Chappie one

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Three years later…

Horizon woke up. Breathing in fresh air, he walked to the mouth of the cave. Seeing Dinner, their sort of pet fox. Three times every day, he would bring him and his foster father, Stonemover breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Horizon could read minds, and probably see the future, but those powers were useless here in this cave. Stonemover’s mind was, well, stony and Dinner’s mind didn't make sense.  He gave up on his powers long ago.

“hi, Dinner. What's for breakfast today?” he asked. Dinner grunted and, swishing his tail in annoyance, as if saying you are not my master. I answer only to my master. You are a stranger. And walked into the cave to his true master, Stonemover. Dropping a squirrel and a small raccoon, the fox then walked back out of the cave to whatever family he lived with. Ducking his head, Stonemover took the squirrel and started to chew it. Entering the cave, Horizon bit into the thigh of the raccoon. As he swallowed the meat in his mouth, he tried one more time to read Stonemover’s mind.

Mmmmmmmmmm. Mmmmmmmm. Mmmmmm.

Horizon sighed. Of course. He thought. After finishing breakfast, Horizon studied Stonemover’s  stoney scales. His eyes quickly went to the one scale that had become a beautiful gemstone instead of a dull pebble. It was mainly a shiny, milky white, with swirls of light blue and green, with a small amount of orange in the center. To Horizon, the scale seemed alive, it's swirls of color seemed to swim around in the gem. It both amazed and terrified him. Stonemover shifted his body, ever so slightly, closer to the shadows of the cave. Horizon and Stonemover are like father and son. Horizon’s parents abandoned him in the desert and has somehow found his way to jade mountain and, by doing so, finding Stonemover. After that, Stonemover has always been like a father to Horizon, if not a friend.

“so, can you tell me more about your daughter, Sunny?”

It was Stonemover’s turn to sigh, but Horizon continued. “ You say that you love her a lot, but you don't talk much about her. Please. I need to know, just in case…” just in case i lose you and need to act for myself. He didn’t say that, though.

“fine,” Stonemover said. “ I'll talk to you about her. Just remember that she only came to visit once so i don't know too much about her. She was beautiful, just like her mother. Cheerful, too. She talks a lot and is really energetic, but the oddest thing about her is that she was nothing like me, even though she was half nightwing, like you. I feel really bad that I was not my best close to her. No matter how much i wanted to talk to her, i just couldn't . Now she probably hates me now, and it's all my fault.” now that Horizon heard this, he started to feel more sympathy towards Stonemover. Horizon felt that he couldn't imagine a part of family hating another, and yet, his father hated him. At least that was what he remembered.

Soon, the sun fell down, and it was another part of the world’s turn to see it. After counting the stars and staring at the two rising moons, Horizon soon fell asleep.

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