Chapter 11 - And so the day is over

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Hasn't this been a fun day?


Shelby ran into class, super excited,"HI!"

"You are far too energetic." Valkyrie sighed.

"No, that's Charlotte every day." She pointed as Charlotte literally bounced into class.

Valkyrie was about to speak again when two party poppers went off. Shelby jumped back, startled.

"Who brought party poppers?" Asked Charlotte.

"I did!" A Shulk revealed himself,"My name is Mr Tobias, the power practice teacher."

Shelby brightened,"You ARE a Shulk!"

"I am!"

"I was really excited for this class!" She admitted.

"Ah, I see." Mr Tobias nodded,"Well, take a seat."

Shelby and Charlotte sat down and Valkyrie, once again, sat at the back.

"Well, welcome."

Hades strolled in, late as ever.

"Ah, another student. Welcome!" Mr Tobias smiled.

"Greetings, I guess." He shrugged.

"Well, seeing as this is power practice, seeing you has made me incredibly nervous." Mr Tobias admitted.

"I'll just take a written assignment. I don't want to blow up or kill anything." Hades put on a realistic fake smile.

"That is a very responsible thing to do, kid." Mr Tobias told him.

"'Tis the only reasonable thing to do."

Valkyrie was just glaring at him from the back of the classroom. Why couldn't she trust him? She wanted to.

Shelby snorted,"That's the first time I've ever heard you say that. I didn't know you had it in you to be responsible."

"Ass whoopings change lives." Hades pointed.

"Clearly." Mr Tobias hadn't him a few sheets of paper, one of which had questions on the abilities of other origins.


Cloud walked into class.

"Welcome to science." Mr Boyle was laid on his desk.

Ivy dragged Circe in,"Hey, this teacher totally matches your energy!"

"I was in such a good mood at the start of the day and now look at me, having an existential crisis on my desk." Mr Boyle sighed.

"Is that what we're going to be learning how to do today?" Ivy asked innocently.

Circe snorted.

"How to have a crisis? Sure, if you want. First, you become a teacher. Second, you have to teach the kid who's mum your sleeping with and who killed your dog. Third-"

"I think that's enough, sir." E.P.R spoke up.

Circe slowly put her notebook away.

"Do you need me to contact anyone, sir?" E.P.R asked him.

"No, please don't."


Jay fluttered into P.E.

"Welcome!" Mr Felidae hopped off of his ledge.

Jay nodded as Renée teleported in, Alexa flying in a couple minutes later, followed by Fern who dashed in.

"I beat'cha this time." Alexa stated proudly.

"Because I'm tired." Fern pointed.

"Fair enough."

"Righty, since you're in an energetic mood, how about you go run some laps? At your own pace, of course." Mr Felidae suggested.

"... Can I fly?" Alexa asked him.

"I don't know, can you?" Mr Felidae smirked.

"Aw, c'mon. Don't be like that, of course I can!"

"Go on then." He chuckled.

Alexa then buzzed off.

"Wait for me!" Fern dashed after her.

"I'll consider it." She called back.

"You'll be considering a lot more soon." Fern muttered.

"Like all the people who want to date me?" Alexa asked playfully.

"Who'd wanna date you?" Fern cocked her head to the side.

"Please, honey, everyone. They just don't know it yet."

"For one, I haven't seen that flirty fish say anything to you." Fern pointed.

"I'm sure you're glad about that." She smirked,"Sushi boy just hasn't met me."

"I'm not into girls." Fern sighed.

"My, u never mentioned that. Also, I have successfully distracted you." Alexa told her as she walked ahead.

Fern growled, this was getting irritating so she did the only sane thing she could think of. Jump and tackle Alexa. Such a smart idea. Alexa seemed to only see this as a minor inconvenience.

"Honey, I know I'm infuriating but to this extent? Good thing I have the featherweight ability."

"I become far less intimidating while clinging to you and floating slowly." Fern sighed.

Alexa giggled.

"Stop laughing."

This only made Alexa laugh harder.


They wiped a tear from her eye,"Sorry."

"Ah, young love." Mr Felidae hummed, sat on the grass.

Alexa winked. Fern froze, this feeling was weird and she wanted to get out of this situation.

"Hun, ya can let go of me now."

"Wanna bet?"

"Whatever you say, darling."

Fern heard that last word and decided that was it. She let go of Alexa and pretty quickly, fell to the ground.

Alexa fluttered her wings,"You can go win now."

"No, I'm dead." Fern crossed her arms.

"Aw, don't be like that. You tired? I can carry you." They offered.

"Touch me and I'll bite you." Fern pointed.

"Okay! I'll make sure to send you a jar of honey for that cranky attitude."

"Bold of you to assume I like honey."

Alexa pouted,"Bold of you to assume I've got other stuff. Unless you want flowers?"

"I don't want your gifts." Fern rolled her eyes.

Alexa hummed a little tune, acting like they hadn't heard her. Mr Felidae was sat, not even ten centimetres away with some 3D glasses on and a bag of popcorn. Jeremiah had been watching invisible the entire time and decided to appear next to Mr Felidae, who wasn't fazed.

Renée teleported beside Me Felidae as well,"You got more glasses?"

"'Course I do." He nodded,"Want some?"

"I would like some as well, please." Jeremiah told him.

"Feel free to take them." He revealed a bag of 3D glasses.

"I'm just bored and have no friends to talk to." Jeremiah shrugged, turning invisible.

This left the hilarious image of just some floating 3D glasses.

"I would say you could be my friend but I'm not sure you'd want to be friends with your teacher, that's a bit odd." Mr Felidae told him.

Renée masked a laugh with a cough,"I apologize, you look quite funny."

"Oh, I forgot you guys can see certain accessories. How silly of me." Jeremiah reappeared.

"It did look quite funny."

"I think that's going to be imprinted in my brain forever." Renée smiled.

"That's just not ideal for me." They chuckled.

"I don't think there's anything you can do about it." Renée giggled.

"Dang, ruined forever."

"No, don't worry. You'll always be a lil' insomniacs bean in my brain... With glasses." Renée assured him.

"Insomniac bean?" They blinked.


"Either you patronising me or I'm not seeing the full picture here." Jeremiah spoke jokingly.

"No, no, it's nothing like that!" Renée stuffed some popcorn in her mouth to avoid having to elaborate.

Jeremiah looked at her skeptically before forgetting he was wearing those glasses again and going invisible. Renée laughed so hard she spit out the popcorn.

It took him about a minute to realize,"I hate this."

It took a while for Renée to stop laughing. Jeremiah took the glasses off and strolled to a corner of the gym, deciding to shoot some hoops by himself.

"That's never getting out of my head!"

"Bruh." Jeremiah sighed.

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