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"Hey, Marc."

Oliver came to a close as he saw Marcus already sitting near the Great Lake on an outdoor mat, various snacks laid out in the open, though most had been eaten. Oliver chuckled as he had his hands up his waist, noticing how Marcus wouldn't face him. "You wouldn't wait for me to come before starting to eat the snacks? You must've prepared the really good stuff."

"You're late," Marcus said with his mouth full, hands holding on a half-eaten bread. Oliver sighed as he sat next to Marcus, trying to hug him, but Marcus pushed his hands off. "An hour. I thought you weren't going to come at all."

"I'm sorry-"

"If I had been Weasley, would you have been late?" Marcus asked, swallowing the food in his mouth before biting more bread, emptying the plastic bread wrapper. "Didn't I tell you to get rid of him?"


"Why haven't you?" Marcus asked, crumpling his empty plastic bread wrapper and throws it in Oliver's direction, still refusing to face his boyfriend. "I accepted the fact that you can't completely stop talking to him since you share a dorm with him and it's bound to happen, but you can not talk to him in other places. You can not sit next to him at meals. You can limit your contact with him. Where were you to be late for our date for a fucking hour?"


"No, don't 'Marcus' me!" Marcus screamed as he stood up, rushing forward to be face-to-face with a calm yet somewhat terrified Oliver. "What were you doing that got you so busy you can't be punctual to our date?"

"I fell asleep."

"Oh yeah, Quidditch tutorials in the evening draining all your energy, huh?" Marcus huffed. Oliver's jaw dropped as he widened his eyes.

"I- I don't do that anymore!" Oliver denied. "Now that Percy became a good Chaser and doesn't need any more of my coaching, I don't give him Quidditch lessons anymore! I told you, my intentions in doing that is purely for letting my dorm mate have fun on his last year in Hogwarts!"

"I don't care about what you do, I care about the fact that you're doing all those things with him!" Marcus grit his teeth. "What did you two do last night? Because I'm sure as hell you weren't in your dorm."

"Well, I was in my dorm all night and doing nothing inappropriate!" Oliver lied. He took a deep breath in, preparing for his next lie. "What makes you think I was doing something else?"

"Don't play dumb with me, Wood!" Marcus glared. "What were you really doing? Why should I trust you after hearing Lucian and Clearwater confirm you cheating on me and me seeing you doing it?"

"For the last time, Marcus, I'm not cheating on you!" Oliver licked his lips as he held Marcus' shoulders. He saw how Marcus pressed his jaw and puckered his lips. "I'm sorry if the whole ordeal made you upset but nothing happened."

"What were you doing?"

"I-" Oliver lets go of his hold on Marcus's shoulders, finding himself struggling to find an answer as he realises he hasn't exactly prepared a lie to cover up last night. "I was having a stroll, completely alone mind you, and yet I couldn't rest nicely in my sleep. I was too tired, I fell asleep in my classes. I'll have to ask notes from Percy."

"Don't you have any other dorm mates you can ask notes from?" Marcus asked. "Why is it always the Weasel-nerd?"

"Everyone in the dorm relies on him for notes or essay copying, Luis and Erik do too," Oliver answered truthfully. "His notes are literally that concise, he writes the details and underlines important terms for easier understanding. Unless you know someone else with notes as concise as his- which, by the way, I'm listening for suggestions- I'm sticking to his notes."

Marcus bit down his lips, taking a deep breath in as a rational part of him knew what Oliver said was right. He remembered the last time there had been an open-notes quiz in Potions and he sat behind the bespectacled redhead, he remembered walking past Percy's table and glancing at Percy's notes, thinking how it's so complete and to the point.

"Fine, but that's it-" Marcus folded his arms to his torso. "You're not doing anything else with him. Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal." Marcus sighed, looking down as he flicked the dirt he nicked from the Earth below.

"Do you want us to be over?" Marcus asked, feeling the tears appearing in his eyes as he can feel a sharp pain on the edge of his eyes. "I've been working so hard so we can work. I want to be happy with you. I listen to you. I don't care about your background- I can and want to cover us both. But it feels like I'm losing you at every moments pass. It feels like I'm the only one trying to make this relationship work."

"Marcus, you know that's not true-" Oliver stepped forward, hands on each of his shoulders, taking a deep breath in as he tried his best to keep a steady and level voice. "I also want this whole relationship to work. I love you and I'm really sorry for making you upset with this whole situation. I'm working on it, I swear."

Marcus nodded as he sighed, letting himself melt into Oliver's embrace. Oliver ran a hand across Marcus' back to comfort him, feeling the other boy crying in his hug. Oliver tried to keep his own tears at bay but he knew they're bound to fall, he knew he's losing Marcus with every moments pass as he knew that the other boy is starting to catch up on his affair.

"You wanna sit down and lay your head on my lap? You always love it when I play with your hair."

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