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Percy and Oliver laid down the grass amongst the Quidditch pitch, staring at the stars above them as they held each other's hands. November breeze kissed Percy's skin, giving him chills, but he did purposely leave out the jacket as he knew Oliver gets cold so easily that he often brings a jacket with him.

"I can see the big dipper there," Percy said, pointing to the constellation with his pointer finger of the other hand. Percy made a circular motion to the sky. "And that's Ursula major, the big bear."

"And where's the little bear?" Oliver asked. Percy looked up at the sky again, his eyes wandering to find the constellation. It shouldn't be too far.

"That's the little bear or Ursula minor," Percy answered. Oliver lifts Percy's hand near his lips, kissing it softly.

"Why are you so smart?" Percy smiled as he looked away, sitting up. Percy stretched his body, enjoying (or rather, not) in November breeze. "Perce? What's wrong?"

"It's kinda cold out here, don't you agree?"

"It's November, of course it's getting cold!" Oliver chuckled, taking off his jacket before placing it over Percy's shoulders. "Here, just use mine."

"Thanks-" Percy nodded, hugged by the jacket.

"You know, we've been going out quite often-" Oliver started, staring into his best friend's brilliant blue eyes. Slowly, he intertwined his hand with Percy's pale yet freckled one. "Would you mind this?"

"Mind what?"

Oliver planted his dark-pink lips on Percy's paler ones. Closing his eyes, Percy reciprocated the kiss as Oliver dug his hands in Percy's curly locks, Percy's hands resting on the burly brunet's shoulders. When they slowly break the kiss, Percy leaned back as he chuckled.

"You taste as good as I always imagined."

"Can this be a regular thing?" Percy asked, his fingers brushing Oliver's tanned face.

"Is this not?" Oliver asked. "We almost always hang out, might as well make it official."

"What about Marcus?" Oliver placed a finger on Percy's thin lips.

"I'll take care of him later, let's focus on us now."

"What will you do?" Percy asked, sitting up straight as he looked down to get eye-to-eye with Oliver. "I want you to break up with him but for all we know about Marcus, I'm afraid for you."

"Hey, shh-" Oliver placed a finger on Percy's lips, forcing him to close his mouth. "Marcus may seem scary to you but he's terrific to me. He won't hurt you, I'll make sure of it. We might have a rocky end and it's ok."

"Alright, I trust you-" Percy nodded slightly, staring at the navy blue starry sky. He picked a grass nearby and transfigured it to a disc record, turning on the music to play the Muggle song 'Take My Breath Away' by Berlin. "Oliver Haslet Wood, will you dance with me?"

"I'd be honoured, Percival Ignatius Weasley-" Oliver held Percy's palm as he stood up.

"Watchin' every motion in my foolish lover's game." Oliver bowed before Percy at the same time Percy gave a curtly nod.

"On this endless ocean, finally lovers know no shame." Oliver placed his left hand on Percy's hips as his right one grasps on Percy's right hand, Percy's left hand resting on Oliver's left shoulder.

"Turning and returning to some secret place inside." Oliver slowly twirled Percy's body, and return to the original position as soon as they went back together.

"Watchin' in slow motion as you turn around and say." Percy rests his chin on Oliver's shoulder.

"Take my breath away." Percy plants a soft kiss on Oliver's warm pink-tinted cheek.

"Take my breath away."

"Watchin', I keep waiting, still anticipating love." Percy softly squeezed Oliver's fingers, feeling his heart full of love.

"Never hesitatin' to become the fated ones." The fact that Professor McGonagall made them roommates helped them an item, but Percy knew that they still would've been an item regardless.

"Turning and returning to some secret place to hide." Percy's eyes wandered to the Quidditch field. If the Astronomy tower was his place with Penelope, this could be theirs.

"Watchin' in slow motion as you turn to me and say, my love." Oliver placed a soft kiss on Percy's forehead, having to tiptoe to actually do so.

"Take my breath away."

"Through the hourglass I saw you, in time you slipped away." They had met in the night after the sorting, being the only ones awake, Oliver told him he was glad he can get off the orphanage he's from.

"When the mirror crashed, I called you and turned to hear you say." In the summer when Percy looked at the reflection of himself in the mirror, he longed to see Oliver next to him.

"If only for today, I am unafraid." At this moment, nothing can scare him. He has Oliver and he's all he needs.

"Take my breath away." Oliver aligned his hand with Percy's, watching how Oliver's is much rougher than Percy's and Percy's is much thinner than Oliver's.

"Take my breath away."

"Watchin' every motion in this foolish lover's game." Percy remembered how he at first was happy for his friend when he told him that he's dating Marcus, but the feeling quickly soured when Marcus started to fill so much of Oliver's free time with dates that Percy rarely talks with him anymore.

"Haunted by the notion, somewhere there's a love in flames." The fact that Oliver isn't truly free to love him haunts him every second, but Percy is positive that their undying love will defeat it all.

"Turning and returning to some secret place inside." Oliver very quickly claimed a spot in his heart, in some place where Penelope couldn't reach when they were together.

"Watchin' in slow motion as you turn my way and say." Percy pulled Oliver closer to him, so closer that his breath fogs Percy's glasses. But it doesn't matter, Percy planted his lips on Oliver and started kissing him more passionately.

"Take my breath away."

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