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If you don't understand why I'm giving a warning about this chapter, you're too naïve to be reading this story. Read at your own risk.

He shut the door behind us and locked it.

It's okay, it's been three years, maybe he's changed. Maybe he regrets everything and wants to apologize. He could be telling the truth, he could just want to talk.

I walked to the far corner of the room and turned around, he was a few feet away from me, waiting for me to say something. I opened my mouth and tried to find my confidence, "so, what did you, uh," dark brown eyes pierced mine, "w-want to talk about?" He took a step forward and I closed my eyes, "gck!" I raised my left hand to my cheek, rubbing away the sting of his strike.

"Who are you talking to?" His voice was nothing like it was when he talked to Yukio or the others, it was low and hostile. The familiar smell of peppermint candy wafted from his mouth to my nose and my trembling increased.

I took a shaky breath, "y-you, sir."

I heard him huff, "didn't seem like it before." He grabbed me under the chin, forcing me to open my eyes and look at him. "Who am I?"

"Father Naito, sir." There it was again, that helpless feeling, sneaking itself into my words. I looked up at his looming figure and I felt my heart hammer against my chest.

He hummed lowly, "and who are you?" His grip relaxed on my chin and his hand slowly slid down to my neck, his touch light and almost loving. It made my stomach churn.


He put pressure on my windpipe and I wheezed slightly. Please, I don't want to do this, I don't want to...

"I don't have all day!" He pushed my backward, the back of my head hitting the wall. I was completely cornered, there was no way out.

"I'm," my words were quiet and shaky, "I'm yours, sir." My voice broke, and I was starting to feel my resistance starting to slip.

He hummed lowly, his words turning husky. My eyes welled up with tears and I didn't bother trying to conceal them. "That's right, ain't it?" He bent down, his face inching closer to mine, "I'm glad you aren't like your brother, for many reasons." The hand on my neck gently stroked across my skin while the other encircled my torso. A small sound escaped my throat and I berated myself for showing vulnerability. "I've always liked you short and frail, I'm glad you've stayed like that after all these years."

I closed my eyes but they immediately shot open again when he roughly grabbed my tail. I cried out and he let go of my throat, shoving his fingers in my mouth. Not this again, please... I choked around the intruders, tears slipping from my eyes. His other hand stroked my tail, feeling the short hairs that grew longer as it reached the tip. His lips brushed against my earlobe and his breath tickled my neck, I whimpered.

"You know, there was a point where I was starting to regret doing this to you, an innocent child." My wide eyes grew wider, and I focused on the wallpaper of the room, tracing the design. He regretted hurting me? "But then I got wind that Rin Okumura was the son of Satan, and I immediately started to crave you again. If anything, doing this to you is a good thing, vermin like you deserve to be hurt." His grip on my tail tightened and I squeezed my eyes shut. "You're not an innocent child, so this isn't a sin."

He dropped my tail and started to wander underneath my clothes. I whimpered and shook, trying to beg him to stop. He pulled his fingers from my mouth and used both hands to lift my shirt. I shakily pushed at his arms, "p-please..." he sighed, digging his nails into my ribs.

I gasped and he took the opportunity to shoved his mouth onto mine, invading it with his filthy tongue. I struggled harder, shoving him away and feeling a bit of confidence rise when he looked surprised, "No! I don't want this!" My voice was stern, but it held no effect, he quickly regained his composure and slapped me.

I felt my body become engulfed in flames and I glared up at him with venom in my eyes. He looked unimpressed, "Tch, I wouldn't do anything rash, if you hurt me, it's my word against yours. Who do you think everyone will believe; a highly respected priest, or a no good brat with demon blood in his veins?" I faltered and my flames started to flicker out, he took advantage of my hesitation and grabbed me by the neck again. He raised me up off of my feet, my small form wasn't an issue for him to lift, obviously. "If you so much as scratch me, I'll report you to the Grigori who will order your immediate execution."

All confidence left my body and I stopped my struggling, gasping for air as he pushed against my windpipe. His laugh was low, almost like a growl as he whipped me around, tossing me to the bed. My head smacked against the headboard and I sobbed, heart hammering even harder as I realized what was to come. He was being extremely rough, he'd never hit me before, but this is what happens when people find out your Satan's son; they stop caring.

I felt him press his body against my back, pulling me into him tightly, I sobbed harder as I felt his erection press against me through the fabric. He quickly reached around and undid my pants, "you were practically begging me to take you when you walked in wearing this tight thing." He pushed my skinny jeans down and I struggled against his hold on me. His words echoed in my head as he pulled on my boxers, If you so much as scratch me, I'll report you to the Grigori.

"Please!" I begged, tears streaming down my face as I tried to cover myself up. "This is rape, please don't touch me.." I hiccuped and he laughed, pushing me down on the mattress, his fingers caressing my bare skin.

"The Grigori had your basic rights stripped, or do you not remember that? You've become a prisoner, and you know what happens to pretty little things like you in prison?" His fingers invaded me and I cried out loudly, he shoved my face down into the covers, muffling the sounds. "You're so tight, I'm going to enjoy this."

I sobbed into the covers, losing all hope of stopping his assault. He added a finger and I bit my lip, shaking my head. Someone help me, save me, hear us and come investigate, anything... Of course, no one came, they never did, and I was forced to endure the pain alone. He withdrew his fingers and placed himself at my entrance, he grabbed my tail roughly and used it to pull me to him. I screamed in agony, he wasn't being cautious, he was just thinking of himself. Pain erupted from below and I felt bile rise in my throat. I clamped a hand over my mouth and gripped the duvet below me.


He finished, shoving himself off of me and moaning. "You're a good piece of ass, kid." I heard him rustle about, probably fixing his clothes. He cleared his throat and I heard the door open and shut behind him.

I lay motionless on top of the mattress, my entire body aching and my rear end throbbing. I wiped the tears from my face, pulling the covers from the bed and hugging them to me. For three years, I escaped this feeling, this pain, but I had been left with nightmares and flashbacks. Laying on the bed, feeling like a cheap whore, I didn't know which hell I'd prefer.

Sniffling, I pushed myself up, groaning in pain. I practically slid off the bed, kneeling on the floor with my hands holding my abdomen. It hurt so bad, I had forgotten this pain, but now it was back and in full throttle. I breathed a few calming breaths before gritting my teeth and rising to my feet. I stood still for what seemed like an hour, letting my body get used to the pain. I felt fluid leak down my thigh and I nearly vomited. Breathing as evenly as possible, I pulled up my boxers and jeans, feeling slightly better with my privates covered.

I took a few steps, feeling the ache in my abdomen and rear start to get worse. You can do this, Rin. Just walk slowly, take little steps, and maybe take a few breaks. I breathed a sigh before stepping toward the door, peeking out and becoming relieved when no one was around. Quickly but cautiously, I made my way to Yukio's room. I knocked on the door, composing myself and waiting for him to answer. After a few moments, I knocked again, no answer.

I opened the door and saw no one inside, well, except for Kuro, which worked out perfectly for me. I hurried to my side of the room and bent down to open my suitcase, grunting as pain stabbed into me. I ignored Kuro's concerned questions and I grabbed a shirt, boxers, and pajama bottoms before standing again. I was becoming winded by all the exertion, but I pushed through the anguish and made my way to the nearby bathroom. Conveniently, no one was in it, had it been any other time, I would've wondered where everyone was.

I shut the room door and locked it, releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding. I carefully removed my clothes, clamping a hand over my mouth and bending over the toilet at the mixture of substances on my boxers. I coughed up my dinner and then some, dry heaving and sobbing as the motion ripped at my abdomen. I gasped and choked on my own cries, pushing myself away from the bowl and rising to my feet.

I grabbed a rag from the cabinet and turned on the shower with shaky hands. I stepped inside, letting the warm water thrum against my skin and relax my sore muscles. I scrubbed the rag against my skin, the phantom feeling of hands tracing my thighs, my neck... I leaned against the tile wall, gasping for air. I dared not to close my eyes in fear of past visions taking over.

After a moment, I sighed, continuing to clean my body. No matter how hard I scrubbed or how long I let the water wash over me, I never felt better. I hissed as I passed the cloth over my lower entrance, watching as pink water swirled around the bottom of the shower and down the drain. How pathetic, I'm stronger than him but I couldn't fend him off, now I have been left to clean up his mess. I sighed, dropping the rag and placing my hands on the wall, letting the stream hit my face.

I stayed like that for a few minutes before turning the water off and stepping out of the shower. I reached into the cabinet and retrieved a towel, drying my hair and wrapping it around my waist. I stared at myself in the foggy mirror, the red marks along my body would no doubt turn into the shadows of bruises. I reminded myself to wear long sleeves around the others, thankfully, I had packed for the coming winter weather.

I dressed myself and exited the bathroom, holding my laundry and towel. I tossed my clothes into the hamper in Yukio's room, but walked to the end of the hallway to rid myself of the towel.

I heard laughter coming from the church, so I quietly made my way in its direction. I peaked around the corner and saw my friends huddled together on the pews, Father Naito and Yukio talking expressively. I stepped into the room, not sure whether or not I'd regret it.

Shiemi spotted me first, "Rin, where were you?"

"U-uh, I was taking a shower, where were you guys?"

Yukio turned, a smile on his lips, "I took the group around town, showing them all the places we liked to go as kids. Did you know that the circus is coming to True Cross on Tuesday? I told everyone that we might be able to go together if we stay on schedule." I forced a laugh, leaning against the wall behind me.

I yawned, "well, I'm tired, so I'm gonna go to bed."

"It's barely passed nine," Yukio laughed, but I waved him off. "Fine, I'll be doing the same within the hour. Goodnight."

I hummed, my face falling once I was out of their view. I dragged my feet to my room, laying down on the old mattress and covering my head with the blankets. I had a little less than an hour to cry myself to sleep, starting now.

I felt Kuro jump up onto my bed, "Rin...? Are you okay?" It was sad how the feline who only knew me for a year understood my emotions better than my own brother.

"Kuro.... I can't talk about it right now." I whispered and he relented, curling up against my body and falling asleep.

I tried to do the same, and needless to say, I had many nightmares that night.

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