Chapter 12

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Nico Yazawa's POV

What if Maki-chan really is crying right now? I need to hurry. I walked even faster just to reach Maki-chan's house.

I stopped in front of Maki-chan's house. I took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. It took a few minutes before someone opened it. I saw it was Maki-chan's mother.

"Umm.. Is Maki-chan home, Nishikino-san?" I asked. I really need to comfort Maki-chan because I don't like her crying.

"Yes she is. Are you one of her friends in that idol group?" Nishikino-san said.

I nodded. "I'm not sure if Maki wants to accept any visitors now. There had been a problem between her and her father." Nishikino-san said

"Please tell her that Nico Yazawa wants to talk to her. It's kinda important." I begged.

Maki-chan's mother looked inside and said, "I'll try. Please wait outside for a while."

I sat down on the grass and waited. I let out a long sigh. While waiting, I thought of a way to comfort Maki-chan. I don't think it will work but it's worth a try.

Maki-chan's mother came back and let me in. I saw a glimpse of the broken piano in a room. I pretended that I didn't see it and just continued to follow Maki-chan's mother to Maki-chan's room.

"I'll leave you now. Make sure you knock first before entering." Nishikino-san said. Then she left me in front of Maki-chan's room.

I knocked twice and waited for a reply.

"Who is it?"

"It's me, Maki-chan."

"Come in. The door's not locked."

I clutched the doorknob and opened it. The first thing that I saw that Maki-chan is on her bed hugging a huge, white teddy bear. I put my things down in a corner and sat down with Maki-chan.

"Maki-chan, are you okay?"

I was suprised that Maki-chan hugged me and cried. "Nico-chan.. My father.. destroyed my.." Maki-chan didn't continue what she said because she cried so hard.

"Shh. You can cry all you want, Maki-chan. I'm here. I won't leave you."

She cried and cried while I'm rubbing her back to comfort her.

What to do? What to do? Think, Nico, think! At least say something!

"Maki-chan?" I whispered. She was still crying but she's a little okay now.


"Are you okay now? You've been crying for a long time already."

Silence. Maki-chan released me from the hug and nodded. My shirt was already wet because of Maki-chan's tears. But I don't care about that. I have a spare one anyway.

I smiled at Maki-chan. "Hey, can you smile too? I want to see your smile, Maki-chan." I said.

"Huh? Where did that come from?" Maki-chan asked, a little confused. I chuckled softly.

"I don't know. It just came out of my mouth." I replied. Maki-chan then leaned and placed her lips on top of mine. I closed my eyes and kissed back.

We broke from the kiss, gasping for breath. "Nico-chan, thank you. Thank you for comforting me."

"You're very welcome Nico~! I don't want to see you cry that's why." I said, cheerfully.

Maki-chan smiled. It was good seeing her smile. The Maki-chan that I knew don't cry that much. I guess everyone has a side like that.



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