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The next day, I was eager as I entered the first class of cram school. We weren't having normal lessons today, we'd be given information about our mission then sent off to pack and enjoy the rest of our Friday before starting our work tomorrow. I sat in my usual seat next to Shiemi and she gave me a look, I sighed, deciding to not let this bring down my mood. "Yesterday was... I'm sorry for worrying you." There was really no good way to explain it, I guess, otherwise Yukio wouldn't be so concerned after all this time.

She placed a hand on my arm, "don't apologize, Rin. We're your friends, we worry about you for good reasons. And if you need to talk, any of us would be more than ready to listen." Her words soothed me and I smiled, thanking her.

"Alright." Oh, Yukio was already here, I turned to face the front of class, eagerly awaiting instructions. "Tomorrow, we will be heading a little under thirty minutes north for a mission that will last a few days. You've been excused from Monday and Tuesday's academic courses. However, the possibility of the mission extending to Wednesday is possible, and if that happens, you will have to call yourselves into school. These will not count as absences, of course, seeing as how you are on a school trip." He picked up some chalk and began to write on the board.

"You'll need to pack clothes for a total of five days and four nights, bring the essentials and toiletries as well. I assume this is common knowledge, however. Anyway, you will also need to pack your Exorcist equipment, Tamer's, I suggest you bring multiple summoning circles just in case. Also, everyone bring some money, although our family monestary has agreed to feed us for the most part, some meals will be put on yourselves." He moved away from the checklist, starting on a clean area of the chalkboard. "We will be leaving at 10 in the morning tomorrow, so I'd suggest waking up at 9 or earlier. We will be taking a van with us, the seven of us are just small enough to fit inside a regular vehicle. We will meet at the gates and take roll call, so please don't make me hunt you down." He said the words lightly, but I knew he was serious, I'd hate to track down a bunch of teenagers, too. "Any questions?"

Izumo raised her hand, "what is this mission about exactly?"

"Ah, I was going to save that for our trip there, but I supposed I could summarize it for you. Essentially, we will be eliminating demons over the course of a few days in a building that is scheduled to be remodeled. These demons tend to hide and multiply quickly. So it's not a quick exorcism, as some demons would slip through the cracks of our plans. That's pretty much it, anyone else?"

Shima raised his hand and Yukio called on him. "We are staying at the Okumura residence?" Yukio hummed and nodded. "But there are seven of us, where will we all sleep?"

"Good question, since we lived in a monestary, we have multiple rooms for our altar boys and guests to stay in. However, if I remember correctly, we recently hired a few more men. So, the girls will be staying in the left over guest room while the boys will stay in Rin's old room. He and I will be staying in my room."

I cut in, playfully jabbing at him. "Tch, of course you'd choose to stay in that quaint little place." His eyes filled with mirth and a smile crossed his face, all professionalism lost.

"It's not my fault that you got the bigger room as the older sibling. And besides, Bon, Shima, and Koneko need more space than the two of us, so it's only fair that they get the larger room." He smiled brighter, "why? Are you hiding something in that closet of yours?"

I gawked, "pfft! You're delusional." My peers were cackling at our antics, oh how different we became when we talked like brothers.

He chuckled, but slid back into his teacher mode. "Alright, you all have the rest of the night off. Remember, 10 am we are leaving. Class dismissed." We all stood from our seats, talking excitedly to one another.

"Rin-kun, you're so lucky to have a brother like Okumura-sensei. My brother is a total goof." Shima caught up to me, rubbing his neck and smiling like a dork.

"Uh," I chuckled, "I think you're the goof in your family." He looked offended for a moment as the others laughed at my joke, but he quickly smiled, reluctantly agreeing.


"Five days and four nights, do you really think we can handle all seven of us at the monestary for so long?" Yukio paused his packing and laughed, the sound bringing a smile to my face. "I mean, by the end of the third day, I would be surprised if Izumo-chan hadn't nearly choked someone half to death. And Suguro, well, yeah, 'nuff said." He laughed harder and I considered it a mission accomplished.

I placed my clothes in my suitcase carefully, the organization making me feel slightly happier. "I'm sure everyone will be okay, you've known each other for over a year. And if you are all finding it difficult to get along, I guess this mission will also be a lesson on teamwork, as well." I groaned at that, perfect, that doesn't sound fun. I grabbed the Kurikara, sighing. Yukio seemed to know what I was thinking, "you envy Shura's seal markings, don't you?"

"Tch, of course. Carrying this thing around everywhere is a pain in the ass. To get a marking like that and just keep my sword locked inside. That's awesome! Ugh, too bad I'm months away from being considered for such a thing." I closed my suitcase and set it and the Kurikara next to my bed.

He chuckled, "gotta take the easy way out, huh? I gotta carry my pistols, extra clips, and special bullets. Yet, you're complaining about a sword?"

I glared at him, well when you put it like that, of course it sounded lazy. He put his hands up defensively, but a smile played on his lips. I rolled my eyes, deciding to change the topic. "Where is Kuro, is he coming along? I'd hate to leave him alone here for five whole days."

He pondered that for a moment, zipping up his suitcase and sitting on his bed. "Sure, bring him. He's your familiar, after all. Plus, he might be able to help us with his demon telepathy."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "I have demon telepathy, too, you know..."

He chuckled, "yeah, but be honest with yourself, it isn't as strong as a normal demon."

"Heh, I would take offense in that, but I'll actually take the fact that I'm not a normal demon as a compliment." He laughed, but suddenly turned serious. He got off his mattress and walked over to me, hugging me close. The amount of physical attention I got from him in the past few months was staggering, but I quite liked it. Well, after I stopped having a mini panic attack, that is.

"Will you be okay on this trip, Nii-san?" I nodded my head immediately but he tsked. "No, I'm serious, think about it, will you be okay?" I knew that the only way I wouldn't be alright was if I dwelled on the past while at the monestary. The building held too many memories, both good and bad.

I nodded, a small smile on my lips, "if you promise to keep me busy, there shouldn't be an issue."

He gave me a mischievous look and he smiled, "I'm sure I won't be the only one who will do that." I gave him a puzzled look but I completely forgot everything when he moved his hands to jab at my rib cage.

"Ah! You fucker!" He quickly pinned me onto my bed, laughing hard as he raked his fingers up my sides. I burst into hysterics, flailing about and trying to push him off of me. He dug his fingers into my collarbone and I nearly howled in laughter. I was laughed so hard I could barely breathe and my vision was clouded with tears. "St-ahp! I forfeit! Please!"

He laughed darkly, "you can't forfeit in a fight you never agreed to." Oh that bastard, if I didn't stop him, he'd bruise me real good. Through my laughter and tears, I found his pressure point and jabbed at it, he made a weird noise and flinched, which I took advantage of and flipped us over so he was pinned.

"Haha, asshole, it's your turn now." I tickled his sides mercilessly and his laughter filled my ears. I thought back to the times when we would do this as little kids, and how I always won. I had always been taller than him up until puberty. That train hit Yukio harder than a damn rocket while I was still the same height as most girls. Sigh. "Gck!" He somehow found a way to reverse our positions again. However, this time, I was on my stomach with my hands pinned against my back.

"Hasn't Shura told you not to lose focus while in combat, especially close combat?" I scoffed and he laughed, his and my breathing labored and both of us sweating like pigs.

"You better shower soon, or else you're gonna stink up the whole room." He slapped my back and I grunted in pain. He followed my advice though and got off of me, grabbing some clothes and walking to the bathroom. I decided that I'd do the same, the water pressure at the monestary wasn't as high as it was at the academy, so I'd prefer to shower one last time here.

I haven't seen the guys back home in awhile, it'd be nice to see them again. I recalled how Yukio stated that we had hired more hands and I hoped that I could become close friends with the newbies.

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