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Durotan placed two orcs outside the tent, and he came to check on me. "How are you feeling?" he sighed as he sat down. I was a little nervous to speak and my mind was blank. "You're allowed to speak," he chuckled. 

"I...I've been better," I said. 

"I'm not surprised you took a very hard hit," he said and rested a hand on my shoulder, "you're safe here. I have many orcs who have sworn to me to protect you." I gave him a nod. 

"You're just like us. You have mates and families," I replied, he nodded and offered a huff in agreement. 

"We shouldn't be fighting orcs like you," I said trying to lean up on my elbows, the pain shot through me like a spike and I let out a whimper. 

"Hey, take it easy," he said and tried to help me to sit up. 

"Was I the only survivor?" I inquired, Durotan remained silent for so long before breaking the silence. 

"Yes," his eyes were sad. "So many of your kind died because of orcs who only want to fight and kill," his head dropped. 

"Is that not how you earn honour?" I asked attempting to catch his eyes. 

"No. Killing innocents is not," he replied, stood, said no more and left. I stared after him and carefully laid back. I looked at the bandage on my waist, blood continued to soak through and stain it. Later, the female orc returned and bought a bowl of water with her. 

"You look dreadful," she said. 

"Thanks," I said and cracked a smile, the first smile since I had been here. 

"I wanted to check your wounds, Durotan and his orcs have never been ones to tend wounds very well," she said huffing a giggle. She slowly pulled the bandage back, it was sodden and I bit my tongue. "This is worse than before." I sighed. 

"J...Just what I wanted to hear," I said, she looked at me and huffed a chuckle. "Laugh all you like, y...you're not the one laying here." 

"Hold still pink skin," she said and continued to look over my wounds.  

"Can I walk yet?" I asked impatiently. 

"No, not for a while yet you just need to rest," she cleaned my wounds, and I hissed. "Judging by the rest of the scars on your body I can tell this isn't the worst you've had." She ran her rough fingers over the scars on my body. 

"No, but I'd rather not relive those memories," I replied, I expected her to want to pull them from my mind but respectfully she gave me a nod. She rewrapped my wounds, and left me in peace except for the wind chime made of bones as its hollow bones knocked against one another, for the first time in the camp sleep came to be easier. I wasn't sure whether it was the droning voices of the orcs or the spitting of their firepits or that I was being guarded and knew I wouldn't be murdered in my sleep. 

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