25. Nothing is impossible, as I've a trustworthy love...

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I fell in love with you, just by seeing your eyes alone... Nothing can drive me crazy, other than your mesmerising eyes...

If you a have a supportive friend and understanding lover, nothing is beyond it's reach...

You are the shine and glow that lights up my life....


The unexpected announcement of the engagement between Abhi and Pragya is a shock, not only to the people surrounded over there, but also to the to be engaged couples Abhi and Pragya too...  The duo are tongue tied and they are trapped in an awkward and difficult situation...

Seeing the smiling and happy face of their family members, Abhi and Pragya have no other option than to nod their heads, positively... They reluctantly and with much hesitation, engaged the rings, with moist eyes...

But Abhi and Pragya hide all their emotions and feelings for the sake of their family member's happiness... They faked a smile in their faces and accept the wishes and blessings of everyone...

The Aroras and Mehras moves down from the stage and they are happily chit chatting with each other... Their happiness, their bonding, their laughter and the peace in their faces were noticed by the four crying eyes of Abhi and Pragya, who doesn't know how to come out of this biggest mess, that happened unwantedly in their lives ....


Not to be a spoil sport and interrupt the original function, the reception of Disha and Purab, Abhi and Pragya too gets down from the stage... Abhi is not in a state to face Pragya, who is controlling herself a lot, so that no one is able to see her vulnerability....

Abhi is in an inner turmoil and his soul is cursing him a lot for his stupidity... His heart is  bleeding in pain and is piercing him like a sword, for betraying his fuggy, who has fall in love with him, just by seeing his eyes alone...

However, Abhi is not able to leave his buddy Pragya, for anyone or for anything.... He doesn't  want his family or Pragya's family to get sad, because of him and that's the reason he didn't said no to them...

But Abhi is badly in need of a shoulder to cry and pour out all his emotions, which is eating him like a deadly worm... His mind and heart screams to call only his bestie Pragya, who only can understand what he is going  through... But to Abhi's poor luck, Pragya is no where to be found...

Abhi's eyes wanders here and there, to have a glimpse of Pragya and he didn't care anyone's teasings too... Not minding anything, he is searching Pragya, who vanished from his sight, as soon as they stepped down from the stage...

Without confusing him more, Abhi walks towards his dadi and Pragya's mother Priya, who are sitting in the corner and sipping their juices... When Abhi questioned about the whereabouts of Pragya, Priya informed him that Pragya has left to house, as she is so tired...

Abhi can understand Pragya's situation and he badly wants to console her... He wants to explain everything to his buddy and he is ready to do anything to comfort her.... When Abhi is about to call Pragya, his mobile rings aloud...

Abhi, who is thinking about Pragya all these time, didn't look at the caller ID and he believed that it must be Pragya on the line...

Abhi: Hey, Pragya darling... Just listen to me, please... I'm so....so....

But Abhi is hell shocked and got tongue tied, as he hears the furious voice of Mogambo, who is hurting him more with her harsh words....

Mogambo:  You are a cheat, Rockstar... You have betrayed not only me, but also your so called love, Fuggy too... Few hours before only, you have said to me that you are ready to give yourself to me and waiting for me...

But what have you done??? You have never loved your Fuggy nor you are interested in me... You did a fake drama to avoid me and divert my attention right... Am I looking like a fool to you??? You are completely sick and you are heartless...

I know, you have not seen either me or that Fuggy... I thought there is a war between me and Fuggy to claim you... But, in between that Pragya used the chance in her favour and smartly got engaged to you by using your Family...

Wah wah... What a kind of girl, she is... That Pragya has cunningly bought you using her money and you too nod your head shamelessly, as they are going to introuduce you as a singer... I've never seen an a****e like you...

Shame on you... Never I have expected that you will stoop low for money and fame... You are disgusting.... Whenever you have rejected me, I felt happy that you are a great guy... But now only I understand that money, fame matters to you a lot...

Abhi roared: Shut up you , bl**y b**h... Not a word more... Never dare to question me nor speak ill of my Pragya ... I know what I'm doing??? You don't have any right to accuse me... I'm answerable only to my Fuggy and not to you...

Mogambo: Woha... Don't scream on me... I'm warning you, Abhi... You are only mine and I will get you for sure .. I'm the one , who is going to marry you and never think that Pragya or Fuggy can get you...

Abhi: Oh hello... Dream as much you can... You will never get me... Go to hell... Dare to call me again, I will kill you ...

Abhi yells and cuts the  call angrily... Not able to control himself anymore, Abhi wishes to move away from there... When he nears the entrance, a small girl hold his legs, with a smile in her face and hands over a small piece of paper folded neatly...

Abhi opens the letter and reads it with shivering hands...

" Rockstar... Don't get upset like this... Be happy.... Don't feel sad... I can understand your inner turmoil and whatever you are going through at this moment... Life is to face all the challenges and overcome all the difficulties....

Leave all that... Come to me Rockstar....
I'm waiting for you... Find me, where I'm... I can't reveal who I'm to you, but I'm ready to console you and comfort you....

              🌷🌷  Yours daring Prag...  🌷🌷"

Abhi smiles widely and runs out happily.... He knows very well that where his Fuggy will be... As the name is mentioned as Daring Prag and not as Fuggy, Abhi knows the exact location, where she will be...

Abhi called his dadi and informed that he is moving out, as he has an important work... He rushes in his bike, where he first met his Daring Prag / Fuggy.... It is clear that Abhi is moving towards the same bike racing track in which both their eyes met for the same time and their souls got interchanged....


Abhi comes to the bike racing track and waits for his Fuggy to come soon... Suddenly, the calm place is surrounded with a heavy smoke and a roaring and thunderous sound from the ferocious bike, which halts a few steps before, where Abhi has parked his bike....

The smoke fills the air and blurs the vision over there completely... A petite figure, who is dressed up so dashingly in her leather bike outfit, gets down stylishly, making Abhi's heart beats to raise up rapidly....

Abhi stares longingly towards his love, The Daring Prag or Fuggy... She removes the helmet and makes her free hair to flow like the dancing sea waves... Abhi is quite upset, as he can view only her backside and he couldn't see her face at all....

Fuggy: Rockstar... Stay wherever you are... Don't try to come near me or see my face.... It's not the time for all that and I don't want to reveal my identity to you, now... Just tell me what is eating you...

Abhi: Fuggy... I'm so Sorry... Everything got complicated and I couldn't do anything at that time... I'm in a helpless situation and I didn't meant to betray you...

I love you truly... You are only ruling my heart... Please trust me... Abhi is meant only for his Fuggy and no one else...

Pragya is my best buddy and she knows everything about us... Please don't mistake her and don't think wrongly about her..  She is also in a helpless state like me...

Fuggy: Hold on, Rockstar... Did I ask any explanations to you.... I can understand your situation... Whatever happened is happened.... Don't regret for the incidents, which is out of your hand...

I know you are panicking a lot, thinking that I will think wrong about your relationship with Pragya na... No worries... I trust you a lot and I won't talk ill about your Friendship with Pragya, ever in my life...

Come on Rockstar... Stop sulking... Smile brightly.. Come out of the unwanted things... We can't change the past incidents... But we can easily change our future...

Abhi: Pardon.... I couldn't get you...

Fuggy: Rockstar... Your Fuggy is popularly called as the Betting Queen, who is so daring in nature... I like challenges and bets and I will do anything to win a bet ...

I've never lost in any bet and I will put on all my efforts to win that at any cost....I know you love me so much and I'm deeply and madly in love with you... No one can dare to separate us... You are only for me and I'm only for you...

Abhi: But... This....

Fuggy: This engagement na... Don't worry... Everything will be alright... Just have trust in our love alone.. We can pass this difficult phase very easily....

We have one year time, Rockstar... Prove yourself to the whole world that you are a born Rockstar.. I want you to achieve your dreams and get succeeded in your career.....

By the end of the year, if you still have the same love on me , propose me in your concert... I will surely come and surrender myself to you...

Abhi: Really....

Fuggy: Ofcourse, Rockstar... No one can separate us... I have a hope that all will accept our togetherness... My gut feelings says that Pragya will help us to get united...

Don't worry... All will be fine soon... Focus on your career and achieve your dreams...

Abhi: Can I ask you something, Fuggy??? Don't mistake me, please...

Fuggy: Go ahead, Rockstar...

Abhi: Why are you believing and trusting me this much... Will you support me like this always??? Will you come to my concerts??? Will you love me like this, whatever happens???

Fuggy: You are impossible , Rockstar... You are the one , who made me to fall for you, just by your eyes and loving me for the same...

I know you have never fall for anyone, other than me and is longing only for me... Till my last breathe, I will love you and support you... I will come for all your concerts to see your rocking performances.....

If you doubts are cleared means, shall I leave now ??? I know you have to go and console your friend, Pragya na... Go ahead ... I don't want to take you time anymore...

Whenever possible, I will be in touch with you... Get ready to accept my love torchures, before all your concerts... All the best, Rockstar... I want to see your smiling face, now....

Abhi smiles: Command received your highness...

Fuggy: That's like my Rockstar..

Abhi: Fu.... Fuggy.... Can you please, come near me and wish me good luck... Can you give your wishes to me, by a friendly hug??? If not, atleast shake hands with me????

Least case, I want to see your eyes, which conveys your love to me.... Can you turn, Please??? I promise that I won't insist you to reveal your identity and I won't try to see your face too...

Fuggy turns and her face is covered with mask... It's a purple, butterfly shaped mask, which is covering her whole face... Only her mesmerising, beautiful eyes and her juicy lips are seen by Abhi...

Fuggy with a wide smile in her face moved towards Abhi... She forwards her hand for Abhi to hold her... Abhi gently entwins his hands with hers and pulled her closer... Looking deeply into her eyes, Abhi holds her tightly in his embrace, which conveys his love towards her...

To Abhi's shock and surprise, Fuggy blows air in his face, which brings a shrill in his body... Before Abhi could react to it, he gets the happiest moment of his life, as his Fuggy has kissed him passionately....

It's a promising kiss, which shows that he is hers always... After a passionate union, both moves slightly, but their foreheads are brushed together... Both are gasping for breath, but their faces are glowing in happiness....

Abhi twirls his Fuggy and back hugs her tightly... He slowly moves down the zip in his Fuggy's back and nuzzles her neck... Before Fuggy think what's going on, she screams aloud, as Abhi gives a love bite in her neck, marking her as only his....

Fuggy couldn't control her blush, as Abhi soothes her pain with his feather like kisses.... He gave a sensual kiss in her earlobes and talks in a seductive voice...

Abhi: Fuggy... I love you so much... I've marked you as mine... I'm only yours.... Just wait for a year, Fuggy... Your Rockstar will scoop you daringly in his bike and fly away....

Fuggy smiles and hugs him tightly... Their lips met again to assure that they will be together always.... They chit chat for some more time and moved happily to their homes...


Abhi's heart calms down, after meeting his Fuggy... He is so much relieved now, as he has a trustworthy love... He understands that it's time to focus completely in his dreams and career..

Eventhough Abhi wished to go and meet his buddy Pragya and console her, it's quite late to do so... Abhi wishes to meet Pragya, the next day and pour out his heart to her and also about his meeting with his Fuggy....

On the other hand, Pragya is very much happy.... Her all worries are solved by her love Abhi... His assurity, his hug, his love bite and his kiss gives Pragya a 1000% promise and hope that Abhi only loves his Fuggy sincerely....

Pragya blushingly touches her swollen lips and she adores the love bite in her neck... She giggles at the thought of Abhi and her togetherness and drifted to sleep, dreaming about their wedding and a happily ever after....


Is it easy for Abhi to achieve his dreams???

Is it possible for Pragya to behave normally and friendly with Abhi, after all these incidents???

What will be Abhi's reaction, after knowing that he is being fooled by Pragya???

Is it going to be an arraged marriage of Abhi and Pragya ??? or Is it going to be a love marriage of Rockstar and his Fuggy??? Or Is it going to be a forced marriage between Abhi and Mogambo???

To know more, stay tuned....

Until we meet next time,

Yours buddy,


Bidding adeiu...


Will be


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