Ch.2 First Battle With A Stick

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Link and (Y/N) paced themselves as they darted straight towards the Old Man. He is sitting near a wooden fire, looking up at the two with a slight hope in his eyes. Seeing people on the plateau has him knowing Hyrule is finally saved.

"Ho ho!" He barks out a burst of tiny laughter, leaning up to see both of them. "It's rare to see a soul out here. What are the likes of you two doing out here?"

Link stopped just short of a few inches, gasping for breath. His body still feels drained of life. "We came from... a cave."

(Y/N) rolled her eyes, "Wow. Might as well have said we took a sword from an old man in a cave as well."

The Old Man laughed as Link glared at her. "That would have been exciting." He glanced over his shoulder and nudged in the other direction. "I don't know where you're heading, but the temple is just up ahead."

"Temple?" Link asked.

"Temple of Time. It's a sight to behold. There are monsters up ahead so be careful young ones."

"Thanks," (Y/N) pushed Link ahead, making him stumble. "We'll go on ahead and leave you alone."

Link walked along as they said their goodbyes. Once they were out of eyesight, Link revealed an apple from behind his back.

"Whoa, when did you get that?" (Y/N) said, looking at the baked apple in Link's hand.

"I got it while he was talking. It was on the ground so I figured he didn't want it anymore." Link said, taking a bite out of the apple.

(Y/N) stopped on the middle of the path and looked at Link, glaring at him and snagging the apple away from his hand. "You can't just take stuff from people! I know you're probably hungry because you just woke up, but you're going to have to scavenge for food on your own."

Link sighed, walking past her and picking a stick up along the path. "Thanks. I didn't mean to take it, I was just so hungry my mind wasn't thinking in the right place." He paused, looking back at the faint glowing edge of blue around her figure. "Don't you need to eat as well?"

She rolled her eyes as she started to glide, floating around the winds breezing past them. "Didn't you listen back in the cave? I've been awake for one hundred years. I haven't eaten, or drunk, anything for that long. I guess I'm a spirit... though I feel just as alive as anything else would ever be. I could try eating something... but not that apple, it's been on the ground."

Once they stumbled upon some ruins, they heard cries in the distant. They both stopped moving and knew there was a monster nearby. Link's heart started to pound, sparse memories of how to fight were coming back to him. His left hand holding the stick grew tighter as he smiled with determination.

"I'm going to test my skills out." Link crouched down and slowly edged his way towards the monster.

"This is going to be good." (Y/N) smirked and drifted upwards, lurking in a nearby tree to watch.

The monster had its back turned as Link slowly came out of his position, and lept forward, smacking the tree branch on the monster's head. It flew forward and hit the ruined wall, but it reacted quickly. It became agitated and charged Link, but Link responded in time and swung the tree branch left and right, hitting the monster's ribcage with pressure and force. The tree branch broke soon after Link destroyed the monster as it disappeared into dust.

Link was too busy looting the guts and the club the monster left when another one begin sneaking behind him. (Y/N) watched, but was hesitant on reacting. She didn't know if he noticed but knew he didn't once the monster smacked him behind with the club. She heard Link gasp and smack into the wall in front of him.

A swell of dread came over her as she dashed straight towards Link. The monster was going to hit him twice, but (Y/N) summoned a sword into her hand. She sliced the monster behind the back as it evaporated instantly. The sword glowed a bright blue, enough to create Link's shadow in front of him. She dashed towards Link and helped him up, feeling the health haven't yet be returned to him.

She flung one arm over her shoulder and started dragging him towards the huge formation on the hill of ruins. "You idiot! Your strength hasn't returned to you yet. You're stupid to think a tree branch can kill a monster."

Link couldn't speak as he could hardly breathe. He was turning paler by the second, knowing he needed healing fast. They reached the building without having any trouble (only because (Y/N) was slicing every monster in her path) and set Link down to let him rest. She focused all her energy and forced it into him, giving life back into him.

Link's energy was coming back to him as he could breathe normally, color returned to his face. He cleared his throat and stood up, shaking a tiny bit. "Thanks," he said, looking around the building. "What is this place?"

(Y/N) stood up and walked towards the statue of Hylia. The age of time hadn't been kind to the Goddess as moss and nature have taken over the statue. "This is The Temple of Time. I feel deep down this place is special and used to have a grander purpose. But, now that time has destroyed it, I don't know what this place used to be."

Link looked at the statue and felt a surge of pride come from the statue. It startled him a bit, wondering if he was imagining things. He looks towards the sky and saw the sun was setting soon. "Come on, we need to find a place to camp."

"Oh, no thanks for saving you? I guess it's no big deal."

He sighed as he walked next to her, feeling annoyed yet grateful at the same time. He did wonder something about her. When he first woke up she spoke as if she was forced too, robotic in a way. But now she was acting like a human. The thought hurt his head as he just jogged along in silence.

(Y/N) helped him cut down monsters along the way when suddenly Link spotted a cave structure. He walked closer to it, looking inside to see the same similar patterns the cave he first awoke in held. (Y/N) came in and looked around, touching the structure with her hand.

"What is this place?" She said, looking at the raised formation in the middle.

"I don't know. It looks interesting besides all of the monsters we've been finding."

Monster cries rang outside of the structure as (Y/N) perked up first. "You go ahead and see if you can find what this place is for. I'll take care of the monsters."

She left before Link could say anything. Link knew he should have mentioned it but a slight headache was coming into his head. Faint memories of how to battle were coming back to him, and looking at the formation in the middle was bothering him.

It was shaped like the slate on his hip, giving Link an idea. 'What if I put it in this empty space?' Link thought.

He took the slate from his hip and started to put it in the middle when the slate acted on its own in the middle of his action. It twisted sideways and fit in perfectly. Blue symbols shined from the ceiling on top and drop a tear into the eye on the slate. It glowed blue and spoke some words, and that's when the structure started to move.

Link panicked and fell on his posterior, watching in awe as he was being raised higher and higher. Halfway through he realized it was a tower of some sorts, and it sent out a beacon once it was finished. Other towers rose in the distances that Link could see, others he could hear but not see.

"How... How huge is this place?" Link said to himself.

"LINK!" He heard (Y/N) shout. She rushed to the top and stopped in time before slamming into him at full force. "What happened?! What did you do?! Are you alright?!"

"I'm alright Zel-" Link stopped mid-sentence, a pain forming in his mouth. An image of a girl with long blonde hair and in a white dress appeared suddenly on (Y/N)'s face but disappeared the moment he blinked.

(Y/N) was going to bombard him with other questions when the Old Man appeared from nowhere. Link jumped, almost falling through the hole the tower had in place. "I see, you fixed the towers!"

"W-Where did you come from?!" Link shouted.

The Old Man ignored his comment and patted him on the head. "That does not matter now. Take out your slate and look around using it's alive moment reactions."

Link hesitated, but when ahead and look through. He found shrines in the distance the Old Man wanted them to explore. Link continued to look around as he talked. "How many other towers are there?"

"I hear them across the land," (Y/N) said, floating next to Link. "I saw more when I flew up the top of the tower."

"Then it's best you camp out on the tower," the Old Man said, gazing out towards the shrine of the snowy mountain. "It's dangerous to go alone at night, take your friend with you in the morning."

"Thanks, we will." She took the slate from Link's hand and looked around. "How many do you think there are?"

"I think fifty of them... there can't be over a hundred... right?"

"But there has to be more! They're all over the place!"

Her attitude reminded Link of someone... and it hurt his heart deep down inside. He was going to say a name starting with a Z, but he couldn't remember the full name. It bothered him deep down. He turned around to ask the Old Man, but he was gone.

"What?" Link exclaimed, "He's gone!"

(Y/N) looked behind and saw he was right. She shrugged and watched the stars blink into life. "Let's not worry about it now. We got shrines to take care of in the morning."


"Do you ever think I'll become a human like you? I mean, I know it's impossible, but do you think the Goddess will bless me after we defeat Calamity Ganon?"

Pity. All there was, was a pity in her eyes as she looked me in the eyes. "Why do you crave to be a human? You're powerful enough as you are and being only a human will make you normal."

"That's just it! I've always wanted to be one! I don't care about the powers I have... but I know the responsibility I carry on my destiny. But even if I do become human for just a day; no, even for just a second, I can feel blessed by the Goddess herself."

She smiled, but I knew it was forced. She didn't know the answer herself as she rested her hand on my shoulder. "Why have you suddenly wanted to become a human? Is it because of..."

"Yes... no... maybe? I don't know... It might be because of... but I can't be sure unless I become human. I'm not capable of emotions or pain like you humans are. So... what is it like?"

Her aura turned tender, guilt seemingly to pour out into her words. "I'm sorry... but I can't tell you that."

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