Part 4

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(Madhu's POV)

"Oh No! I am drowning" I start sputtering and flailing my arms and legs everywhere.

"Help! Help!" I scream on top of my lungs.

"Wake up, Bitchey!" my moronic husband rudely yanks me off the sofa. I snap my eyes open and find myself fully drenched in water.

"You splashed water on me?" I ask my husband angrily. I thought I was dreaming and that I was drowning in deep sea.

"Yep!" he shrugs his shoulders coolly.

"But why, you bas***d?" I ask through gritted teeth.

"I tried waking up you but you didn't so I poured a bucket full of water on you and see, you are up." he grins widely at me. He seems so proud of his act.

"I won't spare you, Rk!" I jump off the couch and launch myself at him forcefully making him go off balance and land hard on his butt on the floor and I straddle on top of him ready to kill him with my bare hands but he tackles me down and rolls on top of me. He grabs my hands and pushing them above my head, he stares at me, madly and hungrily at equal proportion.

He looks like a vampire ready to bite my neck and suck my blood and quench his thirst.

"Get off me, Rk. You are so heavy!" I scream and tried to push him off me but my effort went in vain. He is mighty strong than I. Shit!

"Rk... get off me or I won't hesitate to kick your balls again!!!" I warn him. I'm sure this will work because he had already experience my knee-knock.

"Not this time, Bitchey!" he smirks evilly and locks both of my legs with his legs. I can't even move my legs an inch. I feel so heavy as he weighs me down.

"I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I am going to die." I gasp for breathe. Well, I act gasping.

"Don't f**king act!" Rk growls.

"What you want me to do now?" I ask pissed.

"Kiss. I want a kiss." he demands.

"That's it?" I sigh and leaning up I peck his cheek.

"Eewww" he made a disgusting face. I frown.

"I am not a baby that you kiss me on my cheek."

"Why you are so desperate to get a kiss?" I ask with a frown.

"Yes, I am desperate because I haven't got a single kiss from my wife but I'm married to her for two months already." he says in a desperate tone. Aww... my baby boo, I pity you but I am evil to let you get what you want so easily.

"You will get a kiss on one condition, f**ktard"

"What condition, looney?"

"I want you to take me pubbing."


"I wanna dance and party. Get drunk and puke gut out on you." I say clicking my fingers and pointing my index finger at him.


"Okay, no puking business. I just wanna shake my ass." I say swaying my hips, rubbing my ass on the floor.

"Remember you don't know to dance? How clumsily you danced in our wedding reception always stepping on my foot?" Rk reminds me.

"That's couple dance for a f**king slow music. I can dance for some fast beats. I can do pole dancing after all I have sexy body to die."

"No pole dancing. At least not in public."

"Without audience what's the use in dancing."

"You can do pole dancing for me" he suggest rolling off me and lying beside me on the floor on his side, balancing his weight on his elbow. I look at him for a good minute before saying "Nah!!"


"I won't dance to please your f**king eyes."

"Why?" he pouts cutely.

"Because you are an asshole" I shrug, riling him up and got up on my heels. Rk got so pissed on me and pulled my skirt down and he start rolling on the floor, laughing.

"Why you are laughing like a madman?" I ask him coolly because standing in my short shirt and just panties is not a big deal for me. That ceases his laugh and he looks up at me blankly. Then slowly his eyes trail down my eyes, to my breast to my belly & to my bare legs.

"You have..."

"Yes, I have sexy legs." I cut him off.

"No, you have hair on your legs. You need a shave or waxing." he says and starts rolling on the floor again, laughing.

"AHHH... Don't laugh at me, you idiot." I straddle on him and took a handful of his hair in my hands and bang his head on the floor.

"Leave me, Bitchey!! You are gonna kill me. I am the only son to my parents." he says and tried to relieve my hands from his hair.

"Bitchey, please. I don't wanna die a virgin." this line brought my attention and I loosen my grip on his hair but still didn't get off him. I sit on his torso comfortably by folding my legs.

"You are heavy. I can't breathe."

"You are a virgin?" I ask, my eyes twinkling with lust.

"Virgin to be died soon if you don't get off me now." he says breathing hard. I still didn't get off him completely. I just place my knees on either side and just lift my ass of him as I lean forward to lick his earlobe.

"How come you are a virgin boy?" I ask out loud.

"I was waiting..." he says in a mere whisper.

"For what?"

"You" I stare at his eyes. I could see a very strong emotion. What is it?


"Yes" he smiles at me. I feel like melting.

"Why?" I ask anticipating for his answer.

"You are gonna be my tester monkey!" he teases me. Am I science project?

"You are not a medicine to cure deadly disease to be tested with me."

"But you definitely are a monkey. Look, just like a monkey you are jumping on me every now and then." he laughs again.

"AHHH!!! Your laughter is irking me. I wish to murder you!" this time I pull my own hair. I stood up and stomp off to my room and shut the door with a loud bang.


(One hour later)

"Madhu, open the door" Rk knocks on my door.

"Get lost." I shout back.

"Madhu, yaar... open. I have something important to tell you." he is calling me 'Madhu' so guess there is something important he wanna share. I quickly jump out of my bed and run to open the door.

"What?" I bark at him opening the door.

"Um... We have a party tonight at our home."

"Party!!!" I yell in joy and hug him tightly.

"What party? Why party?" I ask excitedly.

"I have invited my friends. Since our marriage they were asking me to throw party but I was waiting for you to join me. Now that you are here I thought to invite them all and give a small party."

"Oh! Why here? We can book some posh hotel and party there with music and drinks. Oh God! Just I wished to go pubbing and now we are going to do that along with our post marriage party."

"Why not here?"

"Who the hell will cook for all those buffaloes?"

"We can order from out, Madhu"

"Who will clean then?"

"We have servant maids."

"Ugh! I wanna go out and celebrate. Will you take me or not?"

"Hmm..." he thinks. "Then tell me a romantic line." poor boy starving to hear something pleasant from me, I guess.

"Romantic line?" I question.

"Yes, like in movies."

"Give me a sample."

"Hmm... I was looking up... it was the nearest thing to heaven! You were there..." (An affair to remember - movie dialogue)

"Why you were looking up when I am standing right in front of you? Oh god! Did you say heaven? Did you kill me, you asshole? Oh God! My mama and papa married me to a psycho, a serial killer. Oh wait... heaven? What you were doing in heaven? You should be rotting in hell for killing me nah?"

"Party cancel." he declares and turns and walks away.

"Hey, wait why? Before killing me at least take me to one party where I get booze."

"I just told you a romantic dialogue from a movie and you started your f**k-crap?"

"Oh movie dialogue." realization dawns me.

"Now your turn, say one romantic movie dialogue. If I like it I will take you out for pubbing and I will invite my friends there and we all can have fun."

"Hmm... what dialogue to say?" I crush my brain to come up with one best dialogue. "Bingo!"


"I got one awesome dialogue."

"Tell me" he moves closer to me and holds my waist. I look up at him and he looks down at me. We share an intense eye lock.

"Hmm... tell?" he encourages me.

"I wish..." I start.

"You wish?"

"I wish I knew how to quit you." (Brokeback Mountain - movie dialogue) I say and quickly hug him. Awwie... I feel so shy. I just said one romantic dialogue to him.

"Madhu, quickly go to your room..."

"Yes, I will get ready for the party.. I knew you would love my dialogue. Yes yes yes!" I did a quick victory dance.

"Go to your room and lock it or I will kill you." he tells in a dead serious tone.

"Rk..." I start. He turns and starts walking back to his room.

"Can't you see? Every step I have taken, since I was that little girl on the bridge, was to bring me closer to you." (Memoirs of a Geisha - movie dialogue)

Rk turns and flashes me a bright smile. "Get ready. We are leaving in an hour." he tells. Guess he liked this movie dialogue. Madhu, you are one lucky bitch to get it right. I rush to him and throw myself at him.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I squeal.


"How do I look?" I ask Rk. I'm wearing a black cocktail dress. Sleeveless, backless, low V neck showcasing my cleavage and mainly the dress reaches just below my upper thigh.

"Hmm... you look like sex served on golden plate. I wish to ravish you."

"Asshole!" I chide him but I couldn't help my blush.

"Come!" I toss my loose hair back and walk past him swaying my hip a little more than needed.

"I wanna teach your bad-ass a lesson badly, bitchey." he came running to me and hugs me from behind.

"What lesson?" I ask innocently

"Flip-Flop-f**k lesson" he says huskily near my ear and bites my earlobe making me yelp and jump out of his hold.

"Wait" he calls me.

"What?" I ask stopping near the door.

He comes behind me and wraps a furry coat on me.

"I won't wear this..."

"It's cold out. We are not in India, baby."

"Oh right, asshole."

"Call me 'Honey'... and behave in front of my friends and colleagues or else..."

"Or else what?"

"I will take you in the pub... I don't care whether we have audience... I will just f**k you then and there if you open your potty mouth. I want to hear only sweet endearments flowing out from your f**k-able mouth, okay?" he threatens me and I m sure it wasn't an empty threat.

"Okay, honey" I wink at him.

"That's better, baby" he surprised me by capturing my mouth with his and gave me a long and hard kiss.


"You like it?" he asks.

"I almost came just for your kiss."

"Save it for tonight. I want it then." he says licking his lips. I start panting.

"Okay, let's set the sheet on fire, tonight." I wink and run to the car. He follows me happily laughing.


"Baby, stop drinking. You are such a light weight. Moreover my friends haven't arrived yet and I want you to be sober when you meet them" Rk tells to me softly.

"Honey, please. Just one more drink." I give him my puppy eyed look.

"That wrinkly Pug dog look won't work on me. No means no!" he smirks.

"Who the hell are you to stop me, you douchebag!!" I snarl at him.

"Watch your tongue." he places his finger on my lips.

"Oh shut up!"

"We had a deal!" he reminds me our deal to behave and be a decent loving couple.

"Deal off!" I declare and stomp off to the other side of the bar to order me another martini.


"Hey dude! Where is your wife?" I hear some piggy friend of my piggy husband ask. Guess his friends are arriving. Madhu, show some attitude. Never let your arrogant controlling husband win.

"Meet my beautiful wife, Madhubala" my darling husband introduces me as 'Beautiful' to his friend. Awwie!! I turn and hug my husband side ways and smile politely at his friends. I quickly check his friends. Three handsome men and two ugly bitches.

"Baby, meet my friends Sam, Chris, George, Kelly and Sandra" who the f**k asked for those bitches' names? I shake my hand with those three mouthwatering men and gave a curt nod to those skinny skeletons.

"Baby, you okay?" Rk asks me taking my drink from my hand and sipping it.

"I'm perfectly fine, sweetie." I say loudly and lean closer to kiss his cheek and in that gap I whisper "Give my drink back or I will turn to a bitch."

"You are already one, bitchey!"

"I know" I bat my eyelashes rapidly.

"Here" he hands my drink back to me. "Don't flirt with my friends and don't dare to dance with them. You are permitted to throw some shape only with me, okay?" he says possessively.

"You know what? You always desire to get what's forbidden." I smirk at him and walk back to his friends to flirt. I will never go beyond flirting. I am doing this just to rile up my husband. He thinks he can boss me around. Like hell I will let him.

"Your wife looks so innocent like a virgin." I hear his friend, Chris comment on me to Rk while I talk with his other two friends. I don't know where the hell Rk's lady friends have gone. Well, why do I care?

"Chris!" Rk gives him a death glare. "She is my wife." Rk warns.

"Hey cool dude. Just complimenting her. You look sizzling hot, Angel." Chris says making me blush. I notice Rk's knuckles turning white.

"Thank you." I lean and kiss his cheek while keeping my eyes on my husband.

"Angel, will you do me the honour of dancing with me?" Chris asks. Uh-huh! I guess I have stepped out of my bar. He is taking advantage now. I shouldn't have kissed him. Though it was a simple cheek kiss and it meant nothing to me still I shouldn't have.

"I..." I was about to deny his offer. God! Rk, please save me. Ask me to dance with you.

But he didn't. He just gave me an angry glare and walked back to the bar counter to drown himself in drinks. Oh shit!

"Dance? Will you?" Chris asks me.

"Sure" I mutter still having my eyes on Rk. I will deal with you at home, you bloody moron for leaving me alone with your bas***d of a friend.

I feel so uncomfortable dancing with him for two reasons. One I don't know to do couple dance for slow tunes, the fact which I have already established and two he is holding me on inappropriate places. He is feeling me up. f**k! Not even my husband has touched me this way. Bitch, you haven't let your husband touch but now you are letting this asshole squeeze your ass.

I try to push his hand but he tightens his grip on my waist and squeezes it.

"I...I need to use the washroom. Sorry." I swat his hands off me and quickly step out of the dance floor and rush to the ladies toilet.

"Oh shit! What a mess you have created, Madhu? You are here with your husband and you are dancing with his friend in front of him. God! I feel like a bitch for hurting my Rk. I should have listened to him. I shouldn't have had drink too much otherwise I wouldn't have got the guts to kiss that bas***d Chris and dance with him." I scold looking myself at the mirror. "Just go out and ask your man to take you home. This place is not safe." I tell to myself.

When I step out of the washroom I feel someone pulling me by my arm and pushing my back to the wall and before I could see who it is or scream my mouth is plastered with another man's mouth and the man is definitely not my man, my Rk.

f**k! This is Chris.

Chris is kissing me. I try to push him but he is too heavy and I feel dizzy.

"You bloody wh**e!"

f**k! This is Rk.

Definitely he mistook me. Bravo!

To be continued...

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