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This was requested by the sweet dreamingisbelieving8 :). I'm sorry this has taken so long to get up!


Sophie's POV*

Rob's head rested in my lap, he refused to move. I would too if I had just gone through what he did. The boys lost to the Norwegian team. Herb was more than pissed off he was disgusted, and disappointed so for punishment the boys endured sprints until Rizzo yelled out what Herb wanted to hear. My fingers ran through his hair my lips pressing to his forehead smiling when that beautiful smile broke out, his arms wrapping around my neck pulling me down to his lips. 

"I love you thank you for doing this," he mumbled sleepily against my lips.

"It's no problem at all sweet heart, you want a beer to help kill that feeling? Or do you want to eat first?" 

"I'd like to eat, but I don't want to move."

"I think I have a cure for that! Do you want food food or like crackers???" I ask carefully removing his head from my lap and onto a pillow. Rob tapped his chin.

"crackers, the salty kind." I hummed in response going through my small little bag of random food items searching for the crackers, finding them I ripped open the package crawling back onto the bed laying the box on his chest. Mac's hummed as a thank you shoving his hand in grabbing a handful crushing some of them in the process. I laughed and rolled my eyes laying on my side picking up his arm and laying my head on his chest our hands finding each other, fingers intertwining his thumb rubbing the back of my hand. After a little while of talking, laughing, and moaning about his muscles I instructed him to flip onto his stomach.

"Babe what are you going to do?? I love you bu- oh my dear sweet monkey that feels amazing!" 

"I'm happy to know you like back rubs." 

"Left shoulder blade please, now middle of- oh my gosh! That's uhhhhhhhhhh." He groaned into the pillow as I massaged his back leaving little kisses behind where my hands were, climbing off of him he turns around lips in a pout. 

"You need to shower then we can continue." Mac huffed crossing his arms across his chest hoisting himself off and heading to the bathroom showering. Pulling back the comforter, my head turned as the bathroom door opened revealed a towel only wet haired perfectly in shape man. 

"Better close your mouth bugs will get in there." I grimaced at the thought of bugs landing in my mouth. Rob changed as I crawled into bed making myself comfortable, crawling in himself Rob nestled up close his head resting on my chest listening to my beating heart. Pressing my lips to his forehead I giggled.

"Goodnight Rob, love you."

"Goodnight Sophie, love you more." 


:) Requests are open, message me if you'd like one. :)

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