24. Unexpected news, which brings a storm in my Love life...

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Our love is strengthened by many challenges, which is hard to digest... However we need to pass all these loopholes to succeed in our love...

I want to speak the truth and pour out what's in my heart... But my mouth got tongue tied on seeing my family's happiness...

It's never too late... Take the decision right now... If not, no one is able to save you from the stupid decision you have made...


The Royal Five star Hotel is glowing with the twinkling of the huge lights... All the important businessmen and the high profile people in the city are graciously attending the wedding reception of the Verma's only daughter Disha Verma, who is married to her love of life Purab Khanna....

The whole place is echoing with the teasing voices of the young people, who are pulling the legs of the new couples Purab and Disha... All of a sudden, the whole place got silenced as Disha's uncle Ram Arora moved to the centre of the stage and took the mike, gaining everyone's attention towards him..

Ram with a wide smile in his face, thanks everyone, who has graced the occassion and blesses the new married a happy life... But to everyone's surprise Ram announced that two more important functions are also going to take place along with the wedding reception...

Ram increased the curiosity of everyone and  informs that he will reveal the news in an auspicious time... But what confused everyone is that Ram said that it's going to the biggest day of their lives....

Eventhough all are wondering and puzzling what might be the function, Pragya is super confused and is thinking deeply what will be the hidden plan... Even Abhi too asked her what's going on...

But Pragya didn't have any vague idea about that and she responds to him, negatively... The friends of Abhi and Pragya ( Nikhil/Vihaan/Arjun, Tanu/Bulbul/Aaliya) are also discussing a lot and none are in a state to find out the answer at all....


At the auspicious time,

The Aroras, Ram and Priya walks to the stage with a wide smile in their faces... Everyone are eagerly looking at them to break the silence and reveal the answer to them...

Ram: Well... I know you all are so eager to know what's going to happen, right...
It's the most cherished and blessed day in our lives.... My loving daughter, My Princess Pragya is going to get the world's best happiness today...

I'm short of words to explain how much happy I'm right now... My little Princess is going to step into a new phase in her life and I want all your blessings towards her....

Pragya puzzles what her parents are upto and she couldn't understand why her heart is thumping so fast... Out of fear, she holds Abhi's handly tightly... Abhi side hugged her and assured her that nothing wrong will happen...

Ram: We are so much excited and delighted to start the function... But before that we want our daughter, Pragya to come to the stage..."

Pragya shook her head negatively and firmly stands over there... She hesitates to move to the stage, as she feels that something odd is going to happen for sure... She is not at all ready to move an inch too and she least care about everyone is gazing towards her...

Pragya clutches Abhi's hand tightly and she hides behind him with a worried face....
Ram chuckles on seeing Pragya's childish antics and he gestures something to Abhi... Abhi smiles and nods his head quickly...

Much to everyone's surprise, Abhi scooped Pragya in his arms, as if she is a little baby.. Pragya gasps in shock, while Disha gestured to Purab that he too has to lift her like that one day....

Purab makes a sad face but he composes himself, as he is not the one to face this deadly punishment alone... Purab is relieved a lot on seeing the terror look of many boys and men over there, who are being forced by their lovers and wives to lift them like Abhi...

Not minding all these, Abhi is moving
towards the stage holding Pragya happily in his arms... The terror girls are very happy to see Abhi and Pragya like this and the Rocking boys are delighted to see the bonding between  Abhi and Pragya...

The guests were awestruck to see the beautiful couples, who are staring at each other with full of love.. Many whispers that they are made for each other....

After making Pragya to stand properly, Abhi is about to move from there... But Pragya is not in a mood to leave Abhi at all... Before Abhi convinces Pragya and move down, Ram interrupts them....

Ram: So, my Princess is here... This is my sweet and loving boy, Abhi... Abhi beta... I have a surprise for you too... Stay here beta...

Well... As the owner of the Arora industry, It's my privilege and honour that I'm letting the younger generation in my family to step forward for a beautiful beginning in their lives....

We are happy to announce that we are going to start a new Music company,  which gonna produce music albums and conduct many rocking concerts and shows....

Without making you all to wait, I want my daughter Pragya and my sweet Abhi beta to shake hands together, as this is their company... It's Abhigya Music Beats, which is named after Abhi and Pragya..

We are indeed very happy to announce that Abhi is going to start his career as a singer and he is going to launch his own albums.... Our daughter Pragya will take care of the company and she will produce  Abhi's albums and concerts....

I'm requesting Abhi and Pragya's friends Vihaan, Nikhil and Arjun to join hands with them in this company, if they are okay with it...

Our newly wedded couples, Purab and Disha are very good in business line and they will guide Pragya in this company and they will act as financial advisors for Abhi's shows and concerts....

Finally... The moment has arrived.... In due honour and a great fan of music, I'm happy to introduce the hidden talent to this music world... Presenting to you... Our beloved Abhi - The Rockstar...

Abhi's eyes welled up in happy tears... Pragya side hugged him and wipes Abhi's tears and asked him to smile happily... Abhi hugs Ram and gets blessings from Ram and Priya... Abhi's dadi, Purab , Disha and Abhi's friends joined them and wished Abhi happily...

Abhi is in cloud nice as this news is unexpected... He can't explain his happiness and he never even thought that his wishes and dreams will be fulfilled this much easily...

Abhi is super elighted as he is going to fulfill his Fuggy's dream to see him as Rockstar to come true... Eventhough he badly wants to meet her, he is damn sure that he is somewhere near him and watching everything happily...

Without anyone's knowledge, Pragya wipes her tears and smiles at Abhi brightly... Dadi, who is standing with Ram and Priya, whispers something in Priya's ears and gestured something to Ram... Ram nods his head....

Ram: Thank you all... Your wishes and blessings meant a lot to us... Abhi will surely entertain you with all his might... I'm looking forward to see Abhi growing up big in his career....

Now, moving on to the most important function of this evening... With the blessings my family, my loved ones, my friends, my business circle and all my well wishers over here...

I'm happy to announce that my daughter Pragya is going to get engaged today with the best man I have find for her and we will be having their wedding after a year...."

Pragya horrifies on hearing Ram's words... Her head starts to spin and her eyes welled uncontrollably.... Pragya is not in a state to lose Abhi at any cost... But she can't go against her parents wishes too...

Ram: Before starting the engagement, I wanna have a word with you, Abhi beta... I have a small request... Can you fulfill my only wish beta???

Abhi smiles widely and nods his head quickly, not aware that he is going to dig his own grave...

Abhi : Ram uncle... You are always a fatherly figure to me... Don't request me anything... Just order me.... I will do anything for you...

Don't hesitate to ask me uncle... Do you want me to speak to Pragya's fiance about this business and partnership???
Don't worry uncle... I will speak to him and convince him for sure...

Ram smiles and holds Abhi's hands with overwhelmed happiness...

Ram: Abhi beta ... I know how much you like my princess Pragya... You are her true friend and well wisher... That's why, I have decided to start this company in both of your names....

I want this partnership not only in business... But.... I want this friendship to continue life long... I want you two to stay together always...

Abhi: Sure uncle... I won't leave my buddy Pragya at any cost... She is my best buddy and we will be together like this always ..

Ram: Abhi beta.. I know you will fulfill my wish... With all your blessings and wishes , we Aroras are happy to be tied up with the Mehras and we are going to become as one family...

Yes... As decided by Abhi's dadi, Purab and us, we are going to do the engagement of Abhi and Pragya for an eternal bond of marriage and their wedding will happen in the next year...

Abhi.... Will you accept my Princess Pragya as your fiance now and will you be with her life long, not only as her Friend, but also as her husband....

Abhi and Pragya are startled to the core... They doesn't know how to react to it too... Their eyes are welled up in tears, as they are pushed into an awkward situation, where they can't say anything negatively....

Pragya (pov.) : No... I don't want this to happen... Eventhough I love my Abhi, I want to marry him only as his love of life Fuggy and not as his buddy Pragya...

God... I know my Abhi will be shattered and heartbreaken... I don't no how to console him too... Sorry, Abhi... You condition is becoming worser only because of me..

I know you will break all this and will surely succeed as a Rockstar and I'm very confident that our true love will unite us... I will hold your hands and marry you only as your Fuggy, Abhi...

On the other hand, Abhi doesn't know how to say that he can't marry anyone, as he loves his Fuggy a lot .. But he is not in a state  to make his Dadi, his Purab bhai and his beloved Ram uncle and Priya aunty to get upset for anything...

Abhi is not ready to betray the love he has on his Fuggy... Eventhough he likes and cares for Pragya a lot, he doesn't know how to say No to her, who knows everything about his love lofe...

But something in Abhi insists him to get engaged to Pragya, not minding about anything... Abhi is so confident that Pragya will support him, no matter what and he is so sure that only Pragya can help him to come out from this mess...

Before Abhi think anything deeply, Purab shook his shoulder and gave a ring to him...
He looks at Pragya, who is standing with the ring handed over by Ram to her... Abhi can clearly see that Pragya is not at all ready for this...

Both Pragya and Abhi looks at each other with moist eyes and they looks at their happy family, who aee eagerly looking forward to see their engagement.... With much reluctance and with shivering hands, Abhi pushes the ring in Pragya's finger, while Pragya too did the same to him...

The girls were flying in happiness, as this is the moment they were waiting for so long...
They were so happy that their bestie Pragya's love will get succeeded for sure, as Abhi won't be able leave her after all these...

The whole family along with their friends  hugs and congratules Abhi and Pragya happily ... But the engaged couples Abhi and Pragya are not at all happy ....

Eventhough they are engaged with their love of life only, but the situation is contrary, as sadness fills their hearts and minds... Abhi doesn't know that Pragya is his Fuggy only , while Pragya wants to get married to him only as his fuggy....



What's going to happen next???

Will Abhi accepts Pragya and leaves his love on his Fuggy ???

What is Mogambo's role in this???

Will Abhi succeed in his career???

Will Pragya reveal her  identity to Abhi???

What will Abhi do when he comes to know that Pragya acted as Fuggy and Mogambo????

Wanna know the answers....

Stay tuned..

Will be back soon....

Yours loving buddy,


Signing off...




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