#24 Beau Bennett (Requested) Pits Penguins

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This is for my best friend hockeyobsessed70 :)



I laughed as Kylie jumped on my back pecking my cheek as I carried her to the car.

"You're lazy," I laughed setting her down in the passenger's seat pecking her forehead.

"Hey! I'm not lazy! I'm just reserving my energy for tonight because you know your teammates!" She stated laughing as I got in on my side I leaned over pecking her lips chuckling. I started the car pulling out of the drive way, we were on our way to Malkin's! We were heading over there for Thanksgiving dinner, and little did Kylie know that I had a little secret up my sleeve! I was going to propose to her! Well no one knew besides Crosby. I couldn't have been more sure about this, I was positive that I wanted to marry and spend the rest of my life with her. After 30 minuets of driving and 10 extra minuets of traffic we made it to Geno's! Parking the car I jumped out of the car running to open her door, I bowed as she got out, standing up I offered my arm which she gladly took.

"Hey! The lovey dovey couple is here!" Olli shouted waving at us from the porch beer in hand standing next to him was Sid. Sid smiled hugging Kylie. Olli and Kylie walked in arms around each other's shoulders, Sid watched them leave smirking at me he gave my shoulder a squeeze.

"Are you nervous?"

"Yes! Out of my mind nervous! What if she says no Sid? Then what do I do?"

"Beau, we all know she'll say yes! I mean look at the way she looks at you, eyes big smile on her lips adoration in her eyes! You'd be an idiot to think she'd turn you down." He smiled patting my back causing me to wince slightly.

"Oh yeah gotta be careful don't wanna hurt the baby," Sid laughed tousling my hair. I pushed him laughing as we made our way inside laughing and saying hey to everyone to small arms wrapped around me, looking down Kylie was smiling up at me. Just a second later Geno came in hands on hips whipped cream all over his face staring at Kylie. Everybody broke into laughter.

"You are going get it!" He shouted shaking his fist making everyone laugh even harder. As he stomped away Kylie and Olli gave each other a high five little smirks covering their faces. Once her stare was back on me I smiled leaning down pressing our lips together, the kiss was passionate, loving, and sweet. Everybody cheered.

"GET A ROOM! You don't need to remind some of us that we're still single!" Phil yelled. Kylie laughed against my lips breaking us apart she ran for Phil arms open, throwing them around him she smiled and stood on her tippy toes kissing his cheek. Phil smiled and hugged her pecking her cheek.

"Everybody! Food!" Geno shouted from the kitchen. The team poured into the kitchen lining up for what looked like good food.

"So who cooked! Cause I know it wasn't Mr. Russian over here!" Kylie giggled hugging Geno, he laughed hugging her back.

"Sid made turkey, hopefully we don't die."

"Hey!" Sid shouted laughing. Once Kylie and I got our food we sat down next to Serdie, Fleury and Véronique. I waited for the last few people to get into the room before I made the proposal.

"Hey everybody! Can I have your attention?" All eyes turned to look at me. I smiled and looked down at Kylie.

"Ky can you stand up for just a second?"

"Sure love," she stood up looking at me eyebrow raised. I closed my eyes and dropped to one knee opening them in time to see reaction.

"Kylie baby girl I've loved you for so long and ever since the day we met I knew that I wanted to marry you. That I wanted to start a family with you, and to be with you for the rest of my life is something I crave baby you have been nothing but supportive of me and my dreams and I am so grateful for that and I'm grateful for you so would you do me the honors of becoming Mrs. Beau Bennett?" I peeled open the box to reveal a gorges ring. Kylie was crying hands over her mouth, but when she moved them there sat the world's biggest smile.

"OF COURSE I'LL MARRY YOU!" I smiled standing up and picking her up placing my lips on her's everyone cheered. Setting her down I slid the ring on her finger Kylie threw her arms around me giving me a tight hug. Sid and I locked eyes he smiled and gave me a thumbs along with mouthing 'told you so.' I chuckled to myself hugging my future wife back.


I really hope you enjoyed it!!! Requests are open!

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