9. You are in my thoughts, always...

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When I looked into your eyes, I have seen the mirror of my own soul...

Just listen to the song, I sing for you... The lyrics explains you clearly, what I wish to convey to you...

You are always in my first thought,  when I wake up... Before I sleep too, I'm thinking of you and dreaming about you... I couldn't have a count of my thinkings about you, as you are the only one, I am thinking of...


A new morning begins with lots of hopes and Lots of dreams to pursue..
The blissful morning rays evokes the beautiful feelings and confidence to face the world, accept the challenges and win the battle with ease...

Purab is feeling extremely happy... He is way too chirpy and is quite joyful and whistling, with a bright smile in his face... His happiness is beyond it's peak and it's the first time, he is enthusiastically getting ready to go to office...

Dadi sees Purab's happiness, after a long time and that too with a genuine smile in his face....  Purab is always in a gloomy and sad mood and he usually gets ready without any interest to go to office...  Today, everything has changed upside down...

Abhi, on the other hand, is blushing and dreaming about his daring prag/ Fuggy... Her daring acts... Her brave attitude.. Her breath taking smile....
Her intoxicating smell... Her touches.. Her mesmerising eyes, which stole his heart is coming again and again, before his eyes...

He too is chirpily getting ready to go to the college and he planned how to attack Arjun and make him to spit out the truth.... In the meantime, Dadi calls Purab and Abhi to come and have their breakfast...

Dadi: What's it's Purab beta??? You didn't tell me till now, where you two went yesterday... I'm so happy, as I'm seeing you smiling and looking happy, after a long time...

Purab blushes uncontrollably and didn't know how to say to Dadi about Disha... He couldn't find any words, as he is the one, who argued with Dadi, the previous day and said that he is not interested in marriage and all..

Purab quickly stuffs his mouth with food.... He started to cough heavily, to divert Dadi's attention... Dadi scolds him and patted his back and gave him water to drink... Purab felt relieved, as Dadi has forgotten the matter...

But Abhi understands quite well about the reasons behind Purab's acts... He with a naughty smirk, eyes at Purab and a teasing smile creeps up in his face....

Abhi: Dadi... You should have asked me, where we have went yesterday... It's too bad, as you are asking Purab Bhai alone, who is hell adamant to show his acting talents to you....

Purab gasps in shock on hearing Abhi, who is in full mood to pull his legs... Purab pleads Abhi through his eyes, not to say anything, as of now... Abhi shrugs his shoulder and shows thumbs down to Purab and pouted his lips, with a teasing smirk...

Dadi: Haan... Abhi beta... Tell me, where you two have gone yesterday... I was wondering with the way, you two have dressed up very nicely in formals, as if you two have gone to impress your in-laws...

Abhi: Exactly dadi... Aww... My dadi is very smart and genius... My darling Dadi always guesses correctly...  You always wants Puru bhai to get married soon na...

Dadi: Yes... But this Purab is not at all responding and fulfilling my wish..

Abhi: The  time has come up, finally, Dadi... Purab bhai is going to get married soon... This house's bahu gonna come soon....

Purab bhai... Shall I open up the matter to Dadi or will you do the honours???

Dadi: What's it Purab beta??? What is this Abhi saying????

Purab: Dadi.. I'm so sorry for hiding this important matter from you... Please forgive me, Dadi...

I am in love with a girl named Disha, who is my classmate... We both love each other a lot... Later only, I came to know that she is very rich and the only daughter and legal heir of the Vermas...

On her instance, I joined and I'm working in her company only... But I feel insecured and distanced myself from her,  as I thought it's impossible for us to unite...

All through these days, when you were asking me to get married, I didn't agreed to it.... It's because, I can't love or marry anyone, other than Disha....

Yesterday, all our problems got solved... Disha has talked with her Papa and yesterday, we met her family.... They liked me and they all agreed and ready to get us married very soon...

They are coming soon to meet you and to fix the alliance, Dadi.. I was tensed and nervous, how to open this matter to you , Dadi... You didn't mistake me right, Dadi...

Dadi: Not at all beta... I'm so happy for you, Purab beta... Atlast, god fulfilled my wish... Show me the photo of my bahu, Purab... If possible, bring her to our house soon...

All happily chit chat and had thier breakfast together...


Abhi moves to college to find about the truth about his lady love, Fuggy... He is ready to do anything to make Arjun, to spit the truth to him...

As the practices for the cricket match is going in full swing, the  captain of the college cricket team Arjun is quite busy from morning... As Vihaan and Nikhil are also in the cricket team, they were also practising with him...

Nikhil and Vihaan continued their naggings, inbetween their practice session and troubled Arjun that they should meet thier lovely ladies, at any cost... Arjun reluctantly nods his head, as they are torturing him much.

On the other hand, Abhi is left all alone in the class... He reluctantly attends the lectures, without any choice... He moves to the music room, during free hour, to smoothen his mind and to remember his lady love, his fuggy...

Abhi strings the guitar and started to play the music, bringing the image of his fuggy's eyes before his eyes...
His soulful song catches the attention of many students... A heavy clap echoes the whole place, when Abhi finishes off the song...

All appreciated Abhi and said that Abhi has a great future in music line... Abhi is hell confused and doesn't know, what he has to do next... He is in a dilemma whether to choose his passion towards music or run behind his love...

But his heart keeps on saying that if he get his love, he can reach greater heights... He is confident that his fuggy will encourage and support him, to achieve his dreams...


In the girls college, 

Tanu and Bulbul begs Aaliya to help them to get their love... Aaliya first shows some attitude to her friends,  but later agreed to talk with Arjun and if possible, she will arrange a date with them...

Without Tanu and Bulbul's knowledge, Pragya drags Aaliya quickly....

Aaliya: Hey pragz, what's up dear??? Why you asked me to meet you, quickly??? It's very hard to run away from that question bank, Bulbul and drama queen, Tanu...

Pragya: I need a help from you, Aaliya... The matter should be a top secret... You shouldn't spit the matter to anyone...

Aaliya: You too want a help from me... Don't tell me that you too want to meet any boy like Bulbul and Tanu...

Pragya: What the hell are you saying Aalu??? Did these two are doing like that???

Aaliya: Haan... They both are torchuring me from morning... They want to meet Arjun's friends Vihaan and Nikhil... Those two are smitten by them and is blabbering that they have fallen in love with them...

They want me to play a cupid to unite them... I don't know what to do, Pragz... I agreed to them, as they are nagging me too much... As you too asked for help, I thought you too want to know about someone...

Pragya: No.... No... Aaliya... Why did you think like that??? I'm not desperate for any boy... You very well know right, I prefer only my parent's choice....

Aaliya: That I know dear... Just kidding only... What help you want pragu baby???

Pragya: Let me come to the point straightly, Aalu... You should never reveal anyone about me, that I'm the Daring Prag.... You, Bulbul and Tanu should promise me that whatever be the situation and whoever asks, it should be kept as a secret....

Whatever difficulty you three faces, the secret should be maintained...  No one, other than me, should reveal that I'm the daring prag.... Got it...

And one more thing, if anyone asks you the details about Daring Prag, you should tell them that he has left to abroad for higher studies and you guys have to tell that you don't know, where he went and doesn't have any of his contacts too...

One more thing, if they ask any details about Prag's sis, you all should tell that she too has shifted to some other place, as his Papa got transferred, suddenly and you all missed her contact too, as she has  changed her number...

Got it??? I want you all to maintain this secret... Inform this matter to Bulbul and Tanu and no one should spit the matter..  Is that clear??? Call Bulbul and Tanu now and inform them....

Aaliya calls Bulbul and Tanu  and asked them to come and meet them ... Aaliya informs them, what Pragya has said to her....

Tanu: But Pragya darling, why are you asking us to do so???

Bulbul: Are you hiding anything from us, Pragz???

Pragya: Not like that.... I've accepted a very serious bet and I should win this, as this is the most challenging bet, I have ever taken... I hope, you all will help me to win this challenge, as it's about my life...

The trio assures Pragya that they will keep up the promise and won't spit the matter to any one... Pragya challenges herself that she will get her love, without revealing her identity and she is very sure that she will win her love...


Later that evening, Arjun calls Aaliya...

Arjun: Aalu, I want to meet you...

Aaliya: Oh Ajjjju... Atlast you accepted... You lose always...

Arjun: Always I love to lose to you... Get ready darling... We are going to coffee shop at 7... I will come and pick you up... If possible, ask your friends to join...

Sorry Aalu... My friends Nikhil and Vihaan are interested to meet your friends Tanu and Bulbul... The duo are torturing and nagging me a lot by saying that they have fallen crazily in love with your friends...

Aalu: Huh... I can't believe this... Even my buddies are torchuring me to meet your friends, as they too liked them a lot and saying the same, as you said...

Arjun: Poor us... Strucked up between the devilish friends, who are using us to play as a cupid...

Aaliya: Yeah... Though it's annoying, I'm very happy that our friends are also in love, like us...

Arjun: Okay dear... Ask them to come on time and you too get ready...

Aaliya and Arjun informs their friends and meet in the cafe...

Nikhil and tanu had a great time together... They liked each other a lot... They plan to inform their family, after their studies and promised to love and meet without their knowledge...

Vihaan and Bulbul are blushing and having some lovely moments... The lovely gesture by Vihaan makes Bulbul to feel like a queen... They are very happy and promised to live together for life long...

Arjun and Aaliya feels happy for their friends.... Then they too have their romantic moments, as Arjun is too desperate and demanding to get his kiss that Aaliya missed to give on the day of the daring race...

After lot of pleads, Aaliya gives up and gives Arjun his kiss... She has to control a lot and purposely troubled Arjun, knowing very well that he is too naughty and can do anything to make her feel embarrased, infront of their family and friends....

On the other side, Purab and Disha are having their private moments and are planning happily for their wedding ...


But poor Abhi is feeling restless as he cant meet Arjun, the whole day and his mobile is also not reachable, after college hours... He consoles himself and dreams about the lovely eyes he fell for...

Abhi is getting mad, as he feels his Fuggy everywhere... Whatever amd whoever he sees, he feels as his Fuggy... Their dance moments, their touches, their longingness, their love which overflows through their eyes, fills his mind... He imagines her everywhere and hallucinates her presence near by him...

Fate is giggling on seeing Abhi... It's not at all going to be easy for Abhi to meet his lady love... But....



How Abhi and Pragya are going to meet???

Will Abhi and Pragya accept for the arranged marriage???

Will Abhi gets succeeded in his love and his passion???

What's in Pragya's mind??? Why she doesn't want to reveal her identity to Abhi???

Will Pragya's decision create any complications???

Keep guessing and Stay tuned...


Yours buddy,


Signing off....



Stay happy and blessed...

Keep smiling always....


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