8. The First romantic meeting of the soulmates...

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Nothing is preplanned.. My heart beats started to raise rapidly and I’m smiling for no reasons.. Am I going to meet my love???

We don’t meet people by accident.. It’s our fate that we need to meet certain people and unknowingly, it’s them, who are going to bring an unbelievable changes in our life...

My friend asked me...
"Dude.. How is your life???"
I replied him smilingly...
“She is fine”....


Purab and Abhi reaches the grand XYZ restaurant at the correct time... Purab is way too tensed and nervous and is worrying too much... He is in a compulsion to impress The Vermas and The Aroras, at any cost...

Purab: Abhi... I'm hell scared, man... No no... I'm not coming inside... You just go and meet them and come... Just inform to Disha that I'm feeling nervous...

Abhi: Don't be silly, Puru bhai... What's this... Why are you getting scared like this haan... Come let's get inside and keeps a check mate to them...

Is there is anyone on earth, who won't like my Puru bhai... If not, how come the terror Disha Verma, who doesn't like men, has fallen for you....

Cheer up bhai... You can easily impress them... Who knows, they can fix your wedding too, very soon...

Purab: Seriously saying Abhi, I don't have that much confidence and all... Will try my level best... Other things are left in God's hand only.... If I do any blunder, Disha will surely kill me....

Purab is not getting the needed confidence and is hesitant to get inside the restaurant... Abhi assures him that he will be by his side always and forcefully takes Purab inside...

When they were confused, where to go, they saw Disha coming towards them, who is beautifully dressed up in a designer saree and with a happy and soulful smile in her face...

She hugs Purab happily and welcomes Abhi too... They chit chàt happily and walks towards the place, where
Mr. Rajveer Verma, Ram Arora and Priya Arora are seated ... Disha introduced Purab and Abhi to everyone....

As Mr. Rajveer Verma knows Purab very well and his behaviours impressed his brother Ram's family too, he doesn't want to delay anymore and wants Purab and Disha to get married, as soon as possible...

Rajveer Verma wishes to meet Dadi very soon and asks for Purab's hand for his daughter... Both Disha and Purab are in cloud nine, hearing the happy news and Abhi thanks god for making his Purab bhai's love to get succeeded, without any trouble...

While this is going on, Ram and Priya's focus is fully on Abhi, who has impressed them very well, ahead of Purab...  Abhi is a kind of a boy, they are looking for their daughter Pragya....

Abhi's caring nature, his behaviour, his looks, his way of talking, his respect for elders, his simple gestures, his love for his dadi and Purab, his obsession with bikes and his passion for music, makes Ram to like him more...

Priya badly wants this smart, jovial and matured guy, Abhi to be their son in law, at any cost... She wishes to take the proposal to Dadi and asks for Abhishek's hand for Pragya... Priya believes that only Abhi can handle Pragya very easily...

Ram understands what's cooking inside his wife's head... He smiles politely and gestures Priya to stay calm and not to say anything, as of now... He whispered to her that they shouldn't rush up anything and has to consider Pragya's wishes too, before deciding anything...

Ram Arora is not aware that Pragya and Abhi are loving each other and they are carving to see each other.. The duo were not aware that the fate is playing a tricky game to unite them in an arranged marriage...

But it's a biggest question mark that whether Abhi and Pragya will oblige for this arranged marriage or will they ignore this and searches for their loves, not knowing that the proposal are between them only... Time will reveal answers to this tricky maze....

Ram silently took his (cousin) brother Rajveer Verma, away from there and informed him that he and Priya likes Abhi a lot and wishing to make him as a groom for Pragya...

Ram insisted that they will leave the place soon, so that chances are there for Pragya to get impressed by Abhi and he least expected that some spark or chemistry to click between them... If they are there, Abhi and Pragya will feel hesitant to talk too and Ram sums up that it's why they can leave soon ...

Understanding his brother's wishes, Rajveer Verma fakes that he got a call, as if there is an emergency... Ram and Priya too joined Rajveer saying that they need to attend an urgent meeting... Disha smiles happily, thinking that the elders are leaving to give them privacy...

But Disha doesn't know that a secret arrangement is made by the elders and it's their plan to make Abhi and Pragya to meet and understand each other.... Priya informs Disha that Pragya will join them soon...

The trio are chit chatting happily and having their starters... Pragya couldn't turn up on correct time, as she is struck up in heavy traffic.. She called Disha and informed her situation and insists Purab not to leave, without meeting her....


In the meantime,

The manager of the Grand XYZ restaurant took the centre of the stage...

"Good evening everyone... I hope you all are enjoying our hospitality and I hope the food too meet's up to your expectations and tastes...

It's a big day for us...  It's the grand XYZ's 10th year anniversary celebrations...

We have arranged for a mask dance.. I request all the young people to accept my invitation and participate in the dance... I hope you all will rock the floor and be a part of our celebrations...

Purab and Disha asks Abhi to go and rock the dance floor, as Abhi is very fond of dancing... Moreover, they also to want to have some private times and they can't talk anything, if Abhi is sitting with them...

Abhi chuckles and makes a teasing smirk and eyes at them mischievously... Disha blushes too hard, while Purab pleads Abhi to leave them... Abhi laughs hard and shows thumbs up to them and moves towards the stage....


The light gets dimmed down in the stage, to set a mood for the masquerade dance... Abhi  takes a stylish mask kept there and fixed it on his face...

Same time, Pragya enters the restaurant and got to know that the stage is set for dance... She too loves dance a lot and Pragya thinks to meet Disha and his would be husband Purab later, as she wants to show her talent in the dance floor...

Pragya walks towards the stage and picks up a mask, which covers majority of her face.... Only her eyes and lips are visible to anyone...

She happily steps to  the dance floor... The people in the stage starts to dance to the rhythm of music.... When the DJ turns the music to a romantic slow number, all starts to dance together as couples...

Pragya is holded by two strong hands... Some unknown feeling crept in her spine and body... She felt goosebumps and this is the first time that she feels that butterflies are dancing in her tummy dangerously....

Pragya's mind screams aloud that this is her magnetic eyed man, whom she has fallen in love with and carving to meet... Abhi is not aware that he is holding his daring Prag, his fuggy only...

Abhi's hearts skips it's beat on seeing the beautiful young lady, decked up in a most stylish gown, is dancing elegantly, along with him.. Her face is not visible to him... But only her glorious, mesmerizing and tempting eyes and her juicy, luscious lips are visible to him...

Abhi couldn't stop smiling, as his heart, mind and soul are getting crazy and rejoicing that the girl dancing with him, is none other than his daring prag/fuggy, who stoles his heart, mind and soul...

As the mood is set up with a romantic tune, both Pragya and Abhi are in a wonderland... They are enjoying and dancing with their love of lives and their happiness is getting beyond it's control and reaching it's peak...

They are desperate to see their faces, but the dark room and the masks, turns up against them... However they are enjoying the dance, just by looking at the soul taking eyes, they are fallen very badly, madly and crazily...

Slowly the rhythm of the music sets the chemistry to overflow between them... They are dancing very closely and passionately... They are drowning in love and they are getting intoxicated, as their eyes are doing an intimate union between them...

Their bodies are getting closer and closer and many wierd and unknown sensation starts to creep up uncontrollably inside them....  They couldn't control themselves and  their feelings are aroused, as their faces comes very closer...

Their heartbeats started to raise up rapidly and they can hear their soulmate's heart beat very clearly, ahead of the music...

Passion engulfs in both their thoughts and minds... Their body burns up with uncontrollable love... Their eyes shines and the glow is visible clearly in their intimacy...

Their lips were getting closer and closer and is about to meet for a passionate union, marking a new beginning of their love life... But the heavy clap from the audience side, distracted the most awaited and romantic moment, between the love birds...

Abhi and Pragya came out from their trance and they parted up and stands there with a blushy smile, in their faces... When Abhi is about to take off Pragya's mask and see her face, his mobile rings aloud...

As it's quite noisy and the call is from Dadi, Abhi quickly gets down from the stage, removing his mask and throwing it away...  He attends the call and gets out from the restaurant, so that he can talk peacefully with Dadi..

To his utter shock, Dadi said that she has slipped down from the stairs and asked Abhi, if it's possible for him to get medicines and ointments and come to home soon...

Abhi panicks and asked Dadi not to get worry and said that he will be reaching home, very soon... Abhi rushes quickly towards Purab, after cutting the call... He informs Purab about Dadi and said that he is leaving to home...

Purab too wished to join Abhi... But Abhi cuts him off and asked Purab to have dinner with Disha... Abhi assures that he will take care of Dadi and asked him to come home, after meeting Disha's sister, as she is coming to meet Purab only...


Pragya, on the other hand, is worried much, as is not able to find her man... She doesn't know where he got vanished, all of a sudden... She even thought that whether their dance happened in real or is it her dream or illucination...

Pragya has no other go and comes down, as Disha called her... She informed that Purab is in an urgency to go home soon, as his dadi got sick, all of a sudden... Pragya spots Purab and Disha and waves her hand towards them ... Disha introduced Pragya to Purab and they chit chat and had their dinners quickly...

Though Disha and Pragya insists on coming together with him, Purab hesitates to take them along with him, as its quite late...  He asked them to go to home soon and  assures them that he will inform them about his dadi's health, for sure..


Pragya settles down in her bed... She is not getting any sleep, thinking about the breathtaking eyes of her handsome man... The romantic dance, their chemistry, the love and passion reflected in both their eyes, are picturized before her eyes, again and again....

She chuckles at the thought that they both are about to be kiseed... Pragya stands before the mirror and blows a kiss to her and gestured her impression to feel that it's from his man only...

She blushed and caressed the mask thrown by Abhi and kisses it with full of love .. Pragya challenges herself to find her man, as early as possible... She keeps the mask in her eyes and drifted to a deep slumber...


In the other side,

Abhi took a doctor along with him, to treat Dadi... As it's a small sprain, doctor gave some pain killers and ointments... Purab too comes home and both takes care of Dadi and made her to sleep...

After sometime, they moves to their room... Purab is having a happy smile on his face and he slept peacefully, after many days, as his love is accepted and his marriage too is going to happen soon...

But poor Abhi is not at all getting any sleep and is thinking deeply... He doesn't know who is his fuggy and he thinks off the various ways to find his lady love... He holds his head and is twisting his brows and thinking who might she be....

Suddenly, his mind comes up with an important name... His brain screams aloud saying that his saviour, his bestie, Arjun can only help him to track his Daring Prag, his fuggy...

Abhi very well know that it's Arjun, who has registered his fuggy in the bike racing, in the name of Daring Prag... His gut feeling says that she must be Aaliya's bestie for sure...

But he couldn't stop smiling, as his fuggy is way too daring to participate in a boy's night bike race, as that of a boy... He appreciates his fuggy mentally and gave a royal salute to  her bold nature... He sleeps happily and wishes to trap and enquire Arjun, the next day...

Abhi is not aware that the bold and daring nature of Pragya is going to create a lot of problems and delay in their union... However, the fate's game play is twisty and they are going to unite at the end.... But.... ❓❓❓❓❓



What's going to happen next???

Will Abhi and Pragya find each other???

Will Ram and Priya fix Abhi and Pragya's wedding???

Is it going to be a love marriage or a hidden, forced, loveless arranged marriage????

Will Abhi and Pragya face any problems to unite???

How come they gonna meet again???

Is Disha & Purab or Abhigya's besties, who gonna play a cupid to unite them????

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

Words used: 2485+

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Bidding adieu...

Yours Crazy Buddy,



Will be


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