for the better

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(A/N): heyy I hope you like this chapter. im doin da best I can. this is my favorite book im making so far so... enjoy!!


Gray POV

I was at the jewelry store. looking at rings. till this blue crystal ring had cought my eye. I went over to it. its beautiful. I looked at the price. and its a little pricey.

[[time Skipp]]

I went down walking down the hallways looking for juvia. I saw levy and stopped to talk to her. "hey weres juvia?" "I don't know I haven't seen her all day." then we went our ways. time passed by and it became night fall. I stopped by a stand and got me a milkshake.

I went by the beach tree and leaned  against it, looking at the moon and the ocean. I started sipping in the shake. still staring at the view, I went into my pocket and took out the case. I opened it. I started at the blue crystal ring.

the ring was glowing blue. I closed the case and put it back into my pocket. "where are you juvia?" I said. I took another sip if the milkshake. I took the straw out of my mouth and gasp. "wait a minute...." I started walking along the beach. then sooner or later I ended up running.

with the milkshake still in my hand, I got to the blue crystal mountains. there she was sitting there on the blue rock. i stood in front of her. "so where have you been...?" i said sipping on my shake again. she looks up at me. "nothin.... just thinkin the whole day thats all." I tilt my head. "so you decide to come here?"

she nods. "yea...." "well i was worried." i put my shake down and sit next to her. "so tell me what were you thinking about?" she tilts her head and looks at me. "gray... my dream.. is true." i am going to brun if i dont find anyone to love... so i came here to think." "how did you know is true?" "when i woke up this morning.." she looks away.

i could tell she was gonna cry. "and i went to the bathroom... when i looked in the mirror there were three black figures. one of them told me that time is running out." she said in a shaky voice. i put a worried look on my face. she looks at me with watery eyes. "gray.. how can i love someone in such a short time?!"

she starts breaking down in tears. "gray.....*cry,cry*.... i just dont know what to do...*cry,cry*... im so scared. they know im shaking with fear." i hug juvia suddenly. "juvia!... what are you forgetting?" she stops her crying. "you are forgetting that im right here for you and that ill always remain by your side." i hug her tight. "juvia. it annoys me that you think your all alone in this."

she looks up at me. "cause your not alone. im right here juvia. call my name when in need of help. im right here, im not going anywhere. so dont act like i cant help or im invisible. cause im not... you cant deny juvia. i know you still love me. just show me..." i shake my head.

"no...words cant explain the feeling i have for you." i break our hug. she looks at me whipping her tears away. i get on one knee. "what are you doing?" she said. "something i should have did a long time ago.." i take out the case. i open the case. she puts her hands over her mouth beginning to cry again.

"juvia.... everything ive ever wanted is sitting here right in front of me. and i think its about time i have a feature with you..." i put the ring on her right hand, the middle finger. "so i want you to promise me.. you wont leave my side... juvia." i said blushing a little. she blushes as well. "ah..a promise ring?" she said with her cheeks red.

i smile as i stand to my feet. "yes a promise ring. its for the better." her arms raps around my neck. "ok. i promise i wont leave your side. i love you gray." she said as i feel her tears drop to my shirt. "juvia... thats the words i have been wanting to hear from you." she smiles and looks up at me. "lets go back.. its getting cold." i nod. i carried her bridal style out of the mountains taking my shake along.

Juvia POV

we finally reached the room. he puts me down on my bed. i look at the time. its late. my eyes were getting heavy from all the crying i did. i shurly will never forget what he said to me... never. matter of fact i conceder him my lover now. i smiled a little. i truned from the wall. i blush as gray took off his shirt. "can.. you know... lay in bed with me?"

he pulls a surprised face. "really?" i nod. "yea. i would like you to." he shrugs and truns off the light. "alright." he gets under the covers with me and puts his arms around my waits. his chest sure is warm to be an ice mage. i looked at my glowing ring. "gray?" "yea?" "why are you so warm?" "i dont know. why do you think i sometimes strip?"

i smirk. "oh. and why is my ring glowing?" "it glows alot in the dark, but when it hits the light it looks like a regular blue ring." "oh." then it fell silent. "what is your desire?" i heard a voice .

"do you hear that?" i said to gray. he nods. "yea.. what do you mean desire?" " to 'make love' and show effection." the voice said. i blush more red then erza's hair. "but of course that can always wait right?" I said hoping to get out of this situation.  "no showing that you love someone is step one. showing your desire is step two." i pulled a confused face. "are you telling me there steps, so i can get out of danger?!"

"yes if you want to get out of this situation. unless you want to burn for all of eternity." i could feel gray laughing. "whats so funny?" gray whisperd. "its funny how your arguing with your concessnos. I roll my eyes. "what are the other steps?" "not telling. you need to complete step two if you wanna be saved. "

I bit my lip. "fine.. let me just think." I said sighing. I could feel my concessions presence dissaprer. "j-juvia.." "y-yes?" "why is your body getting hot?" "cause I'm embarrassed of step two." "ohh." it fell silent but I just had to notice that he was smirking.

I was beginning to fall asleep. "gray.... I will smack that stupid smirk off your face..." I said in a sleepy voice. he giggled. "how'd you know? "I....juss.....know...." I said. and with that I fell asleep.


(A/N): heeeyyy! I hope you liked this chapter! so I was wondering... should I make a lemon to this? (the lemon will not be with the book it would be in the book R sences) not trying to be a perv people I miss wanna know if you guys would like one or not. its totally OK if ya don't just askin. °O° 

but any way comment your answers. 5 comments says I do the next chapter! until then people thanks for reading this lovely book!!!! vote and comment!

pwease and thank you!


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