Chappie two

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Horizon woke up to loud wheezing. It was Stonemover. His breathing was terribly shallow.  Horizon rushed to help the dragon that let him into his life without complaint.

The only dragon that loved him for who he was.

"no no no no no no... please don't die" Horizon said worriedly. He grabbed Stonemover's stone talons frantically. Stonemover opened his eyes slowly. "H-Horizon?" he rasped.

"i'm here, Stonemover, i'm here." Horison said. Stonemover smiled faintly.

"my son... my only son. I know that... one day... i would have... to die. Horizon... I... love you... here." hs said plucking off his swirly gem scale, only wincing slightly. Horizon was crying now, big wet tears running down his face. Talons shaking with fear and sorrow, he took the scale, but Stonemover still held it. Closing his eyes, he started to enchant the stone, his scales slowly becoming more stone-like. "I enchant this stone... to protect the wearer... from... all harm... whenever they put... it on"

For once, Horizon could finally read Stonemover's mind. My one and only Horizon, I will never forget you. Go... take on a better life, find my daughter. She will take care of you. Horizon was too busy reading Stonemovers mind that it took him a while to notice that Stonemover had placed the gem scale, now with a delicate string put through the top, around Horizons neck. Horizons eyes, still watering, focused on the statue that had once been the dragon that had loved him. Crying, Horizon held the pendant tightly. He studied Stonemover. He was all gray, with a small gap just above his shoulder where the crystal scale should be. He also noticed that one of his forelegs had moved, and where it should be were a bunch of words:

The Obsidian mirror: Can show what a dragon is doing by saying his/her name

The Three-way Tunnel: Allows a dragon to pass through the tunnel from three tribes; the rainwings, the nightwings, and the sandwings, and come out at another.

The Lava Cauldron: Makes sure that any lava inside this cauldron won't hurt Queen Battlewinner as long as she is inside it.

The Unbreakable Message: Enchants this message scroll so that it won't break when sent to thorn. Make this scroll expand when current space is used, allowing it to be reused multiple times, and lastly, a message can only be viewed by either the writer, the receiver, or me.

Dinner: This fox will send me breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Otherwise, allow this fox to live a normal life.

Thorn's future egg: This enchantment allows thorn's possible future egg to be hidden in the sand from the three sandwing queens called Blister, Blaze, and Burn until it hatches.

My Scales: Enchants my scales to turn to stone whenever I use my magic, instead of losing my soul.

And, just below what seemed to be all his big enchantments, was a scroll. It was black, as if it was burnt, and the edges of the scroll were white.

Dear Horizon,

I hope you are reading this.  If you are, it either means that I am dead or that you have decided to leave me.  I am so sorry.  More than sorry.  I wish you could have lived a better life, with two healthy parents and adorable brothers and sisters.  Not the lazy statue that is me.
Please, if I have died, release Dinner's spell by saying my name directly at him.  When you are finished, I ask you to do and find my daughter, Sunny.  Let her know that I have always loved her and that I wished to see her again before I died.
Live life to its fullest, my dearest son.
Love with all of my stony heart,

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