7. Because, your eyes said the love to me...

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When it's time for the souls to meet, nothing on Earth can stop it... Wherever they may be, they will meet for sure...

The best love story is that you fall in love with an unexpected person, at the unexpected place and in an Unexpected time...

Are you ready to catch me, as I'm falling for you???


The Rocking boys Vihaan, Nikhil and Arjun are searching their bestie and gang leader, Abhi for a long time...  Abhi didn't turned up for the sports session and music practice too... As they can't do anything without Abhi in the music room, the boys were in search of Abhi...

They were shocked to see Abhi is sitting in the isolated corner of the college campus, where only garbage, useless and unused items in the college where thrown out... They were worried as Abhi is smiling and blushing uncontrollably...

Vihaan: What the hell is going on here???

Nikhil: Vicky... I'm getting scared, man... Our Abhi is fine only na... Why he is smiling and blushing like this and that too at this place...

Vihaan grits his teeth angrily: I too have come along with you only na... How can you question me, as if I'm aware of all these... What the hell has happened to this Ajju... Why he is reacting like this...

Vihaan and Nikhil shook Arjun, while he screams aloud and is trembling in fear....

Arjun: Mummyyyyy... Come and save me... Some mohini (enchantress) has attacked Abhi and is eyeing at me too...

Vihaan: Idiot Arjun... Don't over act, okay... Your love Aaliya will shoo away any kind of mohini... Stop your dramas... Come, let's ask this dumbo Abhi, what's going on...

The trio were bewildered as Abhi is whistling happily and moving away from there, without bothering to hear any of their words too... The trio were thinking of the reasons behind Abhi's behaviour and they were confused to the core....



Purab moves towards his office, in a big confusion..  He has a very hectic schedule and is tied up with lots of issues to solve.... He couldn't even talk about his helpless state to anyone too, as he has lots of commitments and this job is a must for him...

However his mind is wandering around, here and there and Purab is deeply thinking about the discussion, he had with dadi in the morning.... Purab does not know what to answer dadi or to stop Dadi, who is desperate to make him to get married soon...

He doesn't know how to say to Dadi that, his life has become a complete mess, because of  *****... She is the reason for all his problems.. He regrets his decision to join this job, on her insistence...

He cannot marry anyone, other than her... She will kill him, if he do so... He is threatened, blackmailed and pleaded a lot by her, as she loves him madly and won't permit anyone to marry him... Purab prays to god for some miracles to solve his life's twisted problems..

Purab's thoughts were interrupted, as the phone in his cabin started to ring aloud.. Purab knows very well that the call is only from her... But he has to attend the call, without any option, as she is his company's MD...

MD: Mr. Purab... Make yourself free... I need to meet you..  Take Mr. Sheth & sons file along with you..  We have a meeting for one hour.. 

Inform your senior and come to my cabin within ten minutes... And I dont want any interruptions in between...
Is that clear???

Before Purab answers his MD, the call got cut abruptly... Purab is completely dazed, as he knows very well about the reason for this sudden meeting... He gulped hard and empties a water bottle in a go, to control his nevousness and tension...

Purab works as a deputy manager in the Verma group of companies.. He is hardworking, sincere and dedicated to his work... She is the reason to get this job too...

Purab is not ready to face his MD at all..  He worries a lot and his prayers are not answered... He doesnt want to attend this meeting, as he knows that she will melt him for sure...  He reluctantly moves to the MD's cabin, after informing his senior....

Purab greets the MD and hands over the file...

MD: Mr. Purab Khanna... Go and bolt the cabin door and come... Quick... Haan that's good... Take your seat...

Purab nervously sits down and is sweating a lot... MD calls her PA and informed about the meeting and instructed that nobody should disturb them and she doesn't not want any interruptions in this one hour...

Then, the MD moves from her chair and her gaze is fixed only on the tensed Purab only... She chuckles and winks at him and blows a kiss towards him.. Purab is stunned and he immediately turned his face, the other side...

The MD looks at him teasingly and moves away, swaying her hips, making Purab's heart beats to raise up heavily... She closed all the window curtains... Even she switched off her mobile and asked Purab also to do so and takes out the receiver from the landline too...

After that the MD moves very close by to Purab, making a roaring thunderstorm in Purab's heart... She jumps up quickly and sits in the table closeby to Purab, so that both their bodies touches intimately...

They both  can hear their heartbeats and an unknown feeling enters their bodies and minds... Purab is sweating and is looking tensed... He badly wants to run away from there, but he can't move  an inch too...

The MD chuckles and increases the temperature in the a/c... She comes very close by to Purab, so that even air can never pass between them... Suddenly, the MD hugs Purab and kisses on his cheeks...

MD: Puru darling... Why are you behaving like a stranger to me??? Why are you avoiding me, Purab??? Did I became an outsider to you???

What mistake I have done, Purab???
Now a days you are not talking to me... No calls... No texts... No outings...
Don't you love me anymore, Purab??? Please... Don't avoid me... It's hurting me a lot...

Where is the Purab, who promised me that he won't leave me ever... Is this, what your so called love??? Did you loved me for time pass or are you running away from me, thinking about the difference in our status???

Don't sit like a stone, Purab... Answer me, right now... I can't... I'm dying inwardly... Better, you kill me... I'm not ready to live a life, without you...

The MD brokes down and is pooled up in tears.... Purab too cries and feels bad on seeing her pathetic state... But he has no other choice... He takes  a deep breath and wipes his tears and stiffened his posture..

Purab composed himself and he didnt even bother  to look at her face too.. He is feeling guilty for hurting her and it's killing him a lot... With a heavy heart, Purab starts to speak...

Purab: You are not at all fault or at mistake... I'm the one, who have committed all the sins... You are such a true soul and I'm not suitable to you, in any means...

I too love you so much... But I cant accept you and marry you... It's impossible for us to become one, Disha..

How can you think that I can make you happy??? I'm not heartless to separate a daughter from her father... Your papa loves you so much and you are his life... He has lots of dreams about you...

You are the only legal heir of this biggest Verma groups... I was not aware about all these, when we were classmates and that's why I reciprocated your love at that time... More than three years, I was kept in darkness and I didn't know your real identity...

Those three years of our life is the happiest and most blessed days of my life... But, when I come to know that you are a billionaire's only daughter, I was shattered into pieces...

I'm from a middle class family and my family depends, only on my income... I badly needed a good job and that's why I have joined this company, in your insistence, Disha...

But reality strikes me, only after joining here... I understand that we can't unite, as there is a lot of difference between us and I won't match to your class and status... I can't give a life, which you truly deserves ..

Disha: Purab... Please don't talk like this... I will solve all the issues... Trust me... You are my life, Purab and only you can give me the love, which I'm longing for...

Just answer my question alone... If my Papa asks you to marry me, will you say yes or no... Wait wait... Don't talk anything negatively... Just say yes or no..

Purab: Obviously, I will say yes... If such things happens, I will feel that I'm a lucky one...

Disha: Aww... My Purab is a lucky guy...   I'm very happy today... Arrey, smile at least noe... I've informed Papa about our love and he too agrees to meet you happily...  Get ready Purab... Soon you are going to become Disha's husband...

Purab : Really??? I can't believe this...

Disha: It's true, my dear Purab.. I just said your name...  Papa readily accepts, as he knows you very well...

Purab: I don't know how to express my happiness...

Disha: Just say I  Love you and give me a kiss....

Purab pulls her closer and does what she said... It took a long time for them to part apart...

Disha: At last, my Puru is back to form... Idiot... You made me restless and you avoided me for this...

Purab: Sorry, Disha darling... I was very much insecured... Now I'm happy, as I got my love and life back... Pretty please.. Forgive me...

Disha: Alright.. Get ready and come to XYZ restaurant sharply at 7...

Purab: How can I come there??? I'm way too scared to meet your Papa, Disha...

Disha: Then who else will come haan??? You are my love and you are going to be my hubby .... Papa wants to meet you along with my uncle's family... My sister Pragya is ready with a bunch of questions to interview you...

Purab:  Whaattt... I'm so scared, Disha... What will I do, if I didn't impress them...

Disha: Don't worry... All will be fine... Relax...  If you want, you can take Abhi along with you.. It's just a small get together only...

Purab: Okay MD madam... Order received... Is our meeting is over??? Shall I move to my cabin???

Disha :  Yes Mr. Purab Khanna... You can move, but you have to fulfill your boss' wish, without fail and you have to compensate for your loss too ....

Purab smirks and immediately grabs her waist and gives a deep passionate kiss, making Disha to melt completely...


Purab is in cloud nine.. He happily moves to his house and informs the matter to Abhi... Abhi is quite aware of Purab's love and he is very much happy as his Puru bhai's love is getting succeeded..

Abhi readily agrees to go with Purab
and he also wishes his love to get succeeded with his mystery lovely eyed girl, his soulmate Fuggy...

Meanwhile, Disha happily calls her uncle Ram Arora and informs about her father's acceptance on her love with Purab..  She asks Ram to come along with her aunt Priya and cousin Pragya, so that they can meet Purab...

Ram promised Disha to come on time... Priya informs Pragya to get ready... Pragya happily gets ready and comes down in a short crop top and mini skirt, which barely covers her body...

Ram: Wow... My barbie doll is looking pretty and cool...

Priya fumes and grits his teeth angrily: Shut up, Ram... What the bloody hell you are wearing, Pragya??? We are going to meet your Disha di's fiancee.. How can you dress up like this haan... Go and change...

Pragya: But mom... What's bad in this dress??  Am I not looking pretty and hot in this??? Do you think Purab jiju will get smitten on seeing me???

I swear maa... I won't become a shautan in my Disha di's life ever...  I will find a nice guy for me... So, don't worry...

Priya: Pragya... Before I kill you, runvaway from here...  Go and change or else...

Pragya: Maa...This is unfair... You are finding faults in me always... Grrr... Okay okay... I will get changed...  But I wont wear any salwar suits or sarees... I don't want to look like a behenji, in front of Jiju..

Priya: Stop sulking... I have kept a party gown  and matching accessories in my room..  Go and get ready..

Ram: We are moving princess, as we need to go soon... You get changed and come in our other car.. Strictly no bike, tonight...  Don't drive on your own... Take driver along with you, okay...
Ram and Priya moves to meet Disha and Purab in restaurant... While Pragya runs to the room and is amazed to see the pretty gown... She got ready and looks like an angel...

Purab and Abhi moves to the restaurant, dressed up in formal suits, to meet the Vermas and Aroras... Abhi is not at all aware that he is going to meet her soulmate Pragya and her family too, along with Disha's family...


Is it going to pave way for a new beginning???

Will Abhi and Pragya meet, atleast now???

Will Purab impress the Aroras and Vermas???

Will the Aroras accept Abhi and Pragya's relationship???

What's destiny is going to play in their lives???

Keep guessing and Stay tuned...


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