Chapter 7

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Nico Yazawa's POV

We arrived at Maki-chan's house and picked up her things. When I looked at my watch, I grabbed Maki-chan's hand and ran.

"N-Nico-chan!!" Maki-chan shouted. I didn't stop because we were already late.

When we reached the gate of the school, Maki-chan and I are breathing heavily.

"Geez, Nico-chan. Don't ever do that to me." Maki-chan said, still panting. I smiled.

I pressed my lips onto hers. When I broke apart, Maki-chan smiled at me. "Now, you know our plan, Maki-chan. Just act like the usual." I said

Maki-chan nodded. We both went together to the rooftop. I just hope this plan works.

When we got there, the other members of μ's are already doing warm-ups. No one noticed us first but of course, Umi noticed us standing by the door.

"Maki! Nico! You're both late." Umi said, sternly. I gulped. I was about to open my mouth to say something but Maki-chan said something.

"Look, I'm sorry. I just woke up late that's why." Maki-chan said. "That's not an excuse, Maki." Umi said. Umi then turned to me.

"How about you, Nico? What's your excuse?" She asked. "I also woke up late." I replied.

"You always get up late, Nico-chan. Everyone knows that." Maki-chan said while twirling a strand of her hair.

"What?! No, I don't!" I exclaimed. "Then why are you being so defensive?" Maki-chan shot back at me.

"I'm not!" I shouted. I saw Maki-chan rolled her eyes. "Whatever. I'm tired to argue with you." Maki-chan said.

Nozomi Tojou's POV

Oh my. The cards are telling me something.

"Eli-chi." I whispered. Eli-chi turned to me and asked, "What is it, Nozomi?" She whispered back.

"I think Maki-chan and Nico-chi have mutual feeling for each other." I said, not loud enough.

Eli-chi raised an eyebrow at me. "How do you say so?" She asked.

"The cards are telling me that two of our members have mutual feelings for each other and it's pretty obvious who." I said, pointing Maki-chan and Nico-chi.

"Eh? But they always argue everyday." Eli-chi said.

"Some people say, 'The more you hate, the more you love'. " I said.

Eli-chi sighed. "Well, I guess you're right." Eli-chi finally said. I giggled.

"Alright, you two. Since you're late, you're doing warm-ups with each other." Umi-chan ordered.

"Whaaat?! I'm not doing warm-ups with her!" Nico-chi shouted, pointing at Maki-chan.

"I don't want to either!" This time Maki-chan was the one who shouted.

I sighed. I guess I have to punish them. "Nico-chi, Maki-chan, if you don't want to do warm-ups with each other, then I'll punish you both." I said.

I saw the two of them tremble. "O-okay f-fine! We'll do it!" Nico-chi and Maki-chan said at the same time.

I grinned at the sight of them blushing. You're way too obvious, Maki-chan, Nico-chi. I know I'm not wrong. You have mutual feelings for each other.

"Nozomi? You're grinning like crazy there." Eli-chi said, interrupting me in my thoughts.

"Don't mind me, Eli-chi." I said, smiling. Eli-chi blushed. Haha, I made Eli-chi blush this day.

Third Person's POV

The scarlet-haired girl and the ravenblack-haired girl started doing their warm-ups. During their warm-ups, both of them are blushing so hard.

"Geez, Nico-chan. Your plan might not work because we're both blushing like crazy here!" The scarlet-haired whispered.

"Well, it's not my fault!" The older girl whispered. They just continued doing their warm-ups while blushing.

Meanwhile, the ginger-haired girl is watching them closely. "Hey, Kotori-chan?" Honoka asked the girl with grayish-brown hair beside her.

"Yes?" Was the only answer of Kotori. "Are Nico-chan and Maki-chan blushing? Their faces are so red." The ginger-haired girl asked.

"Indeed they are, Honoka." The girl with the dark-blue hair said. The other girls heard what Umi said and then they all giggled.

The scarlet-haired seemed to notice it. "Umm. Nico-chan?" Maki whispered. "Hmm? What is it?" The ravenblack-haired whispered back.

"Honoka and the others are giggling over something. I think I have an idea what it is." Maki said.

The ravenblack-haired senior raised an eyebrow at her junior.

"Nevermind. It's just silly." The scarlet-haired said. After a few more minutes, they finally finished their warm-ups.

"Why are you two blushing while doing warm-ups? Is it because you have mutual feelings for each other?" Nozomi asked.

The ravenblack-haired and the scarlet-haired turned red. "H-ha?! Mutual feelings for her?!" The two girls shouted at the same time.

All of the other girls laughed at the sight of the two blushing girls. "Hahahaha! I knew it! Hahahaha! You both have mutual feelings for each other! Hahahaha!" Honoka shouted, while laughing so hard.

The blushing scarlet-haired girl couldn't take it anymore. "Enough! I like Nico-chan! There! I admit it!" She shouted then slammed the rooftop door hard. That quieted down the other girls.

"Woah, I didn't expect that Maki-chan would shout that out loud." The ginger-haired girl said.

They all turned to Nico who was standing by the door, dumbfounded.

"Maki-chan, what the heck did you do? You ruined our plan!" The ravenblack-haired girl thought.

"So, Nico-chan, do you feel the same way?" Kotori asked Nico.

Nico turned away and said, "Y-yeah." Eli put a hand on Nico's shoulder. "Then you should go after her." The blonde girl said.

The shorter girl nodded. "I'll be right back with Maki. Don't start practicing without us." She said.

"Sure thing." Eli said, smiling. "Nico-chi sure did become more mature than before. Even though she always fight with Maki-chan, Nico-chi still cares for her. That's so sweet of Nico-chi." Nozomi said.

The other girls agreed. They just sat down and chatted while waiting for the scarlet-haired girl and the ravenblack-haired girl.



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