#40 Jonathan Toews (Requested) Chicago Blackhawks

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This was requested by kayleehood101


Kay's Pov* 

I giggled as Jonathan read the news paper his feet propped up on the coffee table. Glancing at me his eyebrow raised, 

"can I help you?" 

"Nope just staring at my seriously handsome husband," I smiled pecking his cheek and get up. Heading straight for the front door checking for the mail man. 

'where is he!? The book was supposed to be here today! I paid an extra 2 bucks, better not have been a rip off!' I though to myself hands clenching into fists at my sides. Jonathan's arms wrapped around my stomach pulled me in and closed the door.

"Babe I love the winter but please! Don't bring the winter in here! Leave it out there!" 

"Sorry Johnny!" We walked to the kitchen sitting in a bar stool, my smile grew as Johnny pulled out the apple cider and left over sugar cookies.

"You know me all to well Toews."  I winked grabbing a santa cookie biting off it's head first, Jonathan looked at me horrified. 

"What!? It's more humane that way!" He just laughed shaking his head leaning over the counter puckering his lips meeting mine for a peck. Just then there was a knock on the door. I jumped off the stool almost falling on my face, regaining my balance I squealed and threw the door open. 

"Why hello miss! I believe this is for you! Just need you to sign here!" I did what the man said and took the package thanking him and running back to the kitchen sitting on the stool. With a raised brow Johnny looked at me sticking out my hand I shook the package. 

"Open it!! please!!!" He smiled and took it from you grabbing the scissors cutting it open. Pushing back the tabs he pulled out the rectangle ripping off the paper he flipped it over and his mouth dropped. He looked at me then back at then book then back at me.

"You're pregnant?" I smiled and giggled.

"Yes. Yes I am!" Jonathan's toothy smile covered his face. Walking over to me he smiled pulling me off the chair his hands intertwining with mine resting them on my belly, rubbing small circles. 

"We're going to be parents, my gosh I'm so happy." He smiled pecking my lips again before bending down and kissing my stomach mumbling some incoherently. Standing up his arms winded around me pulling me close my arms wrapping around his neck. Our lips meeting in soft gentle kisses. We just couldn't wait to be parents!


There you go! Requests are open!

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