My Lover, the garden

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(A/N): hey! OK so I decided to do a little lemon, thanks to you people I won't feel weird making a lemon unannounced. but anyway I'll give you a warning when it comes. (its not in this chapter) this is going to be an all juvia pov untill further notice so enjoy!!!!!!!!


Juvia POV

I woke up the next day with gray in my bed beside me. I got out of bed to go to the bathroom till I felt my self get yanked back onto the bed.

it was gray. he hugged me from behind. "don't leave yet." he said. "I was with you all night." I said smirking. "yes but its not enough." he said smiling and barrying his face in my neck.

I grabbed the edge of the bed trying to escape his hold. "come on we gotta go to work anyway." "nooo I don't wanna. I wanna stay here with you." "graaayy come on well be late."

"mmmmm." he loosened his grip. I smiled. "the day will be over before you know it." "yeeaa I don't know." I get out of the bed. "its OK. I'll be by your side through the day...I'm your lover." I wink at him. he smiles at me. "so you finally came around." "yes don't give it to much thought." I walk over to get dressed.

"do you mind going to the bathroom real quick?" "why?" "cause I'm going to change." "I don't mind staying here." "yes I bet you wouldn't. your not my boyfriend yet so get moving." he sighed and got up. "you said 'yet' so you wanna go out with me?" I smile. "sorry buddy not gonna work. and maybe ask another time when not trying to be a perv."

he walks into the bathroom slowly. "but I'm not." "you are if you try to see me change." he gives me an innocent smile. "what's wrong with that?" he said laughing a little. I smile again. "everything." I walk over and shut the door.

[[time Skipp]]

I was back in my maid outfit ready to work. I grabbed my black circle looking tray and started serving. "hey levy." I said as I approached her table. "hey." she said when I came to a stop.

I look to the side it was gajeel. "so having lunch with your 'boyfriend''?" I said teasing her. her mouth opened a little and she blushed. "n-no..." she said. "oh well I herd gajeel said you guys go out." she looks at gajeel still blushing. "really?" he looks away from her. "no.." I raised my eyebrow.

I looked back at levy she looked a little down. so I whispered in gajeels ear. "well you guys talk it over." I start to walk away. "wait.. juvia." I turned back around. "I would like a shake." I smiled softly. "what kind?" "chocolate. to help me-" I put my hand up. "I understand."

[[time Skipp]]

I was walking down an empty hall until a sound stopped me from walking. it was the sound of flames. my heart was racing. I was running out of air like smoke was filling my lungs. I started coughing. I was coughing so much I was on my knees.

I put my hand on my chest. then I remembered what someone said.

      'when your in trouble just call for me.'


it was getting dark. " g-gray..." I said. I closed my eyes. "gray." I felt like I was drifting off into heat. it was dark and quiet for a minute. "juvia...juvia are you OK?" I woke up breathing again like I had came back to life.

"ah gray. I was so scared." I said jumping to hug him. "what happened?" I was spaced out looking around. "I... felt like... I was... gonna burn." "its OK I'm here now." he said as he picked me up and walked me to our room.

'were gonna really have to do this step. what ever it takes. if gray cares I have to care.'

"yea your right." "what do you mean?" "what you just said in your mind." "your reading my mind?" "no I can only hear parts of it. I'm not a telepathy person." "oh."

I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling. so did gray. "lemme ask you a question." I turn my head to gray. "yes shoot." I said enjoying our quiet too. with only our voices. "wanna be mine?" "I already am." "no.... like be my girlfriend."

he said with a little nervousness in his voice. I blush. "uhh yea. I would like to." he smiles. he gets up and bounces over me. "yay.." he said in such a kid tone.

he lays his head on my chest. "now snuggle with me, my lover." I roll my eyes and smirk afterwards. "thank god we have tomorrow off huh." he nods. "yea. I get to spend more time with you." "but you already spend time with me every time I get off work."

"its not enough." "is everything not enough to you?" "when it come to you..... yes." I sigh. "I feel sluggish." "well want me to make you feel less slugish?" "how?" he points to the window. I look out of it. "wanna go?" he said as I still look out.

I saw the garden glow different colors? "wow..." I said like it wasn't a bad idea. I turn and look at gray. "yes. I would love to go." we grabbed our jackets and left the room. we got to the garden a couple of seconds later. I looked up at the sky which was pretty dark. all you could see was white shinnging dots.

I felt gray hold my hand. I look down at it the up at his face. he gave me his 'cute' smile. I giggled and blush. we started walking in slowly. the flowers were still open. and they glowed different colors.

we walked through the. garden like we were walking in an museum. that's when we finally reached the middle of the garden. and in the middle I saw a big fountain. the water came down white.

I smiled at it in awe. "I guess I am feeling less sluggish now." I said. "I knew this would help." he said. we sat there at the bench looking at the fountain and listening to the water fall. I lean on his shoulder.

"you know..... you win. you have showed and proved to me that you love me. I believe you now." I get off his shoulder and look at him. he looks me in the eyes.  "good. cause all those things I said and did are true."

he starts to lean in. my heart beats faster. but he puts his head on my shoulder. I was kinda dissapointed that he didn't kiss me but everything went good. on our way out he stopped us half way out of the garden. he walked me over by the wall. my back was against the wall while his hands were on each side of me.

"I could tell your dissapointed... what's bothering you?" he said. I start to blush a little. I look down. "its nothing." I said. "noo its something." I lift my head up and look at him. so I decided to say it to get it over with.

"its no big deal. I was just a little disappointed you didn't kiss me back at the fountain." he smiles slowly. he tilts his head and leans in. "well let me just kiss you now....." I smile a little. his lips went against mine.

I open my mouth a little. me and his tounge was moving around each other in our mouths sharing a passionate kiss. I put my arms around his neck while his hands were still on the wall. we both end the kiss slowly after a little while. as we pulled away I blushed more than usual.

I cought that he was blushing to. which made me smile. he holds my hand again. "happy?" he said leading me out of the garden. I nod. "good. cause that's my job." he said like he was a super hero. I look down still smiling.

when we made our way out I looked back one more time for a second glance. I saw a shadow in the gardens starring at us as we leave. I put a worried expression on my face. I started to hear the time ticking. tick tock. tick tock. tick tock. until I couldn't see the dark figure anymore.


(A/N): ok my peoples thats it for today! I hope you like this chapter as much as I enjoy writing it!  when i see 4 comments and 2 votes I'll write the next chapter! if you have any questions about this story never be hisetent to ask!!

pwease and thank you!


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