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Penelope drank some ginger ale as she pushed her barely eaten roasted chicken away from her, feeling a sense of warmth in her chest. She recalls her father giving her mother a glass of ginger ale to drink as to help push away her nausea when she was pregnant with her sister, Gemma.

Penelope licked her lips, dreading her parents' reactions yet at the same time missing them dearly. She misses when her sister would hug her like she's the only thing that matters to her at that moment, she misses when her father would scoop both her and her sister to his embrace as he tells them a fairytale. She can't recall many memories of bonding with her mother, but yet again, her mother is the source of the family's income and being an entrepreneur to her own company is hard work, but she does recall when her mother would take the family to holiday trips or when her mother would give her beautiful and very expensive jewelleries.

Penelope sighed as she looked at the Gryffindor table, specifically where Percy is sat, noting how lonely he seems as no one sits next to him, not even Oliver. Why wouldn't Oliver sit next to him? Isn't Oliver his closest friend, if not yet his boyfriend? Why wouldn't Oliver sit next to Percy? Percy usually sits next to Oliver if not across. A mean part of her wants to not care and leave him without a thought, but she knew she can't as she realises her eyes kept glancing back at her ex, even as she tried to divert her gaze.

Picking up an empty plate, Penelope filled it up with all sorts of new and fresh berries she can find near her. Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, honey glaze. Maybe add some kiwi fruit and banana for balance before slowly mixing them all to make sure they all had some honey on them but keeping the fruits from getting smushed. Forcing herself to eat, Penelope tried to not look down at her food, instead focusing on the ceiling or anything else.

As Penelope lifts the spoon to force herself to eat more, she looked down the spoon to see that it has scooped a honey glazed-raspberry. Taking the raspberry off the spoon, she wipes off the honey glazing it with a nearby tissue, sighing. She recalls from a book in the library she picked on pregnancy that at eight weeks of pregnancy, the foetus should be as big as this raspberry as opposed to two weeks ago when she first found out.

Running a hand across her lower stomach, Penelope inspects the raspberry with her other hand as if she'd never seen one before. This is the very thing that made her feel sick almost all the time? This is the thing that made her breasts feel tender? This is the thing that made her feel gassy and fart more often? This is the reason why she feels constipated often? For a little thing, this can do a lot of damage to a girl.

Rising from her table as she ditched her meal again, Penelope finds herself going to her dorm. Penelope inwardly groaned at all the stairs she has to pass to reach her dorm on the high fifth floor, there's so many of them! Heading for the intersection, she finds a door with an eagle-shaped bronze knocker. Touching the eagle's head, the eagle turned up to look at her.

"What comes up but never comes down?"

"Age," Penelope answered as she rolled her eyes at how easy the question is. The door suddenly had its knob, allowing Penelope to enter. Entering her common room, she quickly ascended the stairs to her dorm, noticing none of her dorm mates has entered yet. But yet again, most of her housemates hadn't returned from dinnertime.

Getting on her bed, she lets herself completely relax as she lays down with her back facing the bed. Penelope knew she can't hide this whole thing forever, it's only a matter of time before she starts to show. Her robes are getting tight as it is and it's not growing smaller anytime soon. She had to admit, Percy was right and they must tell Professor Dumbledore anytime soon. Maybe he can tell her where she can buy Hogwarts robes for pregnant students.

Has anyone on Hogwarts ever gone through the same as she's going through? She's sure there has, for a castle this big and a school this ancient, it's impossible if she is the first student to get pregnant ever. Only, who might help her? Maybe she can ask her dorm mates later if they knew? But she can't trust this to anyone, she can be laughed at if they leak it out.

Changing her position to her side, she ran a hand to her lower belly to feel the foetus inside her as of now. As of now, Penelope can't feel anything yet, but she knew something is happening inside. Maybe her sister would love playing with her child, maybe her father would love teaching her child and reading her child stories like Rapunzel and Sleeping Beauty, maybe her mother would buy her child adorable baby toys and take the family on wonderful trips over the holidays. That would be beautiful.

Penelope didn't move her position as she heard the door being opened. "Penelope?"


"I noticed you didn't eat much today, you ditched your plates." Penelope sat up as she heard one of her dorm mates, Rosa Chavéz told her. "So I brought you the chicken plate in case you still want it. I also added a bit more vegetables."

Rosa handed her the roasted chicken plate, earning a smile of gratitude from Penelope as she politely refused the plate. Rosa nodded, placing the plate on top of the table before she climbs on Penelope's bed, placing a comforting hand on the blonde's shoulder.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

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