23. Letting her to taste her own medicine...

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Being deeply loved by someone gives you abundance strength to face any situations... But loving someone deeply gives you courage to succeed in the hard phase of life too...

When you love someone deeply from your heart, mind and soul, you will never give up on them...

I see heaven in your eyes... It's the place, which gives me everything I need...


The weddding rituals of Purab and Disha were going on in full swing and everyone are adoring and enjoying the moment very happily.... The guests are being guided to have the classy buffet arranged for them... The newly weds Purab and Disha are busy with the wedding games, which is going on in the other side...

The young people over there are teasing Purab and Disha, as much as they can and are hooting and clapping, making the couples to blush uncontrollably... Their blush encouraged them more and they
very happily pulling their legs, making the day to be more memorable for them...

But... The most important duo among them, Abhi and Pragya are standing in the corner, silently and are watching the games, without any emotions in their faces... It's crystal clear that both are craving to be in the embrace of their love, but they are not blessed enough for all that very soon....

Abhi's pov.:

I don't know, why am I the one to be like this??? Did I do any mistake in my life??? Why am I not lucky and blessed like all??? Why I'm the one to be tortured in this hide and seek game???

Fuggy... Where are you, sweet heart??? It's getting very hard for me, day by day... Please come to me, Fuggy... My heart is longing only for you and I'm getting mad without you...

But I'm sorry to say... I'm turing sick and my thoughts are getting out of control.. My mind and body are completely betraying me these days... Please save me, Fuggy... I want only you and I'm not ready to lose you at any cost...

But something in me is getting attracted with Mogambo's voice... I hate her to the core, but I'm feeling that it's your voice... Are you playing with me Fuggy??? My mind keeps on saying me that Mogambo and Fuggy are same... Gosh... I need to find out,  who is this Mogambo??? Huh...

On the other side... My best buddy, Pragya... She is a lovely girl, who understands me and cares for me a lot.. We share a great bonding... She is the only person, who is encouraging and supporting me in all means... But I'm starting to imagine that how will it be if Pragya is my Fuggy...

I find a lot of difference between them... Pragya is very soft but Fuggy is so much daring... Pragya fears to sit in bike, but Fuggy is a great bike racer....  Fuggy has got a magical and mesmerising brown eyes... But Pragya has adorable cat eyes...

I know very well that Pragya is wearing contact lenses... Never, I've got a chance to see the real colour of her eyes and I didn't get a chance to see her eyes closely, as she wears coolers often... If I see it, I will surely find out whether Pragya is my Fuggy or not....

You are losing all your nuts, Abhi... You and your stupid thoughts... Just think off how to tear off that Mogambo's mask... Hurray... I got it... Mogambo babe... You played a lot with me na... It's time to show, what this Abhi is capable of... Abhi's game starts now...

Abhi comes out from his thoughts, as his mobile buzzed with the name Mogambo flashing on the screen... Abhi makes a devilish smirk and attends the call, with a teasing smile lingering on his face...

Mogambo: Hi s**y... Missing me, Rockstar??? Oh man... You are looking so hot ... But I hate one thing.... All the stupid b****es are drooling on you and making chances to flirt with you...

Remember... You are only mine... If you miss me, say to me... I will come and entertain you... Shall I come Rockstar????

Pragya, who is not aware of Abhi's plan, started her usual Mogambo talks... As she is in the guest room, she is not able to see Abhi's  reactions and doesn't know what Abhi is upto...

Abhi (naughty and husky tone) : " Mogambo Babe... I missed you so much... I'm dreaming only about you, darling...

Why can't you come near me and prove to all the girls that I belong only to you... I know you are here only... Come on, my hot, sizzling doll... Give me a sensual kiss and show that I'm all yours..."

Mogambo: Whaattttt... You are not kidding me, right... May be I'm dreaming??? Did my ears started to hear wrongly???

Abhi: No babe.. All is happening in real only.... You are very much desperate to hear this from me, right.. I thought a lot... Finally, I've decided to give you a chance...

If you impress me, I'm all yours... Come and do, whatever you want... Make me to say "I love you".... Are you ready for the challenge,  Mogambo darling???

Mogambo (stammers) : Are you for sure???? You aren't joking right... Rockstar... Don't try to tease me... I will surely do it...

Abhi: Uffo... What's this babe... Why my s**y Mogambo is thinking that I'm lying... Why are you trembling, darling??? Why your s**y voice is shaking so much...

I'm whole heartedly calling you, sweetie... The challenge is true only.... Come babe... Show me how much you love me... I'm ready to melt in your love...

Give me a hot and sensual kiss and make me to forget everything... I just want to think and feel only you... I'm craving for you... Don't make me to wait for you...

Mogambo: Okie... I... I.... Willl.... Co... Come... Rockstar....

Abhi: Don't stammer like this babe... You are making my mood to go wild... I'm dying to meet you...If my instincts  are correct, I have guessed who you might be... Just want to confirm whether my guess is correct or not... Hurry up... Waiting for my s**y doll's sensual kiss and feel the love of you....

Pragya, who is in Mogambo mode didn't expected such a flirtatious, romantic and bold talk of Abhi with her... What shocked Pragya is that Abhi talk to her in a very husky voice, which can melt any girl easily...

Pragya is completely startled as Abhi gave a sensual kiss in mobile itself, which makes her to cut the call immediately.... Pragya's heart beats are stammering up and down and a pool of sweat drenched her completely... It took sometime for her to come out from the shock treatment, which Abhi has give to her...


On the other hand, Abhi is laughing uncontrollably, as his plan has worked out brilliantly... He can't control his happiness, as he made the irritating Mogambo to taste her own medicines... Arjun, Vihaan and Nikhil walks towards Abhi, who is standing alone and laughing madly...

Arjun: What's going on Abhi???

Nikhil: Are you alright, dude?? No problems, right...

Vihaan: Why are laughing madly, Abhi???

Abhi: 😀😀😀😀😀😀 I could not control myself... I did it finally... I told you all about that Mogambo, who is irritating and torturing  me on phone... I've a doubt that someone very close to me is playing with me...

I also have a doubt that it may a Prank or a smart move by my Fuggy to test my love... So, I made her to taste her own medicine... Poor girl... Completely shocked, as she didn't expected such a move from me....

Abhi laughs again hardly, but hot tears tickled and burned his eyes...

Arjun: Abhi... Why are you crying man???

Abhi: No... No ... I'm not crying.... ( Abhi wipes his tears quickly)

Vihaan: Don't try to fool us , Abhi... Your smart plays won't work with us... We are your buddies and we very well know exactly, what's bothering you...

Nikhil: Accept it, Abhi... You are missing your fuggy so much and you want her to be by your side... Isn't it???

Abhi sobs: Yes... I'm dying without her... Why??? Why she is playing with my emotions and feelings??? Why she is playing a hide and seek game with me??? It's really hard for me...

The Rocking boys doesn't have words to console Abhi, who is crying like a baby... Pragya, who passes by that side, hears all their conversation and felt really bad on seeing Abhi's condition.... She rushes towards Abhi and side hugs Abhi, which Abhi needs it very badly...

Pragya gestures something to Abhi, while Abhi pouts and shook his head negatively... Pragya chuckles and wipes his tears with her handky...

Pragya: What's up , buddy??? Is dust gone in your eyes??? Or this bad friends of yours had a fight with you, haan??? How dare you guys... I will kill you all, if you make my Abhi to cry again..

The terror boys in chorus : Oye... This is too too much... We didn't do anything ... You are shouting on three innocent souls... Poor us... Open your mouth Abhi or she will kill us...

Vihaan: Pragya... Instead of cursing us, ask this idiot Abhi to smile and forget that so called worthless and future less love... I don't know why this idiot is sticking on to it... I couldn't understand why this dumbo head has fall in love with that Fuggy...

That Fuggy is troubling and torchuring him... She doesn't have a heart at all... She is using our Abhi's love and playing with his emotions and feelings... This stupid is  believing her so much and is letting her to use him ...

Abhi: Vicky... Stop all your craps... Not a word more... Never dare to talk bad about my Fuggy... Is that clear???

Pragya: Abhi... Relax... Vicky doesn't have any intentions to hurt or ill treat your Fuggy... It's that he can't see you in that  state...

Vihaan apologies to Abhi, while he too understands why his friend said so... The boys consoled Abhi and assured him that they will help him to find his love... Pragya hides her tears and prays hardly that the time has to flew soon, so that she can unveil her identity...


The next day evening, all are gathering for  Purab and Disha's wedding reception, which is taking place in the most classy and luxurious five star hotel.... All the business delegates, high profile people, family and friends were invited for the gathering...

Ram and Priya gifted Pragya a heavy designer saree and requested her to wear that for reception.... Pragya argues with her parents, as she is not interested to wear it... But they brainwashed her by saying that they want to see Pragya like a bride in the reception..

Pragya laughs at her parents silly demands and dressed her in the way, as her parents wishes... All she want is to make her parents happy, unaware of the shock she is going to face in the reception....

The terror girls Aaliya, Bulbul and Tanu too joins them in the reception... They took Pragya aside, where no one can hear them...

Aaliya: Oh my my... Pragz darling... You look extremely gorgeous... You look like an angel dear... No one can stand before you...

Tanu: My s**y doll... I could not resist my self... Baby... Please don't blush... I'm getting out of control...

Bulbul: Pragya... It's highly dangerous to stand with this stupid Tanu... Move away from her... She will forget that she is a girl... Who knows, she may pounce on you...

All laughs hardly on seeing Tanu, who is pouting so sadly...

Tanu: Pragz Baby.... Seriously, I'm telling you... If Abhi bhai sees you, he will be completely go flat for sure...

Bulbul: But I find something fishy is happening here... Why suddenly, Ram uncle and Priya aunty made Pragya to wear saree and dressed her up like a bride??? Something is wrong for sure...

Pragya: Yeah... I too had that doubt... They said that they just want to see me in this attire... So I agreed to make them happily...

The girls chit chatted for sometime and comes towards the reception hall... Abhi's jaws gets wide open to see his  buddy Pragya , looking exactly like a bride... He smiles and goes near her...

Abhi: Wow... Darling... You are extremely gorgeous, sweet heart.. I couldn't resist myself... Will you marry me, darling???

Pragya hits Abhi playfully in his chest and says: Abhi... Stop flirting man... How many times I told you not to talk like this...
Your fuggy will kill me, if she hears your talks...

Abhi:  What's wrong in what I've said... I'm so serious...  You are too gorgeous and no men can resist you... Lucky is the man, who is going to get you as his wife.... Hope, I will get a chance in my next birth...

Pragya glares at Abhi, while Abhi pulls her cheeks and gave a sweet peck in her forehead... Both bursts out into laughter and moves towards the stage...


After sometime... Ram Arora took the centre of the stage, gaining everyone's attention....

"Thankyou everyone for attending the reception and wishing the newly wedded couples Purab and Disha.... Disha is like my elder daughter and Purab is always a sweet boy of mine... May god bless them to live a happy and peaceful life...

Here, I've got a surprise to all of you...
Today is not only the reception of Disha and Purab.... But, we are hear to attend two more important functions...

This is the best day in our lives... Our happiness is uncontrollable... We are very eager and awaiting for this day, for a long time....

My family is going to get the biggest happiness.... Thanks again for joining us... We will start the two functions in the auspicious time..."

Ram comes down from the stage, with a wide smile in his face... Pragya is completely puzzled as what's the surprise her dad is going to give...Abhi too wonders what are the two functions, which are going to take place...

The place is filled with lots of murmurs, whispers and guesses about the surprised functions...After half an hour, Ram and Priya goes to the stage again, with a wide smile in their faces.... Ram takes the mike to reveal his surprise....

" We are happy to announce..........."

Abhi gasps in shock, while Pragya stopped even to breathe too....



What are the two functions???

Will it be a happy news to Abhigya???

Keep guessing and stay tuned ...

Yours cliffy buddy,


Bidding adieu...





Catch me soon with your votes....

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