.

Saboohi was flushing with embarassement as she gave me a glare and awkwardly cleared her throat before sitting on the sofa. I settled besides her smiling ear to ear.

" Good evening everyone."

A new voice intruded and I stood up. Seeing the man walk in with Faraal not very behind him.

" What are you doing here?"

I asked Bazid, surprised that he was supposed to be in Harvard studying. We pulled each other in a brotherly hug as Faraal ran to Saboohi.

" We have some news for you guys."

Bazid said smiling at me and Saboohi. I frowned seeing that everyones calm state already knew the news.

" I am so excited for this moment." Afaaf interjected as Bazid walked to the table in the corner of the room.

" Shush babe." Zaryaab draped an arm around his wife, hushing her.

" What is it?"

I asked impatiently as Bazid and Faraal now stood before us. Saboohi was as confused as me as she stepped besides me.

" Here."

They forwarded us a golden hard card envelope, precisely an invitation card that read, Mr. and Mrs. Jahan.

" What is this?" I asked opening the envelope.

" It's our wedding card and you guys are the first people to receive it. We are getting married next week."

Faraal said as she grinned at us. My eyes widened as I pulled out the card and read through it with Saboohi. Different emotions conquering me. I lifted my eyes and looked at Bazid.

" Did you guys not want to two years. Weren't you boosting about settling properly first?"

I asked seeing the couple share a look and Bazid scratched his head as he spoke.

" We did plan the wedding to be two years later. But after witnessing you and Saboohi, we don't want to wait any longer. We don't want a perfect opportunity to get married, we don't want the perfect situation. We have our love and that is what matters. Jahan and Saboohi you've been an inspiration to us, to love and so Faraal and I have decided to get married now."

" Oh my God."

Saboohi said from besides me and my own heart felt overwhelmed and the incredulous information. Mom sniffed as fresh tears trailed down her eyes. Her smile wide as ever.

I turned to Saboohi, gathering her hand in mine. Her own eyes were brimming with unshed tears. And I do not remember who leaned closer first. Somehow we had ended closer together. With our love crowding around us.

Her forehead against mine and her eyes boring into mine...

AHH my babies! 😭😭

What do you think, loves? 😒😭♥

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