Kill Me

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"Hey, Rin! Come on! I've got to be the first one at the gates. So by default, so do you, get your ass up!" I groaned and rolled over in my bed, nearly knocking Kuro to the ground. He angrily pawed at my face, which only woke me up more. I pushed him off of me and got out of bed, yawning and rubbing my sleepy eyes. I walked over to the bathroom and started brushing my teeth, Yukio stood in the doorway, watching me like a creep.

"I'm gonna miss your cooking," he said sweetly, I narrowed my eyes at him. He fake gasped, "maybe you can cook at the monestary, too?!" I laughed and tried not to choke on the toothpaste in my mouth. His acting was purposefully horrible, and I saw a sly look in his eyes.

I spat in the sink and rinsed my toothbrush off before picking up my comb. "You knew that there wouldn't be many good cooks at home, didn't you?" I flinched when I yanked though a snarl in my hair.

"Well, no, there are a few there that are pretty handy, but I thought it would be nice of us to take that responsibility off their hands. Just as a way to say thank you for letting us stay there." I hummed in agreement, "of course, you don't have to cook every day, there will be times where you won't be able to. But just a few times should be nice." I nodded, grabbing my toiletries and exiting the bathroom. I walked to my luggage and added my stuff to it.

Glancing back at Yukio, I noticed his casual attire. Since it wasn't a school day, we didn't have to wear our uniforms. I grabbed a t-shirt and skinny jeans from the almost empty closet and quickly changed clothes. As I pulled my shirt on, I glared at Yukio. "Pedo. Did you just watch me get undressed?" I sat down on my bed, and Kuro rubbed against my legs, lovingly. Shoving my feet into my Converse, I sighed, too bad I wasn't wearing a striped shirt and glasses, I could totally pull off being hipster.

Yukio laughed and flamboyantly flicked his wrist, "uh, sorry! But you've totally got perfect skin." His voice was high pitched and he sounded like a valley girl. No matter the humor, his words struck me.

You've got such smooth and perfect skin.

He noticed my pale face and immediately stopped his charade, "what's wrong?"

I swallowed hard, forcing a smile onto my face and walking to him. I shoved his shoulder, "'Bitchy school girl' really doesn't look good on you, maybe stick with 'annoying little brother.'" He stuck his tongue out at me, only proving my point even more. He laughed and told me to grab my things, Kuro hopped up onto my shoulder and we made our way out of the dormitory.

Walking our way to the van, I reviewed Yukio and I's relationship. Over the past year, we've grown close again. When we first started at True Cross, we were both at each other's throats, but as time passed, we regained our past attitudes. I much preferred it like this, and he seemed happier as well. With Dad gone, we only had each other, so it would've been a shame to tarnish our relationship with idiotic hatred.

Yukio recently got his drivers license, so he was our driver, may the lord protect us all. I hadn't found the time to take the courses so I was still a pedestrian, sadly. Even though he was younger than I, he sure excelled in far more subjects than me. He sat in the driver's seat and I jumped in the passenger side, immediately calling dibs for the rest of the trip.

My teal eyed twin pulled the van up to the gate, telling me that it would probably be awhile before the others would begin to show. I glanced at the radio and read the time, 9:34, guess a little music wouldn't kill us. I didn't even bother to ask Yukio before grabbing the aux cord and plugging my phone in.

"None of that headache shit." He stated and I laughed, playing Slayer. Kuro jumped up from the back seat and immediately started head banging, it was hilarious. Yukio groaned, "come on! You've got Panic! At the Disco on there, don't you? Or what about Eminem?" I, in fact, had both, but I wanted to jam. I turned the volume up and got into the rhythm. When that song ended, the beginning notes of Welcome to the Black Parade filled the van. "Oh dear God." He sighed, and I gave him a look, "no." I put a hand on his shoulder and smiled. "Fuck me."

"When I was a young boy-"

"Goddammit! My father took me into the city, to see a marching band..."

Every time.


Everyone laughed when they entered the van, Yukio and I had been singing Boulevard of Broken Dreams, and we were not holding back. I wasn't embarrassed in the slightest, it's a damn good song, I'd be offended if someone didn't sing with me. Yukio, sadly, turned down the volume and took roll call, making sure no one was missing. He pulled the van forward, motioning to the gatekeeper that we were leaving. I turned the volume back up, but got a small glare from Yukio, so I turned it back down, but only a little.

I sat in my seat, bubbly as I listened to my music. I even heard Bon start humming when Slipknot came on, I think I just gained some more respect for him. Yukio turned the music down low toward the end of our trip and I gave him a look. He rolled his eyes, a smile on his lips. "So, I thought I'd mention this before we got there, mainly for Rin's sake, though." I raised an eyebrow at him and he chuckled. "Since our Dad died, the monestary has been without a priest. But just a few months back, I got word from one of the altar boys, Sam," he directed that name toward me and I nodded, "that they finally got someone to fill Dad's shoes."

Oh, I didn't like the idea of someone replacing Dad. However, I knew it would happen eventually, and besides, the new priest would be replacing Dad's work position, not the role as our father. I hummed, deciding to give this newbie a chance.

Yukio laughed lightly, "I saw that look, Nii-san, don't worry, it's someone we know. He's from a nearby town."

Alright, that made me feel much better, at least it wasn't some cocky kid. "Who is it? Ooh, is it Father Clark? He was always really nice. Or, oh, uhhh, I forgot his name, Dad always used to play cards with him, even though he told us he never gambled."

"Father Joh?"

"Yeah, him?"

"Nope," he laughed at my confused expression. I suddenly had a suspicion and it made my stomach twist. "Father Naito took over the monestary," oh no, those words immediately made me feel weak, "he was retired, but decided that he would fill in until we found someone to take his place. He hopes to be there a few years before retiring again." I didn't bother to answer, I just stared at the road passing underneath us. I thought I escaped him and all the hell that surrounded him. I bit my lip hard and tried to keep my cool.

Yukio kept blabbering, this time he directed it to my classmates. "I swear, Rin and Father Naito always left me out of the fun." My eyes widened, what the fuck? "Nii-san always told me that they would play games in his room, but when I would ask to join, he would freak out and tell me no." He elbowed me from his seat, "were you worried he wouldn't spend any time with you if I came along?" This was a fucking joke. "I'd wake up in the mornings to find that he wasn't in the room, Dad always told me that Rin would pretend to be sick or have a nightmare, just so he could sleep with Father Naito." Sleep with Father Naito, wrong choice of words. Yukio laughed at my expression, "I knew you'd be shocked, but hey, it's been years since you last saw him, so I'm not surprised. Aren't you glad, Rin?"

Kuro spoke up for the first time during the trip, "are you okay, Rin?"

I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat, "yeah." I answered both of them, but Kuro didn't sound very convinced.

My twin rolled his eyes, "Wow, you're oozing happiness." He brushed my behavior off though.

I stayed silent for the rest of the trip, ignoring the music that had, just minutes ago, made me cheerful. He was at the monestary, and I would be staying there for five days, it was almost exactly like before. I mentally shook myself out of my thoughts, no, it wasn't like before. I had friends with me and I was much older, I could handle this.

The familiar roads of my hometown passed by and I felt my body grow numb from the anxiety. I nervously fidgeted in my seat when Yukio parked the van in the monestary drive way. "Aright, lets go!" He got out of the vehicle and opened the hatch in back, pulling out some of our luggage. Kuro jumped on my shoulder and I slowly unfastened my seatbelt, opened the door, and slid my feet to the ground. The looming building before me has never seemed so menacing, all thoughts of 'home' were erased. "Rin! Come on! I'm not carrying your stuff in!"

I closed my eyes and sighed deeply before moving to the rear of the vehicle and grabbing my things. I hid in the back of the group as my brother rung the doorbell. An altar boy answered and I recognized his face, "Yukio-kun, Rin-kun! It's been so long, welcome home! And hello everyone, welcome as well. Here, come inside." He moved to the side and ushered us in. The familiar sights of my childhood home did nothing to calm my anxiety.

"Father! The twins and their guests are here!" I flinched at his words. I didn't want to be here, not for five whole days. No, I couldn't think about this right now, not in front of everyone else.

"I'm coming, I'll be right there." I felt my stomach twist violently when I heard that voice. Footsteps echoed off the church walls and my eyes glued to the floor in front of me. "Ah! You boys get more handsome every single year." His cooing made me feel sick and I wanted to make a mad dash out of his sight.

Yukio laughed, "No need to flatter us, Father Naito. You're looking as dapper as always." I raised my gaze from the floor, regretting it when I met his eyes. His dark hair was neatly trimmed as was his goatee. He may have been retired, but he was actually over a decade younger than Dad. His dark brown eyes were piercing into mine and I immediately felt helpless in my own home.

"Rin, how are you? For someone who hasn't seen me in three years, you don't seem very chipper." Those eyes, they looked cheerful from the outside, but I knew, I saw deeper and was met with an expectant look.

"I-I'm alright, how are you?" My eyes widened and I quickly added, "sir."

He chuckled, and I felt extremely uncomfortable, "I'm just dandy. How about you youngsters get comfortable." He waved us off and we all dragged our luggage to the back of the church, where Yukio directed everyone to their rooms. I pulled my luggage into Yukio room, sighing when I realized that some of the guys had moved a mattress into the already small space. I threw my bag onto the bed I knew wasn't Yukio's and began to unpack. My mind was in a downward spiral and I started biting my nails with anxiety.

I heard my brother enter the room and start unpacking as well, but I suddenly felt him grab my shoulder and whip me around, a small noise escaping my mouth. His eyes looked angry, "What the hell was that about?" He shouted.


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