15. Plotting A Tricky Plan...

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Love is an adorable and tricky game... It's indeed played by two souls, who are eager to win by losing their hearts...

Your mesmerizing eyes and my magnetic eyes locked for an intimate and soulful union... It marked the beginning of our beautiful love story...

Jaws dropped... Heart stopped... Breath hitched... Eyes interlinked... Butterflies jittered... Souls Interconnected... Love bloomed....


Abhi couldn't have a proper sleep for two days... Though he is completely busy with Purab and Disha's engagement arrangements, his memory is haunted only with his Fuggy's thoughts...

Both in reality and in his dreams too, he is yearning and longing only for his Fuggy... His heart started to beat Fuggy, instead of lub tub... He is smiling like a mad man and it's quite hard for him to escape from the sight of Dadi and Purab....

However, Abhi is bothered and he couldn't have any vague idea, how to find his Fuggy, who is purposely hiding from his eye sight... Moreover, he is too scared to face off Arjun and Nikhil, who is ready to kill him for hiding such a big matter from them...

Abhi made up his mind set and came to a clear conclusion, what he has to do.... He calls Vihaan immediately and ordered him to being Arjun and Nikhil to their usual hanging point, The Xxxx Coffee Shop... Abhi insisted Vihaan that they shouldn't know that he is joining them....


The evening sun rays are bidding adieu to the earth... The whole rockers gang - Abhi, Vihaan, Arjun and Nikhil are sitting in the coffee shop and the place is getting hotter with the unusual silence and unexpected scenario happening....

Arjun and Nikhil are in peak of anger and glaring at Abhi, murderously.. They are fuming like a hot molten volcano, which is ready to burst out anytime and will mercilessly attack Abhi, who is hunging his head down....

Abhi could not meet their eyes at all, which are accusing him a lot.. Abhi is helpless and he doesn't  know how to calm them.... Vihaan is chuckling and adoring the scenario happily, as if he is enjoying a movie scene....

Abhi looks at Vihaan with much hope and pleads for Vihaan's help, through his eyes.... But Vihaan shruggs his shoulder and  doesn't react to it... He is sipping the cappuccino happily, as if it's the first time he is having it...

Understanding very well that Vihaan won't help him, Abhi gathers up all his courage to talk to his buddies Arjun and Nikhil... Abhi thinks to convince and explain his situation to them..

Abhi: Ajju, Nikku.... Just listen to me once yaar...

Arjun: Shut up.... Not a word... I'm hell angry on you... Run away from here, before I smash your head...

Abhi: Nikku... At least, you hear me na...

Nikhil: May I know, Who you are??? How dare you to call us Ajju and Nikku.. Only our besties Vicky and Abhi can call us like this.. We don't know, who the hell are you...

Abhi: Arrey... What's this yaar??? Are you all suffering from any memory loss like the soap heroes or heroines...  I'm your sweet Abhishek or your gang leader Abhi, your bestie...

Arjun: Woha.. Bestie.. My foot.. Where is the so called Bestie, who has hidden such a big thing from us??? I can't find that stupid, irritating idiot here, who never shares his problems and feelings with us..

So, You mean to say that we are no one to you , right.. You didn't have a small bit of trust on us too.. It's really hurting us a lot... Didn't expected this from you, Abhi..

All these days, you purposely hide this from all of us.. If Vicky didn't catch you red handedly, you wouldn't have opened your mouth for sure...

Abhi: Hey, Ajju.. Please yaar... It's not like, as you think.. Listen to me first.... I have no such intentions at all.. Situations are too complicated and that's why, I didn't say anything to you all..

Instead of helping and giving solution to my problems, You all are hell adamant to get angry on me and scolding me a lot.. This idiot Vicky too is enjoying my misery very happily..

Nikhil: What else, you are expecting us to do, Mr. Abhishek Mehra.. Don't expect that we will pamper you and hear, whatever you say.. You are a  betrayer... You are a bloody cheat.... You did not even consider us your Friend, right...

Abhi: Idiot Vicky.. Don't laugh.. Please save me .. Atleast support me ... These two are killing me by their looks and words...

Vicky: As you sow.... So shall you reap... Don't expect any help from me.. Enjoy Abhi.. It's getting interesting and I'm having lot of fun.. A hot coffee, awesome starters, a feasty fight , what else, shall I need...

Come on guys... I'm expecting more emotions from you two... Why not you guys, try an action sequence.. I won't interrupt and I will surely clap, if you two beat this Abhi... Even I will whistle to appreciate you...

Abhi: Vickyyyy... You heartless moron... I will kill you, if you instigate my darlings Ajju and Nikku... My sweet dudes... I badly need your help...

Arjun: Don't ask for any help.... Idiot...
How dare you to hide everything from us??? You are least bothered about us right...

Nikhil: Haan.. We are not important to you, anymore... Do whatever you like... But leave us... Don't call us besties, here afterwards.. Let's dismantle our Rockers gang...

Abhi: Oh god!!! Don't talk like this guys.... I'm really very sorry... I didn't do anything intentionally... Please believe me.... I'm in a tough situation... If you are also getting angry on me and didn't forgive me means, what shall I do...

Vihaan: Enough guys... Stop your dramas yaar... See our Rockstar will cry anytime...

Both Arjun and Nikhil bursts into heavy laughter... Abhi could not understand, what's going too... They hugged Abhi tightly, but Abhi's eyes pooled up in tears...

Nikhil: Oh my cute baby.... No cryings, okay....

Abhi: You two scared me too much....

Arjun: 😂😂😂... We all are potraying you as terror and giving too much hype about you... But now only, I know that our Rockstar is a cry baby...

Okay.... Okay... Enough of all the dramas... Let's be serious...  Now tell us clearly, Abhi... What happened and what's going on???

Abhi explains all the incidents scene by scene and didn't hide any single instance too from them....

Nikhil: Oh my  God... This much happened...

Arjun: Abhi... I don't know what to say... I'm damn sure that you would have thought of something... Tell us, what we have to do now..

Abhi: I know, My love Fuggy, My daring prag is a girl... But I don't know, who is she exactly.... Her face is being hidden from me, always....

I couldn't understand whether  it's happening accidentally or is she hiding from me, purposely.... Aaliya, Bulbul and Tanu only know all the details about my Fuggy....

But when I doubted and asked informations about my Fuggy, we get only poor response... Aaliya said to Ajju that Daring prag had left to abroad suddenly and his family too moved somewhere and Aaliya got lost contact too and all...

Arjun: I too find it something fishy with Aalu's reply... I'm damn sure that they are hiding a big truth from us....

Abhi: Exactly...

Nikhil: Abhi... You have met your Fuggy, after that two times right.. Do you think that the girls are purposely doing all these..

Abhi: Yes... But something is quizzy here... If my guess is correct, My fuggy is the mastermind behind all these...

Vihaan: I'm sure that these girls are upto something and are hiding a very big thing from us...

Abhi: I too have thought about this only... But these girls didn't know that our Rockers gang is smart and clever... I have a plan guys.... (Muted).. I hope we will find out the truth soon...

All hified and cheered happily, to implement their plans in action... But they are unaware that they are in mission to find out the Daring betting queen Pragya, who is sharper and cunning than them... The boys didn't have any vague idea that the girls will be one step ahead of them in planning...


The Terror girls  Aaliya, Bulbul and Tanu are showing trantrums towards the betting queen Pragya.... They are seated in a cafe, but no one speaks anything.... All are ready to tear Pragya into pieces...

Pragya : Hey Aalu, Bulz, Tanz.... Why it's so silence here... Speak up na...

Aaliya: Stupid...

Bulbul: Idiot...

Tanu: Why baby???

Aaliya: Stupid Tanu... Always pampering her and singing to her tunes... We have to be in angry mood and shout at her...

Tanu: Oh is it so... My cute doll... Why did you do like this baby???

Bulbul: You are irritating us, Tanu...
Again you started with your baby, doll.... Aaarrggghhhh.... You are spoiling Pragya too much....

Pragya: Arrey.. Don't scold Tanu.... Atleast she is supporting, loving and caring me ... But not like you two... You both are ready to attack me and not understanding my feelings...

Aaliya:  Pragya madam is very smart... Did you think we will forgive you easily???

Bulbul:  Ask for our forgiveness or we will throw you out in trash...

Tanu: Oye drama queens... Don't scold my pragz baby.....

Aaliya and bulbul in unison: Tanuuuuuuu (yells).. Keep quiet or else..

Pragya: Enough guys.. Im so sorry...
I didn't meant to hide anything from you all... I'm hell confused and I don't know, who he is..

Yesterday only I saw him and that's the biggest shock of my life... I didn't expected that my Bestie, Abhi is be my love... I'm in a big dilemma.... Please help me na...

Aaliya: Alright.. Don't worry.... We all will support you.. Tell us clearly what you are going to do...

Pragya clearly explains her plans to Aaliya, Bulbul and Tanu.. All look horrified and shouted in shock... They couldn't digest what Pragya is saying and they didn't liked it a bit too..

Tanu: Baby... What's all this??? This is utter stupidity....

Bulbul: Are you serious, Pragz??? Do you understand, what are you upto... I'm sure, it gonna complicate the situations...

Aaliya: Yeah I too agree with you Bulz... Pragz... Be serious yaar... It's really scaring me a lot... We couldn't predict whether it will work out or not... I'm bothered that it shouldn't spoil your relationship with Abhi bhai...

Pragya: Hold on dears... I'm way too serious and stubborn in this matter... I'm confident and I'm going to proceed this for sure... It will definitely work out...

I believe in my love and my Abhi... Don't bother about anything... My Abhi's love on me is my biggest strength and I know very well that he won't let me down or our love....

Aaliya: Wah... wah...  What an explanation... That much confidence in Abhi bhai haan... Love is overflowing too much...

Pragya chuckles and blushes uncontrollably...

Tanu: Oh my god... I can't believe this.... My s**y doll is blushing... All credit goes to Abhi bhai, who made our Terror Pragz to blush and behave like a girl... Give it up for Abhi bhai...

The girls cheered and hooted happily....

Bulbul: Abhi bhai is completely controlling our daring Pragya... A lot of miracle is happening... Ahem ahem....

Pragya: Don't tease me, guys... Stop pulling my legs.... Let's be serious... It's not at all going to be easy... You three have to be cautious in all your moves...

The four will target you three for sure... Be very careful... They will plan something and ready to attack you all in many ways.. Don't spill anything, If Abhi melts you all by calling chotti..

They will even go to any extreme to get informations from you all .... No one should spill the matter, however they blackmail too... They can even attack you by talking senti too...

If you are careless, our plans will flop for sure.... Again and again I'm telling... Abhi is very smart and clever... It's not easy to escape from him... Be careful to use apt words too...

Especially Tanu, you be careful... You are very bad in keeping secrets.. No one should drink anything, if they insist too... Who knows, they can even make you to drink hard drinks and get informatios through you inebirated state....

If I find out that any such informations leaks from your mouth, that's your death day... Got it clear???

Aaliya: Just tell me one thing.. Is it essential to do all these???

Pragya: Yes... I can't face betrayal....
I want to test my love and to know how strong is Abhi's love for me...

Bulbul: What about that Preethi??? What if , she spits out the matter..

Pragya: I've threatened her already... She wont say anything...
Tanu, you need to watch her closely and threaten her often...

Tanu: As you say, Baby...

All cheers to get succeeded in their plans and prays for Abhi and Pragya's union....
They are aware that they are also going to face a tough battle with their boy friends, as they are going to hide a big secret....



Whose plans are going to get succeeded ???

What is Pragya going to do???

How is she going to test her love???

Will Abhi find out Pragya easily???

To know more, stay tuned....

Do vote and comment, if you like this shot...

Until we meet next time...

It's your buddy,


Signing out...


Will be



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