Part 2

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(No time to proofread so excuse the mistakes)

"Walk fast, you duck!" Rk hisses as he drags me around the pious fire. Yeah, we are in the altar taking 7 circles around the fire to complete our marriage.

"If you drag me like this then I will trip and fall down, you retard" I hiss back.

"I would love to see you falling down on your ass, bitchey!"

"Oh really! Then don't worry I will pull you down along with me." I smirk.

"I would love that even more"

"What? Why?" I ask in confusion.

"I can fall on top of you and we both can roll around this fire hugging and finish this running-around-this-circle' ritual in a quick and unique way, what say?" he asks looking at me over his shoulder. I quickly picture him and I hugging and rolling around the fire. My cheeks start heating up. That will be one hell of a sight to be watched. What a visual treat that would be for the guest who have gathered in this occasion?

"Watch out, Bitchey!" he growls at me when I bumped on his back as I got zoned out.

"Why you suddenly stopped walking, you rock?" I ask him angrily.

"We are done with the 7 circles" he says with a shrug.

"Oh Shit! I hate wearing this Shervani... it's so hot and stuffy already." Rk mutters irately as we sit back to do the remaining rituals.

"Yeah, right! This lehenga is also too heavy to handle and the blouse is tight. I can't wait to stripe these clothes off."

"Even I can't wait to see you stripe for me." Rk smirks. The bas***d!

"Dream on! I'm not going to let you see me naked or have you under my skin!" I whisper in a murderous tone. If there isn't any perks in marrying this asshole then I wouldn't have sit here beside him and taking all his shit.

"I still can't believe we are almost married."

"Yeah, just tie the nuptial chain and place the vermillion on my forehead... then our job done!"

"Job done? Nah! From there only my job begins!"

"What job?"

"To seduce you! To kiss you! To f**k you senselessly till you scream my name!" he says in a husky tone almost making my body shiver.

"Aww... look how cute they are?" I hear my mom say standing from behind us.

"They are so in love. Even at their wedding they can't stop conveying their love." My dad says like a genius guessing what we were talking a second ago. I just wanna laugh rolling on the floor like a loon. They are so stupid! They think Rk and I are in love? How silly? We hate each other and we are gonna make each other's life a living hell. How cool is that? I grin at that thought.

"Did you hear them?" I ask my in-a-minute-to-be-husband.

"Yeah! We are discussing about kiss and f**k but they thinking we are having sweet love talks? Your parents are so insane just like you."

"My parents are not insane or so am I! It's you and your stupid family! Especially your mom! She is the stupidest creature in the world to think that her son is a saint!" I grunt.

"Don't talk shit about my mom. I won't spare you."

"Bloody f**ker! You can badmouth my parents but I can't?"

"If you don't stop cussing me then I will just dump your face into this fire!"

"You won't do that." I say with a smirk.

"I swear I will." He smirks back.

"Okay mommy's boy I won't talk bullshit about your precious mother but I can't help cussing you because you are one mean mouthed shit just like me... we are one made for each other couple, aren't we?!" I ask through my gritted teeth.

"Of course, Sweetheart!" he beams at me and pecks my cheek. I don't know why I am blushing for that silly kiss.

Then the priest asks Rk to tie the chain. He takes it from the priest and ties around my neck as if strangling me with it.

"I mark you as mine forever and ever by placing..." I cut him off by asking "By placing your mouth on mine and kissing me?" I don't know whether there is hope in my voice or panic. What will people think seeing us kiss in the altar, in public?

"You are so shameless. I am talking about placing this sindoor on your partition and mark you as mine." He clarifies me. I kinda feel so embarrassed. Then I feel him placing the vermillion power on my forehead. I look up and meet his eyes. He is looking at me with so much... What? Love? I don't know for sure. Then he caresses the side of my cheek tenderly making me close my eyes and leaning into his touch.

I hear the priest loudly announce that the marriage rituals are over and we are husband and wife from now on.

"Congo, bitchey!"

"Congo, cockhead" we wish each other in our style and then we are engulfed by our parents, they kiss us on our forehead or cheeks declaring for how long they were waiting for this moment, us getting married. Oh hell! There come the guests giving us their gifts which I absolutely love... You know I love gifts and compliments. Oh f**k! I hate there humdrum wishes and blessings and advises.


We are now in our wedding reception. Rishab and I are dancing on the dance floor; actually I suck in dancing so I am just following his lead. Already I have stepped on his feet several times.

"Oops! Sorry!" I say with a goofy grin when I again stamp my foot on his.

"You are the worst dance partner I ever had, little devil!"

"Don't call me "little Devil"... I am not little" I shout loudly so that he hears my voice in the loud music.

"So you are not offended for calling you devil?" he asks with a chuckle.

Yeah, I get offended only when Rk calls me "Little" or "minion" because I am not tall. Well, I don't think I m too short. I am of perfect height.

"No, you are not of prefect height." Holy f**k! He could read my mind. I should be careful. "See, I have to bend down and talk to you, Minion!" he bends down and talks huskily near my ear and then he did something making me tremble. He licks my earlobe and sucks it sending a wave of current to my most intimate part awakening it and it starts throbbing in desire.

"It's your mistake you grew up so tall, you palm tree" I slap his arm hard and made myself wince in pain. This bloody moron is so strong like a rock!

"Oh Boy! You really can dance! You make me so hot and bothered with your moves." I blurt out without thinking what I just told.

He just smirks at me and gently pinches my hip making me yelp.

"Who taught you couple dancing?" I ask curiously.

"My girlfriend back in States" he says with a wink.

"You have a girlfriend there?" I ask him shocked.

"Yep! Why? Are you jealous?" he asks me smirking.

"Nah! You having a girlfriend would make my life lot more easier." I grin at him widely showing my well set 'happydent' white teeth.


"Because now I can have a boyfriend too... he can even teach me to shake my hips." I say with a dreamy smile and my smile disappeared seeing the chilling look on Rk's face.

"Rk... loosen your grip on me, please. I can't breathe." I whisper. He is hugging me so tight till it hurts.

"Don't forget, we are married. You are Mrs. Madhubala Rishab Kundra. My wife! Mine!" he growls at me.

"Yes, yes, yours. Lets dance!" I rub my palms over his arms to calm him down and in fraction of seconds his eyes softened and he starts dancing again with me, sexily.

"Are you on purpose stamping on my foot?" he asks

"No, your highness." I pull a puppy face act and this time I deliberately dig my high heel shoe on his foot making him wince in pain. He grips my waist tightly and pulling me closer to his chest and leaning down he kisses my neck and then bites it. Ouch! Here, is my revenge for biting me. I kick his left shin with my right foot. He lifts his head up from the crook of my neck and smirks at me. An evil smirk! I know what's coming up for me. Crash! He crashed his mouth on mine.

"Bloody hell, kiss me back!" he growls and nibbles my lips but I stood there like a deer caught in the headlight.

"Have you ever kissed or been kissed by anyone before?" he asks me against my life. "Apart from me?" he adds. The kiss he gave me last time is still lingering on my lips.

I look up at him and he is looking at me with a dangerous look. I know I am in trouble.

"Um... I..."

"Don't even think of lying to me!" he says in a menacing tone, gripping me tight and gently swaying me around the dance floor.

"Once!" I mutter.

"Who the f**k you kissed? Tell me his name I will chop his dick!"

"I don't think you can do that to Trishna!" I tell feeling mortified.

"What? Come again?" he asks and I could feel his muscles loosening and the tension escaping from his body.

"You kissed Trishna?" he asks and burst out laughing. Trishna is a very close friend of mine since school days.

"Yes! But I swear I didn't like that kiss."

"Why, Bitchey? You could have called me nah? I would have come to your service?" he teases me. Gosh! Why I said the truth! I could have simply told him no right? But then he would have known I was lying. He is having this uncanny knack to read my mind and face. Am I so expressive?

"Yes, you are. I could see myriads of expression pass in this cute little face of yours at the moment."

I pout at him, what I think to be a pretty pout.

"Don't pout! Your mouth looks like pig's." he says making an "eewww" face.

I could have told him that I had kissed his best friend Sultan and gave him a heart attack! Wait! Who am I kidding? He would have simply killed his best friend for kissing me. Gosh! His possessiveness is getting into my nerves.

"Okay, tell me why you kissed Trishna? Is there a thing going between you too?" he asks.

"No, shit Sherlock! No need to crush your brain to investigate my first kiss. I just wanted to try how it would feel like to kiss and be kissed and I didn't have a boy to try so I opted for Trishna. I will never forgive you for chasing all my boyfriends away from me." I fake a cry.

"Aww... Bitchey, please don't cry." He hugs me and coos softly, brushing my hair gently. Why this sudden change? Something fishy! I look up at him and smile at him sweetly and ask him "Why? You can't see me crying?"

"Yes" he says and pecks my cheeks. "You will surely look even uglier with your make up smudged."

"Ahhh... I hate you! I hate you! I hate you, my f**king husband!" Good thing the music is loud and all are lost in their own world dancing or talking or gossiping so they didn't hear my cry of annoyance.

"Same pinch, Bitchey! I hate you too." He says to me and gives me a chaste kiss.


Finally, the wedding reception is over and we are hushed into our bedroom. I beat my husband in heading straight to the dressing room to take off my clothes which I wore for the reception. Then I head to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

After my shower, I step out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. I blow dry my hair with the drier not wanting to catch cold and then I put my loose tops which reaches till my upper thigh and then I put my panties. No bra. I sleep without bras or any shorts on.

"What doing, hubby?" I ask sweetly obviously shocking him.

"Can't you see? I'm packing my stuffs?" he replies stuffing his clothes in his suitcase.

"Why?" I ask.

"I have flight to catch this early morning."

"Oh wow! You didn't tell? I would have packed my things too right?"

"You can't come with me now!" he states.


"Dumbo, your Visa isn't ready. It's still processing and it will take a month or two for you to see me there."

"You are going back to States? On our wedding night?" I ask disappointed.

"Then what?"

"I thought you were packing your stuffs for our honeymoon so I thought even I could get my bags ready." I pout. He states laughing.

"What's so funny?" I ask with a frown.

"Never thought you would be so eager to do it"

"Do what?"


"Doh! I am only excited for our honeymoon."

"What do you thing couples will do in their honeymoon, sweetheart?"

"Call me again"

"What, Bitchey?"

"Not Bitchey! The other sweet word which warmed my heart. I love it whenever you call me Sweetheart." I say with a slight blush.

"Sweetheart" he says huskily making it sound like sweet-hot!"

"So tell me sweetheart, what couples do?"

"Sightseeing" I answer grinning wide. I am telling you again if you guys have forgotten the fact that I'm so clever!

My moronic husband starts laughing again.

"I will tell you what they do." He whispers near my ear and pulls me closer to him, his left hand skating up my thigh.

"You feel so soft." He looks down and his eyes turn dark seeing my nipples peeping through the material. I guess I should have worn my bra after all.

"Stop staring at me, you asshole."

"I can't help bitchey. Never thought you will look this sexy even in this baggy top" He says kissing my neck as his hands rolled up my top and his hands find my boobs. I let out a subtle moan.

"No bra? I approve. Makes my work easy" he pesters kisses all over my face.

"Rk, what you are doing."

"What do you think?" he asks nibbling my lips.

"You will miss the flight if you don't stop now."

"I haven't started yet and you want me to stop huh?"

"Rk, please..." I moan. I can't handle this strange sensation anymore.

"Rk, hold me tight..."

"Why?" he asks but his grip around my waist tightens.

"I'm literally going weak on my knees. My legs feel like jell-O" I whisper and embrace him tightly, bunching his hair in my fingers twisting it making him groan.

"Right, baby, right!" he says and captured my mouth kissing me hard and long and once he pulls away, I'm panting hard.

"Can I take you now?" he asks.

"Um... I'm nervous... and scared."

"Okay!" he understands me. He pecks my lips and goes back to pack his stuffs.

"Bitchey, will you come to the Airport to see me off?" he asks.

"Of course, f**ktard! I will be there for you."

"Then go get ready. We will be leaving in an hour. Your parents and mine will also be coming to send off me, so you can return home safely with them. You can stay here or at your parents place... it's up to you but just make sure you come and check on my parents daily if you decide to stay with your parents."

"Sure thing! I will take care of your parents"

"Thanks." He smiles at me and kisses my cheek.

"Stop licking me" I wipe my cheek with my palm where he just gave me a wet kiss.

"You wait and see what all I will get to lick when I get you in my bed." He says winking. I didn't get what he meant by that. What's there to lick in me? Am I a Popsicle or something? Or is he a dog?

I quickly run to the dressing room where I have kept my suitcase. I open it and pick a short black dress.

"You are not wearing that one. I want you to put some jeans" he says walking into the walk-in-closet to check on me, what I am gonna wear.

"Why? And who are you to tell me what I should or shouldn't wear, you bas***d?" I ask angrily. Just because we are married I won't let him boss me around.

"I don't want any f**ker to see your long sexy legs."

"Oh f**k! Then I can never wear a short dress. You always want me to cover from head to toe?" I ask keeping my hands on my hips glaring at him.

"Oh I wish so. Would you do that for me, Bitchey?" he asks hopefully.

"Like hell I would do that. I will wear whatever I wish to wear."

"Okay, at least don't wear anything indecent when I am not around you."

"Why?" I bark.

"I can't kick those assholes eying you delectable ass." He says and spanks my ass.

"Ouch!" I yelp and rub my ass. "You will pay for this!" I warn him.

"Here, spank me" he shows lifting his ass in air and I kick it.

"You bloody bitch! How dare you kick me?" he asks.

"You asked for it, honey" I say batting my eyelashes.

"Then you have it." He yanks my hair roughly. I whimper in pain.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, please leave..." I jump trying to free my hair from his hold.

"Go!" he shows some mercy on me and lets my hair go. Phew!

Then I quickly stripe my baggy top and put on my bra, then a shirt over it and pull on my skinny jeans.

"Is it paining, darling?" moron Rk asks massaging my scalp where he pulled my hair, when I stood in front of the full length mirror.

"Nope" I say enjoying his head massage, and then he scoops up my hair and put it into a high ponytail.

"Good boy" I turn and ruffle his messy hair.


(In the Airport lounge)

"Rk Bro, the next two months will be your last chance to have all your fun... then this devil will be there to make your life a living hell." My brother Sikky tells to my husband with a wink.

"Rightly said, Sikky! I can't wait to torture him." I smirk evilly.

"You are being too confident. It will be me torturing you." Rk says mirroring my smirk.

"We will see." I say and we glare at each other that's when his mother steps in.

"Rishu, my baby, eat well, don't work till late hours, drive home safe..."

"Mom! Mom! Mom! Enough! I am tired of hearing the same old chant from you. I will look after myself. And it's just for two month then my Biwi will be there to take care of all my needs, right biwi?" he asks me with a wink. What needs? I frown at him. Then turning to his mother I shyly nod my head. She caresses my head and says "I am so happy for you babies. Now, I can't wait to see your babies." I inwardly roll my eyes. I find it hard to handle myself then how will handle a baby? We are still so young and we have lots of time to plan a family.

"Can't you extend your leave for a week more?" my Papa asks hugging me. No one likes Rk leaving me and going to States.

"No, Uncle. There some issue has risen in the head office and only I can fix it." Rk says with a huge sigh.

"I hope you don't turn to a workaholic." Mohan uncle says to his son.

"I won't dad. I will make sure I spend as much as time with my biwi." He says and casually drags me into his arms from my Papa's hold.

"If you will excuse us" Rk says and without they could react he takes me a little away from them.

"Now, don't start crying, Okay?" Rk says.

"Why would I cry?" I ask. "I'm actually looking at the cute guy in the coffee shop." I say enthusiastically looking over Rk's shoulder. "I guess you still have time to board so why don't we go and grab coffees and check him out closely?" I suggest.

"Ouch!" my bloody evil husband just poked my eyes with his index and middle finger. My eyes start watering. I look up at him with teary eyes for explanation.

"Why the hell you poked my eyes, you moron?"

He draws me tighter against him, pressing me to his chest and whispers in a murderous tone. "These eyes are meant to see me. Only me." Then he leans down and kisses my teary eyes.

"Aww... they look so cute." I heard Radha aunty say from the back.

"My daughter is crying which is so unusual." Yeah, I never cry. I only know to curse when I'm mad or hurt.

"Guess she started missing her husband already." Radha aunty replies.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Your mom is so stupid. She thinks I am crying because I miss you."

"You won't miss me?" Rk asks with a pout which I found very cute and sexy at equal measure.

"I guess it's time to board." I tell him avoiding his question.

"Tell me?" he presses.

"I just pray your plane don't crash or explode midair." I say cupping his cheeks with my palms and looking straight at his eyes.

"Why? Do you love me so much that you don't want me to die?" he asks in a teasing tone.

"Oh course I don't want you to die! If you die then what will happen to my dream to explore USA?"

"You selfish, Bitch" he growls at me.

"Just joking. I will miss pulling your legs, I will miss cursing you, I will miss fighting with you, I will miss being kissed by you, I will miss cuddling you, I will miss you so much, my darling husband." I jump and hug him tightly.

"I will miss you too, biwi." he kisses me soundly.

"Behave, okay?" he warns me.

"Yes, boss and you behave yourself" I peck his cheek. He smiles a heart melting smile & walks away. I wave my hand at him as a lone tear rolls down my cheek. I can't wait to start my life with him. My darling asshole!

To be continued...

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