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The ship rammed the side of ours, it splintered the sides and rocked our ship. "At arms!" Leo cried.  Like a swarm of ants we grabbed our weapons, we decorated the masts and the sides of the ships. I leapt over the edge with the others and sliced the opposing pirates to pieces, my ebony fur painted crimson.  I broke ones sword arm, he dropped the blade onto the timber of the deck, he punched me in the jaw and broke it.

I pined, headbutted him back and slashed his throat with my claws. He fell with a thud. I stood panting, my eyes scanned for the next target, my ears flicked as I heard based clashing and sparking. Leo had been forced to his knees, I ran over jumping in front of him earning a long wound to my abdomen but that didn't stop me ripping out the throat of his attacker. "Thank you," he nodded. With a strained whine I threw myself back into the fight.  I nimbly danced out of the way of the lasers being fired.

On all fours I ran to the canon deck and short circulated the lasers. It wasn't long till we overpowered their forces. We let their splintered and ruined ship float out into space. We took the prisoners aboard our ship, we tied them up and threw them into the belly of the ship. I leant against the side of the ship watching what was left of our men return, and Leo roared out his orders as he commanded the men to get the ship sailing again. The sails soaked in the suns rays and we were away in no time.  I leant on the side and stared out at the stars.

"You were foolish," Leo said walking toward me and rested a clawed hand on my shoulders. I bowed my head and drooped my ears. "But I am grateful." I turned my head to look at him. "Have you been to the physician yet?" I shook my head. "Go, you look like you're about to..." I fell into his arms, he cradled me gently. "Yes, that's what I thought." His breath huffed as he rushed me below deck, but it all went dark before I reached the physician.

The ship rocked as the waves gently caressed the ship's keel. "There she is," the physician said. I lifted my head slowly and looked around. 

"W...where's Leo?" I asked attempting to sit up.

"Take it easy," he replied. "He had urgent matters to attend to." I huffed and laid back as a spell of dizziness took control of my being. "You'll be back on your paws in no time," he said and left me to rest in my hammock. I stared up at the ceiling and at the swinging lanterns. I opened my shirt and looked down at the bandages that covered the wound on my abdomen they were soaked and bloodstained.

"You were lucky," a feline creature said walking toward me. She was slim, her fur caramel and was like velvet. Her arms and legs were black. Her eyes emerald and glowed in their sockets.

"What do you want Felicity?" I growled and pinned my ears.

"I wanted to thank you for saving my Leos life," she said. I offered her a nod before going back to staring at the ceiling.

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