6. I'm the key to your heart...

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When my eyes meets yours, I get an uncontrollable and overwhelming feeling, which can't be put into words...

It's indeed an amazing feeling that a person, who was once a stranger to me, has suddenly and without any warning, becomes my everything...

We didn't conveyed our love... But we forget that our eyes did that long back...


After the terrific race, the boys returned to Vihaan's house, while the girls moves towards Bulbul's house... As it's quite dark and getting late, all settles in their beds to sleep...

Abhi is not able to close his eyes, a bit too... He is staring at the ceiling and uncontrollably his cheeks turns red, as the magical eyes are haunting and filling his vision....

Abhi's pov.:

Wow... It's indeed a turning point in my life... The day, which sets for a new beginning... Really, a miracle happened... I found my love... Oohooo....

But... Wait wait... Abhi, are you for sure??? Is it love only??? Ahem ahem... Stop putting red makeup in your cheeks and answer this first man... Are you confident enough to find out to whom those beautiful eyes belong???

Remember, you heart is melting for the Daring Prag... How come it is possible???? I know my heart, my mind and my eyes can't betray me... I'm damn sure and 100% confident that it's not a boy... She must be a girl only...

What a captivating eyes!!!! Took my breath away, within a second... I can drown my whole life, just by looking at those magical eyes... Those eyes are intoxicating me and I want those eyes to love me, all my life...

Aarrrggghhhh... Why am I reacting like this... I can't think, anything other than her.... I FELL FOR HER EYES madly and crazily and I'm irrevocably in love with her... I can't live without her... I want to make her mine, by hook or crook....

She is mine and I want her, as my soulmate... I should find out who she is, as early as I can... What about her status, age, religion, language and all??? Am I going to care about all these??? Nah nah... Whoever she may be, she is mine only...

She is Abhishek Prem Mehra's Prag only... What kind of name is this?? Wierd name.. Why not, I keep a pet name for her??? Yayyyy... I got it... Let me call her as Fuggy... Abhi's darling and sweetheart, Fuggy....

I'm very happy, as my girl is way too bold and daring like me... She even has the guts to finish off along with me... Rather, I should appreciate her confidence to come and race among all those boys... Hats off to her will power... She is the true winner...

We are made for each other and I'm damn sure that we will become a crazy couple, one day... If we both join together, we will be more adventorous and can win anything by our daring acts and I'm sure, we will rock and go miles apart...

I'm in love... I'm in love with my Fuggy... Where are you sweet heart??? I'm getting crazy, because of you... Will you think of me, at least??? Did I made any impression in your heart??? Phew... All the best Abhi... Long way to go....

Abhi wished himself and hoping for the best to happen soon.... He drifted to a deep slumber and dreaming happily about those beautiful eyes, which took his heart and soul...


While in the other side, Pragya is smiling and blushing uncontrollably... This is the first time ever, that the tomboyish daring Prag is behaving typically like a girl.... She couldn't understand why she is reacting like this too....

Pragya's pov.:

What's happening to me??? Really, Is this me??? Something has gone wrong for sure... Why on earth I'm reacting like this???

(Touches her forehead and neck) I'm normal only... Even I'm not feeling feverish too... All the nuts and bolts inside me is fixed correct only na... You didn't gone mad right, Pragya...

Grrr... Stop behaving like a girl, Pragya... Aaaahhhh... This idiot mind voice is screaming that I'm a girl... Yeah yeah... I'm a girl only, who lost her heart to that killer eyes... Damn that eyes!!!! I'm dead, already...

How come those eyes can  dig a hole in my heart and enters my soul and doing something inside me... I fell for those eyes... Aww... I can't even blink now...

I will collapse completely and will get mad, if he is not with me... He will be mine and I will get him by hook or crook... Even I'm ready to seduce him to get him in my life...

Stupid Pragya... What are you saying??? What does it mean??? Hey dumbo Pragya... Still you couldn't understand... You are in love... Is this what is called as love at first sight???

Wah wah... A biggest Medical miracle has happened... Keep it as a secret Pragya... If not, your friends will tease you for sure... Even your parents won't believe that you are in love...

Will everything happen, as I wish??? Will he love me??? But, I want him not to accept me for my beautiful looks or seeing my financial status and wealth.... He should love me, without knowing who I'm ..

This is going to be really interesting and challenging... I have to find my man and make him to fall only for my eyes... He should love me and should do anything to get me... After getting the needed confidence, I will reveal my identity...

Pragya giggles at her thoughts and made a vow to find him... But little did she know that it's going to be really really tough for her... Pragya's stupid thinking of not to reveal her identity is going to complicate everything for sure...


Other than Abhi and Pragya, four more hearts are wandering here and there  and longing for their soulmates....

Nikhil is thinking about the girl, he saw in the race... He likes her so much and he very well knows that she is Arjun's girl friend, Aaliya's friend only... He plans to get her number through Arjun, from Aaliya...

Vihaan's heart is racing vigorously and is betraying him a lot... The stubborn and adamant Vihaan, who is not interested much in girls is thinking about the chirpy and gorgeous girl, who stole his heart...

Bulbul's image flashes in Vihaan's mind.. Bulbul's smile, her glorious face, her looks, her features, her cute antics, made Vihaan to fell head over heels in love with her, at the first sight itself... He too wishes to get Bulbul's contact number through Arjun, via Aaliya...

Here the conditions of the girls Tanu and Bulbul are also the same, as that of the boys... They are also dreaming about their handsome hunks, who stole their hearts... They too plans to get introduced to their love interest, with Aaliya's help...

Only the love birds Arjun and Aaliya are sleeping peacefully and  are dreaming about their love... The day ends, marking a wonderful beginning of three new love stories...


A new day begins happily, with the doodle from the cocks and the chirping sound of the birds... The sun starts to shine brightly... All wakes up and did their morning chores and get back to their usual works...

Dadi and Purab are sitting in the dining hall and sipping their morning coffee... Dadi decides to speak to Purab, as it's high time, she didn't opened the topic...

Dadi: Purab.... Purab beta... If you are free, can we talk for sometime???

Purab: What's this dadi??? If you want, I will make myself free for you...

Dadi: Beta... Did Abhi called you??? Did he started to college???

Purab: Haan dadi... I spoke to him and he has started to college, earlier it seems...  I thought to inform you, but this office call came na, I have forgotten... Sorry dadi...

Dadi: It's okay beta... Leave all that... Is anything bothering you, Purab??? Why are you looking so dull??? All is fine only na... Nothing wrong right...

Purab: Nothing like that dadi...  All is fine only... Don't worry about anything... Your Purab won't hide anything from you... Stop thinking too much and be happy, Dadi...

Just a little bit of work pressure alone.. Now a days, my boss is getting on to my nerves and is finding fault in all my works.. The other staffs are eyeing me a lot and are giving unwanted trouble to me....

Even the senior people are ready to suck my blood and torturing me a lot, by asking to do their works too... Too much of dirty politics in the office and they are planning a lot of conspiracy against me... I'm fed up of this job, Dadi..

Dadi: Don't stress yourself,  beta... Take care of your health properly... If you want, you can quit and leave your job... Don't suffer and face all these, because of us...

Purab: No dadi... Please don't talk like that.... I can go to any extent to make you and Abhi happy... It's my responsibility to take care of you two....

Your care and love, Abhi's smile and his simple hug, will wipe away all my worries and stress... Rather, I love this job and I don't want to leave it for those idiot's sake...

Dadi: As you wish beta... Purab beta... Vo... Vo... (Sighs) I'm too growing old... I can't take care of you both properly for a long time.. Other than me, someone responsible should be there to take proper care of this house...

Remember, you are also getting aged... Why can't you get married??? I have got some good marriage proposals for you... Shall I show you the girl's photos???

Purab (chokes and spits out the water, he drinks): whaatttt... 😨😨😨😨 Marriage ??? That too for me.... Noooo... No dadi... Not now...

Dadi: If not now, when are you going to get married, haan??? Don't say that  you wanna get married, after you become grandpa... You are already of marriageable age and why are you not fulfilling my wish, beta...

See... I don't want any kind of arguments... You are going to get married very soon... Better you say or choose the girl of your choice or I will find a nice girl for you... Is that clear???

Purab panicks and does not know what to answer Dadi, who is stubborn and adamant and wants Purab to get married soon ... Purab is hell confused and doesn't know what to do...

Purab is not in a state to explain his verdict to Dadi... His restlessness, his sufferings, his problems are getting higher, only because of ******... He itself doesn't know, how to come out of the mess....

It's impossible for Purab to get married and how can he tell dadi that he is being threatened, blackmailed and warned not to marry, anyone other than her... He is standing like a cat on a wall...

Purab knows very well that she loves him a lot... She is a pretty woman, with a golden heart... But he is not lucky enough to love her or marry her...

It's highly impossible and they can't be together, any a time... Purab is a very practical person and he doesn't want to think of the golden treasure, which is beyond his reach....

It impossible for them unite, as they are of different status.... Though Purab likes her a lot and is secretly loving her, he can't reciprocate her love or marry her... It's not going to happen at any cost....

Purab comes out of his thoughts and had his breakfast... He gets blessings from dadi and moves to face the battle field and to have a hectic day in his office...


The Rockers gang reaches the college, after the long holidays... Unaware to Abhi, Nikhil and Vihaan are nagging and pleading Arjun to help them to meet their lady loves... They want atleast their numbers... They are after Arjun and is irritating him a lot...

After a lot of threatening, blackmailing, cooing and begging , Arjun reluctantly agrees to help them... He does not wish to spoil his love life , because of his friends... But he agrees to help them, so that they can be together always...

Abhi was in deep thoughts... He is not able to concentrate in the classes properly and he didn't go for the sports practices and didn't even visited the music room too... Thinking about those eyes, Abhi forgots even to breath too...

Abhi has a great passion for music and it's like a breath for him... He is a wonderful singer and Rockstar of the college... He composes music and even writes lyrics too... He comes to college to practice music and studies only for his dadi and Puru bhai's happiness..

The boys notices Abhi's silence and wishes to ask him the reason for his behaviour... They shook him hardly and asks him what's the matter... Abhi didn't uttered a word too, but his lips curved to a  blushy smile....



What's going to happen next???

Who is that she, who is threatening Purab???

Why Purab can't love and marry her???

Will Pragya can get Abhi in her life???

Will Abhi be able to meet his soulmate Fuggy and will it be possible for him to get married to her???

Will the other couples unite???

What is Arjun and Aaliya's role in their friend's lives???

What will be the reaction of Abhi and Pragya, if they meet face to face????

To know more stay tuned....

Cast your votes and pen down your views...

It's me

Yours crazy Buddy,


Winding up...

Meet you all in next update...


Will be


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