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Ok so i got bored and was kinda in a mood to write cuz I CAN'T SEEM TO FIND MORE BOTTOMJENO IN NOMIN BOOKS-

Also it's late so, sorry for the mistakes and stuff that doesn't make sense


butterandjaem: hey, I'll be the BurgerKing and you'll be McDonald's , I'll have it my way and you'll be loving it ;)

babiejenpup: oh hewo! ^-^ OOOOH~ I LOVE MCIEESSS!

butterandjaem: oh fuck i didn't expect you to reply but uh sup cutie ;)

babiejenpup: what's fuck?

butterandjaem: hol up you don't know what fuck is?

babiejenpup: nu :( what is it?

butterandjaem: oh it's a word where you use it when you get mad and stuff

babiejenpup: ohhhhh~ is it a naughty word tho? :/

butterandjaem: you mean a cuss word?

babiejenpup: YEAH! THAT THINGY!

butterandjaem: oh well kinda...?

babiejenpup: oh😔

butterandjaem: what's wrong baby?

Sadly the poor innocent boy didn't mind the pet names as his friends and brother call him the same.

babiejenpup: I'm not allowed to say cuss words :( hyungies said they are naughty >:( grrrr

butterandjaem: but they're fun- fuck means fun too, in fact fuck has alot of meanings-


butterandjaem: sure when? ;)

babiejenpup: how bout when hyungies and me meet you!

butterandjaem: *hyungies and I- but ok ;)

butterandjaem: tho idk if your "hyungies" will like me

babiejenpup: what does idk mean?

butterandjaem: ....i don't know?

babiejenpup: awww hmph ok~ I'll ask woozi hyungie later then ^-^

butterandjaem: uh-

babiejenpup: but don't say that! They will like you  ^-^ I like you😊 so how could they not? :(

                      "Shit jaemin, ok calm down he just said he likes you- wait what am I even thinking? I don't like him like that right? Pshh nope not at all, I barely know the kid! Whatever I have to go to the club later to get my mind off of things-"

butterandjaem: you sure are adorable, wonder if you're cute in other thingz too ;)


butterandjaem: ....

babiejenpup: what's wrong?:( you don't think i do? 🥺

butterandjaem: What? No! I mean I do think you are cute in sweaters!...?

babiejenpup: well wanna see for poof!?

butterandjaem: poof? What?

butterandjaem: OH! PROOF! Gotcha!

butterandjaem: but yeah sure ;)


(A/N lol pretend Jisung isn't there oop-)

butterandjaem: YOU'RE SO CUTE- i mean awwww!

butterandjaem: but i already know you're adorable sweetheart

babiejenpup: you do?

butterandjaem: ofc i do, why else would i follow you? I only follow cute people ;)

babiejenpup: AWWW THANK YOU! Wait....may I ask what's your name? 👉👈 I'm Lee Jeno by the way😊

butterandjaem: cute

butterandjaem: but call me daddy ;)


butterandjaem: wa- uhm nvm the names Na Jaemin

babiejenpup: but I thought dada's name was Donghae? :(

butterandjaem: listen baby, daddy has many meanings just like fuck ok?

babiejenpup: ohhhh ok~ but can I have fuck with daddy soon tho?

         "Fucking hell Na Jaemin, I'm getting a boner what the fuck-"

Weirdly enough, even though Jaemin is a horny ass fucker, he didn't have the want OR need to directly mess with the boy named Lee Jeno. It felt wrong to, not like the other people he had sex with, is it because the latter is too pure and innocent? Or Jaemin simply wasn't in the mood? Whatever it was, he just shrugged it off and will deal with it later.

butterandjaem: uhm... I'm not your daddy

     "Even tho I want to" Jaemin thought and snorted

babiejenpup: i thought you said-

butterandjaem: change topic, let's talk about this later ok?

babiejenpup: hmmmm Okay~ ^-^

butterandjaem: so...can you send some nudes? ;)

babiejenpup: what are nudes?

butterandjaem: uh your body without clothes and stuff

babiejenpup: OH OK! WHAT PART DO YOU WANT?

butterandjaem: Huh- Oh how bout waist? ;)

     "I love me some waist kinks"

babiejenpup: ok nana, can I call you Nana or Minnie? 🥺

butterandjaem: sure! ;)


babiejenpup: there you go!

babiejenpup: uh hewo?

babiejenpup: nana?

babiejenpup: minnie hyungie?

babiejenpup: OH NO! DO YOU NOT LIKE THEM? :(((

butterandjaem: what? Oh no! i love them!!

butterandjaem: i just uh got back from the bathroom haha....btw you got a big cake ;)

babiejenpup: but it's not my birthday :(

"Hey nono- what are you doing baby?" Woozi said as he came in to his little brothers' pink room to tell him dinners ready and saw the boy on his hello kitty bean bag with blankets and stuff animals around him, he looked very comfortable especially with his pink princess pajamas

If you can't tell already, Jeno loves pink...well and also blue but he loves pink more as he sometimes thinks blue is a bit too big boy for him or he has noticed some people might mistaken him as straight or bi, even tho he is fully 100% gay which he does in fact knows. Don't get him wrong, he doesn't sexualize colors and stuff, he is an open minded little. But he just gets sometimes upset when he wears blue in public, girls try to go near him and guys say things his innocent mind quite frankly doesn't understand...yet

"Oh hyungie! I'm texting someone!" The innocent boy replied smiling, "ohhh okay, who is it?" The older asked again curious. "His name is Na Jaemin and he's funny! "Wha~ Hyungie this person said I have a big cake! But it's not my birthday tho hmp"

"Wait what?!" Woozi walked over to his little brother and looked at the device he was holding, he saw a glimpse of their convo until Jeno gasped a little and pulled away "Bad hyungie! It's rude to look at someone's convo without co-cont-conent! " the boy exclaimed but a little confused on the last word of the sentence he said

"Sorry jen, But please be careful to some people on the Internet. The Internet can teach you numerous  naughty things. And it's consent Angel" the older worriedly said in a soft tone also correcting the latter of the difficult-ish word. "What kind of naughty things hyungie?" The younger asked with big innocent eyes looking at his older brother

"You'll learn when you're ready, c'mon dinner is waiting!" He smiled at the boy, Jeno smiled back his eyes turning into moon-like crescents and the corner of his lips slightly curved. The older quickly pinched his soft, fluffy and squishy cheeks as they both stood up and went down stairs where their meal awaits.


Lol sorry if some of them don't make sense and there's some mistakes, it's 12 am right now so I apologize :(

My ideas are so boring omg-

But uh hope you liked it!

Don't forget to vote and comment! Bye byeeeeee~ ^.^

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