5. The Roaring Bike Race, which created a magic...

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The miracle happened... The precious moment of our lives... Ours eyes locked... Our souls interlinked... Love blooms, like a magic... I finally found, my love and life in you...

Your eyes created a thunderous storm inside me... Come to me and act as a medicine, to calm me down...

When I look into your eyes, my heart raced and something gone deep into my soul... That instant I understand that, you are my soulmate...


The dark night is creating an eeric and terrific feeling... The moon is not shining brightly and poor visibility is only found there... It can bring a shrill and fear in anyone's mind, seeing the atmosphere there...

But a huge crowd is not at all bothering about the darkness and never cared about the thunderous sound, which are increasing their heart beats... Expectations and happiness are clearly visible in their faces...

All are chirping and jumping happily, as the terrific and roaring bike race, which they are eagerly looking for, has started finally, with the swinging of the flag and the bikes screeched from the starting point....

The race is going on in full swing... All are quite nervous and is shouting and supporting their favourite racers... The heavy screechings of the bike, the smoke that evaporating from the bike, the smell of the diesel are filling the air completely....

The terror girls Aaliya, Bulbul and Tanu are biting their nails unknowingly and clear worry is visible in their faces... They know very well that Pragya is an excellent bike racer and she will give a tough competition to the fellow bike riders...

But the girls were worried thinking that is it possible for Pragya, being a girl, to out beat all those boys... Moreover, they were bothered as Pragya never loses a bet, any a time and if she lose this race, she will do something drastically for sure...

They are scared to hell and they were cursing themselves for dragging Pragya in this race, without thinking of the consequences and Pragya's nature to do anything to win a bet... They prayed hardly to God to make Pragya to win the race, at any cost....

In the opposite side, the rocking boys Vihaan, Arjun & Nikhil are sweating profusely and are bit nervous, as the race is getting way too tougher... They know very well about Abhi's passion and they can't imagine, if Abhi loses the race... Though they are cheering up Abhi happily, but inwardly they are scared to hell...


The question arises in everyone's mind...  Who is going to win this toughest race???

Will it be possible for Abhi to win the race, making the hopes of his friends to get succeeded??? Or is it going to be Pragya, who shows the power of a women, by out beating all the boys???

People are cheerily hearing  the roaring bike sounds... Smokes are filling the air and is mindlessly polluting the earth.. Nervous thud thuds of the increasing heart beats are getting louder and louder...

Light murmurs of prayers are echoing the whole place..  Roaring sounds of men and women cheering up their favourite racers are the only thing, which brings a positivity and hope in the rigid, dark atmosphere...

The bikers are moving in a jiff, as they want to win the race and prove that they are the best... They are skidding the bikes and is wheeling it as that of flying in air...

No one is ready to give up so easily and they are focusing their attention only on the finishing line, which is eagerly waiting to see the person, who reaches it first and win the honour...

Abhi is  sure that he will win the race very easily... Pragya is very much confident that she will prove that she is the best... Pragya keeps on saying to herself  that she should win it at any cost, as she never loses a bet...

The bikes are nearing the finishing line, making the tension and nervousness to reach it’s peak... All cheers up and excitedly jumps from their seats... But more than their happy cheers, their wavering heartbeats are heard louder in the dark, daring and terrific night...

The bikes finally touches the finishing line... The cheers of the audiences stops abruptly ... No sound came from the audience side... All are dumbstruck and some even failed to breath too... Only bikes halting with shrieking sounds are heard...

Rather than clapping or cheering for the victory of the winner, all are gasping in shock and rubbing their eyes to confirm whether what they saw is of real only.. They couldn’t understand what has happened and no one is ready to come out from the shock quickly...

Usually any kind of competition has only one winner and it’s always believed that the deserving one should one.. There is no point and no one is ready to share the title or winning trophy..

Only in rare cases, there will be two winners.. The same happens in this bike race too, which shocks everyone a lot...

It’s clearly sen that two bikes touches the finishing line at the same time.. The bikes comes to a halt, stopping their engines, but it makes all the audiences to freeze in shock.., It took some good time to comes out of their shocks and slowly and steadily the cheers filled up the air...


The terror trio Aaliya, Tanu and Bulbul hugs each other and jumps up happily, as if they have won a billion in a lottery... The rocking boys Vihaan, Nikhil and Arjun hi-fis each other and hugged with a feeling, as if they have got some big hidden treasure...

Yes it’s obvious and confirmed that the  winning bikers are none other than the charming Abhishekh and the Daring Prag - "Pragya"...

All the bikes reaches the finishing line and all bikes comes to a halt... The bikers descends down from their bikes and pulled of their helmets from their heads... The other racers congratulates the winning  duo Abhi and Pragya...

Abhi is very much desperate to know  the guy, who dares to finish exactly at the same time with him... More than that he badly wants to see the eyes, which is doing all kind of wierd and unwanted hormonal changes inside him...

He is not in a mind set to think that he is longing to see a boy’s face, but his inner soul is confident that it’s a girl only... He is in his own world and he is dreaming a beautiful life with those beautiful eyes....

On the other hand, Pragya feels happy that she has won the bet...  But she felt very bad and sad, as she is not the only the winner and she feels irritated not to share her victory with anyone..

She is annoyed and angry, as someone has dared to draw and win therace along with her...  She is also desperate and eager to know, who has the guts to finish with her.... As all the bikers moves away from there, only Abhi and Pragya are left there...

They both moves simultaneously towards each other, without knowing what's destiny is going to play in their lives... They are not aware of the consequences and the deadly fate, which going to play in their lives and gonna bring a big storm, changing their paths too..

As Pragya and Abhi nears each other, something strange happens.. A warm happy feeling enters in the hearts of Abhi and Pragya... It’s seems that as if a magic is happening..

The were not aware that the love cupid has hit their hearts and they both stares at each other eyes, without blinking their eye lashes too...
The interlocking eyes entwined their souls and love blooms miraculously, at the very first meeting itself..

They can't predict what's happening to them... They enjoys the moment happily and comes near each other, with a soothing melody of love tuned in their hearts.. After filling up their hearts with the eyes, which took their soul, they comes out from their dream land...

They congratulates each other by shaking hands and gave a friendly side hug too, as a winning gesture... Both badly wants to freeze this moment, as they got a confidence that both are going to be an adorable couples one day...

The strange unknown feeling creeps up in both their bodies and minds... Abhi shooks his head quickly and sees  Pragya’s eyes again...  He can’t take his eyes away from her and all he wants is to drown in her doe shaped eyes and bury in it , all his life...

 Abhi was awestruck and is mesmered by the bold beautiful eyes again... Never in his life, Abhi  has seen such a glamorous eyes, which is showing the same expression and feelings, which he is expecting.. He wanna dance happily, as it's confirmed that both are sailing in the same boat only...

His inner mind screams aloud and keeps on saying that it’s not a boy's eyes... Those beauties eyes should be of a beautiful young girl only...

His heart also supports him by saying that this eyes are only for him and he is ready to drown in those two captivating eyes till eternity.... He even does not want the time to move forward too...

Pragya, who never looks at any men with interest and treats men like a worthless creature, is also astonished to see a pair of naughty, glamorous and catchy eyes, staring at her with full of love.. She too fell for those sexy eyes and all she want is to cocoon herself inside him..

As they are held up in bike outfits, their heads covered with helmets, only their eyes are only visible. The darkness too didn’t allowed them to see, who is standing near by too...

They both are ready to drown in each other eyes and fell for the eyes instantly and they are even ready to stand there till eternity only by looking into each other eyes...

The soulful, intimate, romantic and blissful union of those beautiful eyes are broken mercilessly by their very own friends, the terrors and the rockers gang...

They are highly  disappointed, but they quickly composed themselves and hugged their gang.. They were congratulated by their buddies happily...

They all started to move..  Pragya’s hearts skips a beat and she turns back to have a glimpse of those naughty eyes again... Much to her happiness, Abhi too looks back and captured the look of the mesmering eyes... They moves from there, leaving their hearts in the opposite directions..

Aaliya excuses from her gang and smirks on seeing Arjun, who is standing along with his gang... Aaliya waves hands and moves towards Arjun.. He feels so happy and introduces Aaliya to his gang.. Aaliya congratulates Abhi and excuses them and takes Arjun from there..

Aaliya: Ajju darling...  It’s a tie.. We both won...

Arjun: Yeah... I did not expected something like this will happen... Leave that... I have won na... Where is my gift, sweetheart.. May I or shall you???

Aaliya: Hey wait wait... You can’t get it so easily, as we both won... We will have a compromising solution for this..

Arjun: Huh.. What’s that???

Aaliya: I’m not going to give  anything to you today in front of everyone as I have won... As you too are the winner, I’m taking out the promise... You can do whatever you wish for... No restrictions and I won’t say that you need to wait till marriage and all..

Arjun: Aalu baby... If that’s the case, why cant I get a kissy today.. Just only one, baby..

Aaliya gave a quick, yet deep kiss on Arjun’s cheeks and runs towards her friends, with a blushy smile in her face... Arjun's gives a flying kiss to Aaliya and moves towards his friends, who are teasing him immensely..


After getting the prize money, the boys moves to Vihaan’s house and the girls moves to Bulbul’s house.. They chit chat for some time and drifted to sleep...

But the two poor souls (Abhi and Pragya) are not getting a single bit of sleep too... Sleep is far away from them... They are desperate to know to whom their eyes made love.. They are eager to know, who took their heart and soul just like that ..

They made a vow to find their soul taking eyes at any cost... One thing is clear in this case.. They are confident that they are not going to have any future, without each other... The fate is laughing at them and is smirking that they game has been started...


Will Abhi and Pragya find each other???

Will Aaliya and Arjun plays a cupid in their lives???

How come the other couples are going to meet and fall in love???

Will Abhi and Pragya unite happily or will fate play a tricky game in their lives ???

Keep guessing and stay tuned..

Casts your votes without fail and pen down your views...

Winding off...

Yours buddy


Will be


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