Chapter 11

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Third Person's POV

The nine girls continued to eat after the little arguement of Maki and Nico. Nozomi looked very amused at what happened earlier.

The table was quiet until a certain ginger head spoke up.

"Hey, Maki-chan. What's in that bag?" Honoka asked the red head. Maki looked up and said, "Clothes."

"Huh? Clothes? For what?" Honoka asked once more. Maki sighed in annoyance.

"For practice." Was Maki's only reply. Her tone was the usual, stoic one.

"Only for practice? It's rather b-" Honoka didn't the chance to continue what she's gonna say.

"Just shut up for a while, Honoka!" The scarlet haired snapped. Honoka became silent. Eli seemed to sense that something is wrong with her fellow BiBi member.

"Maki? You're not yourself today. Has something happened yesterday? You can always tell us your problems if you have one." The blonde said.

Maki stole a glance at the raven haired senior across her. "Nico-chan." She called.

"Hmm? What is it?"

"Could you please tell them what happened yesterday?"

"Yeah sure. If it's okay with you, Maki-chan." Nico said. The red head just nodded.

Nico took a deep breath before saying anything. "You see, Maki-chan's father said something to her yesterday." She paused to see if the other girls are listening.

"He said that Maki-chan wi-" Nico was cut off when Maki's phone rang.

"Sorry. Do you mind if I answer this?" Maki asked. "Sure. Go ahead." Nico said.

Maki looked who the caller is and was slightly suprised to see that Elaine is the one calling her.

"Hello? Elaine? What's wrong?"

"Maki, it's your father. He said if you don't go home right now, he'll.."

"He'll what?"

Maki heard Elaine gulped nervously at the other line.

"Just tell me already!"

"He'll destroy the grand piano you love so much."

Maki's amethyst eyes widen when she heard those words. She clenched her fists to prevent tears from falling. No. I can't let him destroy what I love. Not the grand piano he gave me. Maki thought.

"Maki? Are you still there?"

Maki heard crashing noises at the other line.

"Maki, your father is starting to destroy your grand piano!"

The red head didn't realize that tears streamed down her cheeks. "Maki-chan, why are you crying? Is there something wrong?" Nico's voice is filled with worry and concern.

Maki turned off her phone and covered her face with her hands. Maki felt someone hugged her from behind.

"Maki-chan, what happened?"

"I'm sorry, Nico-chan. I need to go home."

Maki wiped her tears and got up from her seat and went out of the fastfood.

"Maki-chan, wait!" Nico tried to follow her but Nozomi held her hand.

"Let her go, Nicocchi."

"But, Nozomi-"

"Maki-chan needs to solve this one her own."

Maki Nishikino's POV

I ran as fast as I could towards my house. I can feel tears streaming down my face. I can't believe my own father will destroy the thing that I love.

I was breathing heavily when I reached the gate of our house. I wiped my tears first before going inside. I'm expecting that my father will probably shout at me the moment I'm inside.

With shaking hands, I opened the gate and walked slowly towards the door. I can still hear crashing noises coming from inside.

"Dear, please stop! Don't do this to Maki! You're the one who gave that to her!"

"Mind your own business! It's her fault that she ran away yesterday!"

Oh no. My parents are arguing. I clenched my fists and opened the door and slammed it hard with tears falling down.

My father stopped what he was doing and looked at me.

"How could you do this to me, Papa?! Why did you destroy the thing that I love?!" I shouted at the top of my voice.

"You have no right to shout at me, Maki! I'm still your father!"

I was shocked when he walked towards me and hit me in my face with the back of his hand. I touched my cheek because of the pain. I ran upstairs to my room. I cried and cried until sleep overtook me.


Nico Yazawa's POV

We were still at the fastfood after Maki-chan left.

"Nicocchi, tell us what happened yesterday." Nozomi said the moment I sat down again.

"We all want to know, Nico-chan." Hanayo was the one who spoke up this time. I nodded at them.

"You see, Maki-chan's father said that Maki-chan will have to marry a man that her father chose. Unfortunately, Maki-chan didn't want that. So, she came crying to me and at first I didn't know what happened until Maki-chan told the whole story."

"Arranged marriage? That's horrible nya." Rin said. "Why would her father do that to her?" Umi asked.

I shrugged. "I still don't have any idea why. Maybe because Maki-chan is the only daughter of the Nishikino family." I replied.

"Nico, I think I have an idea what happened earlier when Maki left." I heard Eli say.

"Huh? What is it?" I questioned Eli. Eli told me what's in her mind and my eyes widen when Eli finished talking.

"Are you sure about that, Eli?"

"Yeah, maybe."

No way. There's no way Maki-chan's father will do that. Maki-chan will surely cry. No. Wait. If Maki-chan cried earlier here, then she must have heard her father destroying the grand piano.

Maki-chan must be crying right now. I don't want that. I stood up and said, "I need to go."

"Nicocchi, if you plan to go after Maki-chan, I won't let you." Nozomi said.

Should I lie? "No. I won't go after. I have some things to do at home." I lied.

I think they bought it because Nozomi nodded. I walked towards the direction of Maki-chan's house. I just hope she's okay.



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