14. I love to get lost in your eyes...

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I just want two things to happen in our lives... I want you and wanna make it turn out to be us...

My entire world flipped, when I looked into your eyes...

Our souls interlocked, our heart beats sinked in rhythm, when our eyes are communicating with love...


After the lovely eyelock Abhi had with his Fuggy, he is flying in cloud nine... Abhi couldn't control his excitement, as he met his love of life for the third time in his life.... He thanks all his stars for giving such a wonderful opportunity to meet his Fuggy...

Words can't explain the happiness of Abhi and he badly wants to do something to impress his Fuggy and to convey his love to her... He is confused and doesn't know what to do...

With the advice given by his friend Vihaan, Abhi made a rocking performance and sings a beautiful song to impress his lady love....
Abhi is smiling uncontrollably on seeing the varied reactions of his Fuggy, throughout the song....

Her eyes are showing the extreme joy and inturn it makes Abhi to fall more in love with his Fuggy.... Even after finishing the performance too, Abhi didn't moved his gaze away from his Fuggy and he even forget to blink his eyes too...

Vihaan is completely annoyed and irritated on seeing Abhi, who is not at all doing anything but simply sitting and staring at her.... Vihaan scowls in anger and bashes Abhi mercilessly for leaving a golden chance like this...

Abhi didn't reacted much to Vihaan's words and continues his drooling session, till the bus jerked up and they are being alerted that they have reached their destination... Even Pragya too is annoyed a lot, as Abhi didn't talked anything to het...

Vihaan gives a hard slap in Abhi's back and gets down from the bus angrily... Abhi ruffles his hair and looks at his Fuggy, who is looking at him longingly... A smile creeps up in Abhi's face uncontrollably...

Understanding that no one is watching them, Abhi winks at Pragya and gave a flying kiss to her, making Pragya's eye balls to pop out from it's sockets... With much satisfaction and getting the needed response from his Fuggy, Abhi waves his hands and gets down from the bus, whistling with joy amd excitement...

Abhi happily moves along with Vihaan and started to do the incomplete works... Though Vihaan wished to ask about Abhi's love interest, he kept quiet as they have lot of works to do....

In the meantime, Abhi gets a call from the mechanic and he is being informed that the bike is ready... Abhi quickly finished off the works, takes a cab and reaches the mechanic shop to get his bike...

While returning home, there is an awkward silence between Vihaan  and Abhi... As Abhi is drowning in his own Dreamland, he failed to notice that his Friend Vihaan is ripping him mercilessly....

Vihaan: (shouts) Abhiiiiiii.....

Abhi: Hmmmm... What happened, Vicky??? Why are you shouting like this haan??? Now a days, your volume is in high decibels and my poor ears are paining too much with your shoutings...

Vihaan: Idiot Abhi... Here, My head is bursting in pain but you are saying that I'm shouting... Why not I kill you for doing like this???

Abhi: Hey Vicky... Just calm down, dude... What happened to you??? Why are you this much angry on me?? Did I do anything wrong????

Vihaan: Everything is because of you stupid .... Now no more silence... I demand an explanation... Spill out the matter...

Abhi chuckles and shook his head negatively.... Vihaan's face darkens with anger and he abruptly stopped the bike and pulls the keys... Abhi is startled as he didn't expected that Vihaan will do like this...

Abhi: Vicky... Don't play like this... It's getting late... Purab Bhai will kill us, if we didn't reach on time...

Vihaan: Don't irritate me, Abhi.... Spill out the matter, right now... Or else... I will tell Dadi, Puru Bhai, Ajju and Nikku that you are hiding your love matter to all of us... Then they will surely strangle your neck... Shall I do they honours???

Abhi: This is unfair.... You shouldn't threaten me like this... Why are you so much interested in my love life???

Vihaan: As a best friend of you, I want to know whether my buddy has chosen a right girl or not... You know about everyone's love story...

Puru bhai and Disha bhabi, Me and Bulbul, Aaliya and Arjun, Tanu and Nikhil - all are in love... We always thought that you are the one left alone... But we didn't know that you are hiding a big truth from us...

Why Abhi??? Why are you hiding about your love??? I couldn't understand, why are you having insecurities.... Did we hide anything from you????

Abhi: Nothing like that Vicky.... When I don't know exactly, who my love is, how can I say to you all about my girl....

Vihaan: What are you blabbering Abhi???? You said her name as Fuggy right...

Abhi: Yeah... It's the nickname given by me to her... But I don't know who she is and what's her real name too... The most interesting thing is that I haven't seen her face fully....

Vihaan: Whatttttt.... Tell me, exactly... Where did you meet her first???

Abhi: Do you remember the terrific bike race, before our college reopening day....

Vihaan: Of course... How can I forget the place... It's where, I met my Bulbul and Nikhil met Tanu... It's the place of the foundation for our love stories...

Abhi: For me too.. It's there, I  met my Fuggy....

Vihaan: Whaaaatttt.... Who is she??

Abhi: "The Daring Prag", My darling Fuggy, who finished off with me...

Vihaan (horrified): What are you saying, man??? Don't talk nonsense...
This is rubbish... This is utter stupidity... You didn't lost your senses, right...

We all know that "The Daring prag" is a boy and moreover he is moved to abroad... Ajju has told us everything on that day right...

He is the beloved bhai of Aaliya, Bulz and Tanu... Remember he is a boy and not a girl... Have you forgotten all these???

Abhi: Nooooo.... Not at all... My Fuggy is not a boy... Vicky... Listen to me properly.. I'm 100% sure that the Daring prag is not a boy and she is a girl only... She is the one, whom we have met in the bus...

Vihaan: Are you serious, Abhi... My head is spinning...

Abhi: Yes, I'm very serious... I can never forget those mesmering eyes, which made me to fall for her... They conveys a lot to me..  Today I've seen the eyes again, for the third time....

Vihaan: Whaaattt.... Third time... I could not get you... First time in race... Third time in bus....  Then, When is the second time???

Abhi: The second time, I've met her in the grand XYZ restaurant, when I joined Purab Bhai to meet Disha bhabhi and her family...

Vihaan: Don't say that there too you met only the eyes...

Abhi smiles: No.. Not only eyes... I have holded her and danced along with her... But.....????

Vihaan: But???

Abhi: I can't see her face fully, as it's a mask dance and I can't identify her, as it's quite dark too...

Vihaan: Ohhh... Then, how can we find her, Abhi??? Do you think, it's possible...

Abhi: I can sense that she is somewhere closeby to us ... She has seen my face clearly now and identified me... My inner feelings says that she will contact me... But nothing is sure...

I have to find her soon... But now, we have to concentrate on Puru bhai's engagement, as only 5 days are left... Inform to Nikku and Ajju about this... We will plan and will try to get some infos from Tanu, Aaliya and Bulbul...

I'm damn sure that they are hiding something big from us... Who knows... May be, she is their friend too..

Vihaan: May be??? I've heard a lot from them about their Terror gang and their leader is the great betting queen... Neither me, Ajju and Nikku have never met her and they have not even said her name to us.... Something is fishy, Abhi... Let's find out and reveal the hidden secret...

Abhi and Vihaan talks about what they need to do further... They discussed a lot on their way to Abhi's home... Abhi is in cloud nine and he is very confident to get his love soon....


On the other hand,

Pragya is overjoyed and her happiness is unlimited... Not only she has won the girly bet but she has found her love of life, her magnetic eyed man... She can't control herself, as she never expected that her bestie Abhi will be her man of dreams...

Priya and Ram are very much surprised to see Pragya's happiness and  this is the first time, they have seen her blushing and is behaving like a girl...

Ram : Wow... My baby doll is very happy today and she is glowing like a moon...

Priya: Haan... Ram... Me too feeling something good is going on... Hope our Pragya has fallen completely for our Abhishek...  If both Abhishek and Pragya accepts this relationship and if they fall for each other, then our happiness too will reach it's peak....

They both prayed for Abhi and Pragya to fall in love and to unite soon in an eternal bond... They thought of giving some surprises to Abhi and Pragya, if it works out...


Pragya is giggling in joy and falls on the bed happily... She hums the song Abhi sings for her and she is blushing uncontrollably... She opens her mobile and touches the gallery...

She sees Abhi's picture, which she  has took while they went for shopping... Just for fun, she has clicked the images of Abhi and never she expected that he will become her life... Pragya smiles and touches Abhi's face...

Pragya: Hey, Rockstar... My magnetic eyed man... My love, My Abhi... I'm your Daring Prag- Your bestie Pragya... I've madly fallen for your eyes, Abhi and never expected that it's you...

What a lovely song and the rocking performance, you have given to convey your love for me... You have impressed me so much and making me to go crazy for you... Your song has enlighten my soul...

I've completely mesmerised by your looks, yours friendly behaviour, your respect for elders, your passion for music, your good nature and a lot more.... I'm deeply in love with you, Abhi...

Will you also love me like this?? Can you find me, Abhi??? Do you love your Fuggy or your friend Pragya??? I want you to love me heartily and not on seeing my beauty, my status and money...

Oh God!!!! Why I'm getting this much confusions... Let me think, what to do.... Wow... What an excellent idea???? Why not I have a challenging game with my Rockstar????

Abhi... Find me, if  you can... But your Fuggy is smart enough to confuse you and you have to work  really very hard to find who I'm... Let me check, whether yours is also a true love like me or not...

I want to join hands with you , as your Fuggy and not as Pragya... Abhi... I'm so so excited, as a lot of entertainment is waiting for you... So, let the game starts....

Pragya smiles and made a clear plan what she is going to do next... But she knows very well that she has to do some arrangements and has to order and threaten many people, so that Abhi has to struggle hard to find the identity of the Daring Prag....

Fate giggles on seeing the stupid move made by Pragya, which gonna complicate the situations...



What are the plans made by Pragya???

Will it be possible for Abhi to find out his Fuggy easily???

What is Ram  and Priya's surprise for Abhi and Pragya???

Keep guessing and Stay tuned...

Cast your votes and pen down your views, if you like this shot ..


Yours buddy,,,,,


Signing off...

Will be


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