A Smile In The Shadow

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(A/N): hey! I think I had you guys wait till I update long enough so I'm should start picking up the pace in my books. but I have to remind you people I am busy..... ok and partially lazy. but that shouldn't be a big deal. *nervous laugh* but any ways let's move on with the story.


Juvia POV

I woke up in my bed and took a shower and did the usual. I looked outside. it was cloudy. but the sunlight was braking through. I looked at the clock. it was 7:30. then looked at gray who was still sleeping.

I looked back out the window. I started to think about what happens in the cafe. so I went out the door and knocked on Levy's door. she opens it. "hey levy can I talk to you for a minute?" she nods sure. we head down stairs into the breakfast cafe.

I sat at the table with her. "so levy I just wanted to talk to you about what I said at the cafe. I'm starting to think that was a little rude of what I said." she smirks but a thoughtful smirk. "no its OK. because of you we finally got some things off our chest." she said noding. I nod along with her.

"and because of that.... were dating now." I look at her smiling. she smiles back. "oh that's such great news!" I said. "yea I know. but ever since we have been dating things have been a bit awkward, but everything's alright." I sigh in relief. she starts another topic. "so... any progress with the gray?" i  really took a breath and put my elbow on the table and rest my head on my hand." "you have no idea. something bad might happen to me."

she pulled a puzzled look. "what do you mean?" "you really want to know?" I said with a tired expression on my face. "yes. anything for my bestfriend." "OK.. here it goes..." I told her from top to bottom of what happend with me and gray, and also about my dream and be being burned and all.

"what?!" she said. I nod. "yep. its all true." "first... I can't belived you kissed him." I blush a little. "yea I know right." "juvia... I'm so happy things are finally trunning up on the bright side for you. but you being in danger... to think you.." she starts to blush. " have to make love with gray." she starts to giggle and blush more. "you should have fun with that part ." I give her a little shove. "yea ok ." I said in disbelief.

"but still juvia. things are going to be ok. you should trust that. you have hope with gray. things are gonna turn out great." she said smiling. "you got this." she added on. I nod. she gets up giving a signal she has to leave. "don't forget. love is not just a word. and gray is your hero." I grin.

after she left I sat there looking around. I got up and left also. I walk through the halls once more. I saw something black pass by me. I look back to see what it was. nothing was there. I turned around to face forward. and there was a black shadow that stood before me.

I started to get scared. "who are you?" I questioned. "I am another."  I pulled a confused face. "another what?" "like another you."  I look back to see if anyone was passing by or anything. "what do you mean?" "I am another warning. I was sent by the two of them to tell you that your time is running out and so is there pationets. there giving  48 hours to complete step two." she sounded serious. "umm who is the other two?"

"you spoken with your concessions one night with a man named gray. that's one. me is two. and the other will give you step 3." so 2 guys one girl huh. "but why rush a step 2?''

"because of you who wanted to leave love, shall not go higher or above. you didn't wait for another love so we decided to give you a little... 'shove'."  "are you guys always this poetic? and you people were watching me?"

"no. we since that you were giving up on love. and with no love come darkness. and if you didn't want to love anyone we would put you in a pit of fire to teach you a lesson for ever. and yes we are poetic."

she started to smile. "do as we say my girl, you can be saved... time is running out. you only have two days to complete step 2.". I pulled a confused face. "but this is not fair this is happening so fast." "well life Is not fair. and life does go by fast. so love while you can.". I could hear her giggle fade as her shadow does.

I look around. "great.... just great. this is sooooo fantastic! " I said sarcastically. I started walking back to the room. I noticed that gray was gone. I laid on my bed. "*sigh*... its only around 9." I said dissapointed. as I stared at the window my vision was getting blury. and with that I fell asleep.

I had awoken and it was night. and gray still wasent here. which was pretty odd to me. 'were is he???' I got up and changed my clothes to go look for him. for the first time I felt the needfor him. like I miss him. that thought triggered a soft smile of my face.

I looked at the time. "its 10?! at night?!" I said softly to myself. I walk out the door and mumbled to myself. "wow I slept for a long time." I see natsu walking. "hey matsu have your seen gray?" he nods. "yea, he was oitside a while ago." matsu started smirking. "why the face?" "oh nothing.. now go..." "ookkaayy?" I walked outside. I saw ice shaped in a shape a flower. it was a trail. I smiled and followed the trail. it lead all the way down to me and grays crystal mountain hide out.

when I got to the spot in the mountains gray was there. "welcome to the secret picnic." he said. I smirked as sat on the picnic cloth. "so this is were you've been all day?" I said wanting to giggle a little. "yea. it takes a long time going back and forth to this place. you know it takes a little while to get here. its passed the beach." he said protesting. "mmmhmm." I said as I put a few chips in my mouth.

"you know.. one of my concessions came over to me today. except that it was a girl." "oh really?" "yea. she said I don't have a lot of time to complete step two. its all or nothin." "then.. were gonna have to do something about that..." he gives me 'the look'. I laugh nervously. "yea... were gonna....but anyway... look at the stars." I said as I look up trying to change the subject. "yea its beautiful." I felt like I was in putter space.

he entertwine his fingers with mine. I lean my head on his shoulder. "I love you." gray said. I picked my head up and looked at his eyes. "I love you to gray.... sama." I started to lean in also blushing at the same time. we started with a passionate kiss. as I felt his tounge Rome all around my mouth I had gotten on top of him.


Gray POV

the sun was shinning on my face. I moved to put the rest of my clothes on. I smiled at the sleeping juvia in front of me. juvia had woken up and did the same. she was rubbing her hips. "my hips hurt." she said in an tired voice. "sorry was I to rough on you?" she started to blush.

"no! it was great! you did good!" I laughed a little. "thhannkss?" I said in confusion. we got back to the hotel room. we heard a knock on the door. I went to go answer. it was levy. "hey. you guys better hurry or you'll be late to work." she winked and skipped down the hall. I shut the door and look at juvia. -_-. "what's up?" she said.

"I totally forgot. were gonna be late for work!!"

"shhiiittt!!!" she exclaimed.


(A/N): sorry for the bad word. haha but anyway look at the lemon on R sences if you wanna and I hope you like this chapter! comment PLEASE COMMENT on what you think about this chapter then I'll update! the limit is 5 comments and I'll update once again.

pwease and thank you!

~♥Book_I_Love is out♥

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