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I gave him a puzzled look and he sighed, letting go of me. "What the hell was that just now? You were so formal with Father Naito, it was almost uncomfortable. There's no need to scare the other's like that, just be casual with him like always. Sheesh." I blinked a few times as he walked away, unpacking his bag. He was uncomfortable because of Father Naito and me? Heh, good thing he never knew about what happened behind closed doors all those years.

The thoughts of those times sent a shiver through me and I pushed down my emotions. I was proud of myself, to be completely honest, I'm currently residing in the same building as he was, and I'm not having a meltdown. Now I just needed to do this for five full days, hopefully four if the exorcism goes well.

I heard a knock on the door and Yukio answered it, Bon appearing on the other side, "uh, Rin? Could you come to your room, quick?" A wrinkle formed between my brow and I told Kuro to stay in the room as I exited and followed Bon next door.

"I didn't want to move anything of yours, because, you know, it's yours. But in the process of unpacking, I accidentally knocked some things off your desk." He sounded worried as he opened the door to my old bedroom and I saw Koneko and Shima trying to pick glass off the floor.

"Hey, you don't have to do that." I kneeled down and started to help them, picking up the shattered frame, the photo inside was one of Dad, Yukio, and I from about five years ago. We had gone to the circus right after he came back from his annual trip. I knew now that those were meetings for the Paladin to attend, not that it really matters now.

"I'm so sorry, Rin. I didn't mean-"

I cut him off, a sad smile on my face, "It's okay, Bon. The picture is fine, it's just some broken glass, I can always get another frame for it." I gazed at the picture and my smile faltered, I wished that Dad was here, he could help me through this.

"I'll get you another frame, alright? I broke it." Bon insisted, but I waved him off, standing and setting the broken frame and picture on my desk. I turned to walk out of the room, but Suguro stopped me, an apologetic look on his face. "Um, could you maybe help us? I'd hate to break something else of yours." I shrugged and helped move some of my furniture around, having all three of them in this room was kind of a stretch, I felt bad for them.

"Alright, is this good?" I asked once we had shifted my old dresser and desk to the far corner of the room. All three of them nodded and I went to go open the door, seeing Yukio with his hand raised, ready to knock. I raised an eyebrow, "what is it?"

He shrugged, "I was just about to gather everyone up. We are going over to that warehouse to do the first exorcism. Alright?" I nodded and the guys behind me followed me out into the hallway. I quickly went next door to my new room and grabbed the Kurikara, throwing it over my shoulder and saying goodbye to Kuro before returning back to the hallway. Yukio performed the same routine for Izumo and Shiemi, and soon, we were all gathered in a group. Yukio motioned us to follow him and as we passed some of the workers, I waved. I really did miss some of the familiar faces.

When we got out to the van, I called shotgun again. Some of the boys grumbled about that and I had to smirk. Yukio snapped me out of my immaturity and turned to look at the others in back, "alright, so here is the plan."


"Rin! Behind you!" I heard Shiemi's voice and immediately turned on my heels, swinging my sword and slashing through the black mist that nearly engulfed me. We had been at this for hours, and I was starting to feel the effects of exhaustion. All I wanted was to go home, eat, and then sleep. More mist appeared from the walls and I did my best to hit the demon in the center of it. These fuckers used some type of air camouflage, and it was a pain in the ass to hit them.

I spotted Yukio through the vapor and made sure not to swing in his direction, we were the only two in the group with actual weapons, so we were being used as bait. Shiemi and Izumo were using their familiars in an outer circle around us, while Bon, Shima, and Koneko chanted scriptures and acted as a barrier so that no demons could get out and none could break in. We would use this method in every room until we couldn't find any more vermin, then pack up and move over to the next area.

Thankfully, we were in the last room, however, it was the largest, and it had already been an hour since we entered. I swung my weapon into the mist again and heard the demon cry out before withering into nothing. Come on, just a few more! I heard Izumo order her familiars and I suddenly felt them fly past my feet, snarling, good lord that could've gone in the wrong direction. I heard them bark and growl, then heard Yukio fire more shots. I groaned, swinging my shoulders and hitting more demons.

The mist was beginning to clear and I could see Yukio's upper half, thank god. We were nearing the end of today's mission. Within a few more swings, nearly all the mist was irradiated. Then, I heard a cry from Yukio, "What the fuck!" He never swore in front of the class, something had to have happened. I ran in his direction, noticing how some of the mist was starting to target him. I felt blue flames lick at my skin and I slashed at them, making damn sure not to hit my little brother.

I dropped to my knees when they disappeared, "what's wrong?"

He looked at me and I saw pain in his eyes, "Kamiki-chan's familiar bit me." My eyes widened, and I turned to the fox dogs with anger in my eyes. I faintly heard one of them apologize, something about not being able to see. I sighed and heard the others walk up behind me, the demons must be gone.

"Nee! I need Mr. Faust." Shiemi stated, moving down to Yukio's leg and revealing a demon bite.

I turned to the canine familiars again, "you need to be more careful, you nearly hit my legs too." I started to hear them both protest, "I don't wanna hear it, alright? Just be more cautious of your surroundings." They begrudgingly obeyed, the one sighing as his pride was hurt.

I heard Yukio laugh, "You sound crazy, it's like you're talking to yourself." I smiled and looked at him, Shiemi had patched up his leg, so I put an arm around his torso and helped him to his feet. "I can walk," he stated and I dropped my hold of him, but I was cautious just in case he stumbled. He seemed to be telling the truth, though, and he turned to us. "Good job, guys, this is as far as we will get today. Overnight, the demons will multiply more, but not to the extent of today." He checked his watch and motioned us to follow him. "Looks like we will make it back just in time for dinner."

I groaned in relief, "thank god, I could eat an entire buffet." I patted my growling stomach, my friends laughing.

Yukio chuckled, "from what I know, Nii-san, you have eaten an entire buffet." Pfft, liar, but I laughed anyway, glad he was okay.

"I call shotgun!"

"Goddammit Suguro!"

"And I call dibs on the aux cord."

"Great, just great, now we will have to listen to Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga."

"Shut the hell up!"


Maybe I was over exaggerating when I said he listened to pop, I was actually very happy with his music selection, heavy metal was the shit. When I opened the van door in front of the monestary, the smell of miso soup wafted into the vehicle. I laughed and shoved Shima as we raced inside, both of us had complained the entire way back about our hunger. One of the alter boys, Amai I think, laughed and told us that dinner was ready. The kitchen was on the upper floor of the monestary, along with the dining room and a few more guest rooms.

I raced up the stairs and grabbed myself a bowl, another altar boy whom I had know my entire life, laughed, his name was Sam. "Oi, Rin-kun, you're the same as always, just make sure to save some for the rest of the group." I just hummed and sat down at a table, pretty much shoveling food into my mouth, eating in silence.

After awhile, I heard Yukio's voice. "Honestly, Nii-san, it's impolite to hold the bowl to your mouth like that, eat properly." He sat across from me and a few of the other began to sit down as well.

I licked my lips and gave him a snooty look, "sorry, mommy dearest."

Laughter erupted throughout the entire room, and I took pride in my joke. I saw Sam walk up behind Yukio, "Rin-kun, could you do us a favor when you're done?" I hummed, and he pointed to the corner of the room. "Could you take those boxes down to the first floor? Preferably next to the pews, we wanted to redecorate a bit for the winter season. However, those boxes are heavy, and you're the strongest one here."

I laughed, "sure, but don't flatter me, it'll go to my head." Yukio scoffed and I glared at him. I was done eating anyway, I had swallowed all my food within a few minutes, I was hungry, okay? I got up from my seat and grabbed my dirty dishes, walking to the sink and setting them inside. I stretched and yawned, I was looking forward to laying down in bed later, I was tired of standing.

Whistling a tune, I entered the dining room again and grabbed the two boxes Sam had pointed out. Heaving them up, I realized that they were, in fact, heavy. "Jeez, Sam! What kind of decorations do you have in here?!" I grunted, walking toward the stairs.

"Old-timey ones, they are made out of stone and concrete." I gawked, no wonder I was wheezing. "Be careful walking down, you can't see where you're going!" Duh, I knew that, I felt out the first step and stepped down cautiously, repeating the process for every stair. About halfway down, I noticed how the top box was starting to fall, I started to quicken my pace, but I only made it a few more steps before the box teetered of the edge of the other.

I tried saving it, shifting the first box lower and reaching out with my left hand. I lost my balance and my foot slipped off the step, I feel backward and my ass landed right on the edge of a stair, "gck!" It got worse for me, sadly, as the heavy boxes landed on my chest. I coughed and gasped after I pushed the damned things off me, holding my battered chest with my hands.

"Did you just fall?!" Shima howled in laughter from upstairs and I promised myself I'd make him pay for it. Yukio, Sam, and Bon appeared at the top of the steps and I blushed from my sitting position. The trio quickly started cackling, too, and I stood, feeling my tail flick behind me. It must have wiggled its way out while I was falling. Yukio treaded down the stairs and picked up the lightest box, stating that he would help me. I begrudgingly accepted, snapping a few choice words at him when he continued to laugh at my pain.

We set the boxes down in front of the altar and I sighed in relief, "ow, fuck me, I landed on my ass." Yukio laughed loudly as I shifted uncomfortably.

"Rin? May I have a word with you?" I froze, I almost felt ashamed for forgetting he was here, but the shame was easily consumed by the fear that coursed through my body. I slowly turned to my left, looking down the altar to where Father Naito stood.

"Uh, why, sir?" I glanced at Yukio with a 'help me' expression, but he merely laughed.

"Well, first I'd like to talk about your language, as a sixteen year old boy, I don't think you should be speaking that way." I flickered my eyes back in his direction, watching as he approached me and then suddenly grabbed my tail, I yelped. "And, I'd like to talk about this, too."

My voice wavered, "m-my tail, sir?"

His eyes grew darker, "No, the 'son of Satan' thing. I was in the same boat as you, I had no idea, so I'd like to chat." He motioned me to follow him, "let's go to my room."

My eyes darted to Yukio, but he didn't see anything wrong with the situation and shrugged. I felt my stomach twist violently, "uh, can't we talk out here?" He was silent for a moment and I realized I'd forgotten to address him as 'sir.' It was too late for that now.

He chuckled lightly, "voices echo too much in here, besides, the wooden pews can become uncomfortable after some time. I'll even admit that." He and Yukio laughed and I tried to chuckle, but the anxiety in my chest was clawing at my throat. "Come now, Rin."

Yukio pushed me to get me walking and I stumbled next to Father Naito, he put and hand on my shoulder and started directing me toward his room. Flashes of previous memories entered my mind and I felt my breathing hitch. I kept my eyes downcast, and more flashbacks haunted me. It was happening again, I was about to relive my hell.

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