#61 Kyle Turris PRT 2 (REQUESTED) Ottawa Senators

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This is a continuation of my last Kyle Turris imagine for heyitsmadz11 :D:D!


Kyle's POV* 

5 months had  passed since Madz and I went our separate ways. The memory haunted me, every second of every day. Like it was doing now. I turned onto my side facing the right side of the bed where that beautiful girl would lay if here. With me. Glancing at the clock it flashed 3:30 am. Turning back onto my back I closed my eyes flashing back to one of the best days in my life. 


I chased after Madz her hair blowing around from the wind, smile bright, that little red sundress and strappy sandals running through the field of tall grass and cat tails. Turning to face me the sunlight captured her, surrounded her making her glow like an angel. Spinning in circles Madz squeaked as I tackled her to the ground making sure that my heavenly angel would land on my chest. We laughed and she rolled off of me onto her back placing her hand in mine fingers intertwining the golden sun blinding us, as the smell of flowers, and pine trees filled our noses. Turning onto my side I rested my hand on her pink cheek, supporting myself on my elbow I leaned over and captured her lips a kiss that made the world stop. We remained in that field for hours talking, laughing, being together, and forgetting the world. 


At that moment I knew what needed to happen. Shooting out of bed I threw on a hoodie and some flannel pajama pants and sneakers bolting down the stairs, grabbing my keys, and wallet throwing open the front door running for my car jumping in starting it and speeding down the street. I didn't even bother locking my front door! I spent the entire ride in silence finally reaching her apartment complex, the first thing to do was check her usual parking spot. Madz car was here! She was here! I made a run for the doors throwing them open taking the stairs two at a time getting to the third floor running down the halls like a mad man. After two rights there was 309. Resting myself against it for just a second I caught my breath, pushing myself away from the door I began to knock, knock, knock, and knock until the door flew open revealing a very pissed off Madz. The second her sleep filled eyes realized it was me she didn't move, we just stared at each other. I couldn't take it anymore! Cupping her face in my hands I leaned down pressing my lips against her's passionately. This kiss saying all that I wanted to. We pulled away slowly my hands still on either side of her face, a smile cracking onto my lips as a smile spread across hers. Letting go of her face Madz moved to the side allowing enough space for me to walk through I sat myself on the couch looking around the place. It was different from what I remember, she definitely changed things around. Closing the door Madz joined me on the couch. Picking her up placing the beautiful woman I let get away into my lap, nuzzling my face into her neck placing soft kisses. 

"I'm sorry for being an idiot, I'm sorry for letting you get away, I'm sorry for treating you like crap. Madz I promise if you give me another try I promise you! I won't let you down!" Madz eye's filled with tears a few of them falling making my heart break. 

"Kyle, you have no idea how bad I've missed you. I couldn't stop thinking about you now here you are! I want to give you another try but I don't want to get hurt.....Again." Our eyes were locked when I leaned in again making the kiss slowly and soft. Pulling away my forehead rested against hers our eyes locked. 

"Please I promise not to hurt you, not to lie to you, I promise to only be honest, and real with you. My heart has only and will forever belong to you Madz. I love you." Madz cracked a smile pecking my lips, standing up Madz headed towards her room, my gaze followed her. 

"Are you coming? I need my cuddle buddy!" My smile grew widely as I stood up and followed her into the bedroom. Stripping myself of the hoodie and shoes I climbed into bed pulling her close to me kissing that sweet forehead then her sweet lips. 

"I love you Kyle."

"I love you more Madz." and with that we fell into a peaceful slumber.


There you go! :D I hope you liked it!!! Requests are open!

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