3| Altercation

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"For someone who doesn't want to lose me you're not acting like you want to keep me" - J.B

| Ivelle |

I like this new doctor.
He's handsome. Clean shaven. Tidy.
He's hard faced and easy to read through

Blonde. Green eyes. Tall. Built
Every straight desperate woman's wet dream.

"You got yourself caught?" He questioned
"I left him there. It was too messy" I offered
I couldn't be bothered to clean him up. He was boring
He was... too good. Too straight minded. He followed every rule and then cried about it when he found out what I had done

Who I had killed.

"What about your mother?" He asked
I smiled
"What about yours?" I asked
His gaze flickered up from his book
Got him.

"Reminder. This isn't about m-"
"Fine, she's dead. I killed her" I said, pulling back
It was easy to say. It was easy to do.

Doesn't mean I should have
"By all accounts, your mother was a nice woman" he said

"She was. My father was the bad one. My mother just got the wrong end of my anger" I said
"Is that why you went on to kill two of your father's girlfriends?" He asked

"They just didn't come close to dear old mummy" I said, feigning sadness
"I need you to be serious in these sessions Ivelle" he said
I looked him over. At his big arms in that shirt.

At his perfect hair and fresh face

I wanted to ruin it. I wanted to stain his face with lipstick and his shirt with blood
I wonder which would be more red.

"You're very attractive Doctor Ellison" I said instead
"That is inappropriate"
"Is it? This is therapy isn't it? I can say what I want and you're suppose to help me?" I asked
"Yes" he said reluctantly

"Then help me. What does it mean if I want to fuck my doctor?" I asked
His eyes fell harder into his notes, his arm halting however as he had nothing more to write

"Ardian" I pushed
"Ivelle. Do not make advances towards me, this is about your behaviour and your current mindset, I'm not playing games" he scolded harshly
Too harshly
There was anger in there somewhere

I just had to find it
He didn't seem too rattled when I talked about his girlfriend
She was plain anyway. Nothing special

She couldn't be when he was here two days in a row now. He must die to get away
To throw himself into criminals and lost causes

She must not satisfy him enough
His need for... adrenaline

"Neither am I, it's a genuine concern" I said sadly
"I've been in here for five years already. You can't blame me for being sexually frustrated" I said
I had ways of getting lots of things even though I was locked up.
Sex isn't high on the list of unattainable things.

And yet... I wanted to fuck him
I wanted to have that over him.

"No but... this is a professional session. Not a relationship of any kind" he tried to distance himself
Everyone did that. And they always lost
Do you think you'll lose Doctor Ellison?

| Ardian |

"This session was... better" I said, challenging but better
I didn't think I would come in today to listen to her tell me I was attractive though.
It was inappropriate
And that's why she said it
She was a boundary pusher

She wanted a reaction

"See you on Monday Ardian" she said
"Ellison" I corrected
"I'll think of you all weekend" she called after me calmly.

"What?" She said uninterested, smoking at her desk
"Do you have any contacts I can talk to about Ivelle Honeycutt?" I asked
"Whoever's in your file" she dismissed
"I can't look through all of that, can't you draw me up a list?" I asked

She groaned, stubbing her cigarette out.
"I'll pull some names" she said
"Thank you" I said.

When I eventually got through to people and booked some appointments, it had gone way past nine,
And then ten when I got home.

And Enora was in bed already, on her laptop
"It's late" she said out of nowhere.

"I know" I said simply, wondering what her point was, knowing one was coming
"Thought you'd be home sooner" she said casually, eyes on her screen
Disinterested. But her words suggested otherwise

"Sorry?" I said, unsure
I was working?
"You were interviewing the woman again?" She asked
"Yes, then I had some calls to make" I said truthfully

She hummed
"Have I done something wrong?" I asked, undressing
"No. I just missed you" she said, now giving me her full attention as she closed her laptop
Confusing. Very confusing

"I missed you a lot" she drawled out slowly, crawling along the bed to me
Before she wrapped her arms around my neck
"I need to shower" I chuckled, slowly pulling her arms off

She frowned
"Ten minutes alright" I said, moving for the bathroom
I just... couldn't
I couldn't when Ivelle was in my head
Her words running round and round from that interview

| Ivelle |

"Get up, it's time" a guard called as he opened the door
So strict. So... demeaning
They tried to dominate the interaction so I wouldn't 'try anything'

It's pitiful to watch
They lose the power the moment they come into my room.

| Ardian |

The tension was thick in the air as I gathered my things to leave
She sat at the table, eating her breakfast in silence
"You took a while last night. I fell asleep before you came back to bed" she said out of nowhere

And there it was. Acknowledgement
That I had avoided her
Avoided sex
But with Ivelle's words in my head and those comments about finding me... attractive
I couldn't think about sex.

Not without her tainting it from that session.
"Sorry baby, later yeah?" I said, kissing her before I headed for the door
"I'll hold you to that" she teased as I left.

"Delayed? What for?" I asked
"She had an altercation with a guard this morning. She's in the medical wing" Don sighed
"You don't sound too concerned" I pointed out
"Because it'll be some stunt for something. She's always after something" he said

"What does she want now?" I asked
"I don't know. That's the scary part about her, you'll probably figure it out too late" he said

I sat waiting for her
An odd feeling as she normally waited for me.
My back to the door. An eerie feeling in my chest at the thought of her being behind me when she came in
Even if momentarily
Being unaware of her.

When she did come in, hair a mess and bandages wrapped around her wrist, she still smiled at me like an old friend
As the guard pulled her a little too roughly down and attached her handcuffs to the table

"Careful. She's jumpy today" he commented
Before leaving. The door shut with a loud bang that resonated throughout the silence between us
"Good morning Ivelle" I said
"Morning" she mumbled, eyes fixed on mine
"What happened to your wrist?" I asked

"The guard was too rough with me. Dragged me out of my cell and I don't like fighting" she said
"Fighting?" I questioned
"I prefer to be in control remember?" She said, almost jokingly

"So you hurt him?" I asked
"And he hurt me back" she frowned down at her wrist
"And now I'm stuck in these handcuffs, cutting into my wrist even more" she sighed frustrated

I looked at them. And they are very tight
I made a decision. A good one. A bad one
I'll know soon enough
I knocked on the door until the guard answered
"Uncuff her" I said
"What?" He laughed

"Uncuff her" I said
"No. Don will have a fi-"
"I'll answer to Don, uncuff her" I said again
He hesitated, looking to the other guard cluelessly before he obeyed

I wanted to gain her trust. As well as keep her comfortable to talk to me
This was a good strategy to do that.

I sat back down.
"My hero" she smiled amused, rubbing at her wrist
I pressed record, opening my notebook
"Yesterday we touched upon your family. You spoke about your mother" I said
"Yes" she answered

"What about your father? You say a lot of anger stemmed from your relationship with him, yet he is still alive?" I questioned
"Yeah. I would give anything to be free one more time, just to cut that smile off his face" she said

"Seventeen murders and not one of them was your father? Why?" I asked
"Never got round to it, got arrested didn't I?" She said
"Yes. But if you hated him so much, how come your anger hasn't ever controlled you when it came to him?" I asked

She sat back, stretching her arms
Watching her move freely unsettled my chest. And yet... I trusted myself and her that it was the right decision.

"I wanted him to suffer" she said
"Suffer how?" I asked
"I wanted him to watch everyone around him die. He denies it in the papers but he knew. He knew I was a murderer, he knew he couldn't do anything to stop me. He chose not to stop me or my brother" she said

She placed blame at his door for her actions.
And her brother... her brother was acquitted of one murder accusation and fled. No one's seen him since.

"People act or they watch. And he watched" she said
"So if people act then they take no blame?" I asked
"At least they could tell themselves they tried... what about you Dr Ellison, would you act? Or would you watch... me?" She asked lowly, eyes looking me over.

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