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All Yoongi could do was grumble to himself as the other incubi had come into the room and started to discuss something with Hoseok. He wished he could understand them but knew that only way for that to happen would be if he mated with one of them. He had no intention of just giving up his body in exchange for a language he wouldn't even be able to speak. He did also notice that Taehyung seemed to be talking lowly to Jimin. Maybe Yoongi could get Taehyung to translate for him since he was able to understand the incubi."Tae, come here."

Sighing as his conversation with Jimin was interrupted, Taehyung scooted over to where Yoongi was sitting."Yeah, Hyung?"

"What are the incubi saying?" Yoongi wasn't going to beat around the bush. He wanted to know what they were saying.

Having a feeling that he was going to be stuck doing this often, Taehyung started listening to the conversation."It sounds like they're talking about living arrangements. They need a place for them all to live. I guess they don't want to just stay on their ship."

"Makes sense, I guess." Yoongi wondered where the incubi were going to live. Not knowing any earthly languages, they couldn't live on their own.

"Ohh." Taehyung bit his lower lip at what he heard Hoseok tell the incubi."Hyung, you're not going to like this, but it makes a lot of sense."

Scrunching his nose, Yoongi was getting sick of things going badly for him. This whole day was something he didn't like."Just tell me."

"Hoseok-hyung just suggested that they all live with you." Seeing Yoongi's eyes narrow, Taehyung spoke up again to keep him from acting out."It makes a lot of sense, Hyung. Think about it. You're the only one of us who can actually afford to house them. And the rest of us have jobs. We won't be able to keep an eye on them all the time."

"So I'm going to be a fucking babysitter for aliens? Not fucking fair." Standing, Yoongi stepped over to Hoseok and the other incubi."Why are you suggesting that they all live with me? You and Tae can understand them. I can't. How are we going to communicate? I don't have places for them to sleep."

When their conversation was interrupted, all the incubi stopped talking and looked at Yoongi, clearly having no idea what he was saying to Hoseok. Jungkook just smiled at the smaller male's attitude."He's so frisky. I like it."

Hoseok slumped his shoulders just a little."I know it's going to be hard, Yoongi-hyung, but they really need a place to stay. I would take them with me, but I live in a one-bedroom apartment. You know that. Taetae can't afford to take them in; neither can Jimin, for that matter. You're the only one of us who has that sort of finances. Besides, since you don't have a job, you can stay home with them and help them out with things."

"But we won't be able to understand each other." Yoongi protested.

"I'm sure you all can find other ways to communicate." Hoseok knew Yoongi didn't like this. It was going to be very hard for the introvert to keep three guests in his home, but it was the best solution for now."I promise that I'll stop by your place as much as I can to help out."

This did make sense to Yoongi, no matter how much he didn't approve. It really was the easiest solution."Fine. But you'll need to stay with them while I go to the store tomorrow to buy some air mattresses or something for them to sleep on. They'll have to deal with the floor tonight."

"Okay, that's fine. Thank you, Hyung." Hoseok turned back to the incubi."He has agreed to let you all stay in his home for now." he told them."This is going to be difficult for him because he's not really good with new people. Just try to give him some space. Okay?"

Namjoon made a small hum as he thought for a short moment. Then, he spoke decisively."This will be fine. We'll stay with him until a time comes that we can leave his home."

Seokjin glanced at Yoongi, who looked pretty unhappy about everything right now."Please give him our thanks."

Hoseok placed a hand onto Yoongi's shoulder, hoping he would be alright with these arrangements."They thank you, Hyung. This is going to be a big help."

"Whatever." Yoongi crossed his arms over his chest."When are we going to leave this damn ship? I'm tired, and everyone's hungry."

That caused Hoseok to facepalm."Oh my god, I forgot all about that. Taetae must be starving. He's been in this room all day. I'm such a bad boyfriend." With this on his mind now, he knew he needed to hurry everything along."We should all get going. The humans need to eat."

"How often do humans eat?" Jungkook asked with such curiosity.

"Typically, they eat three meals per day." Hoseok answered."They can't do well without food for several days, like we can." Then, he rushed over to Taehyung and knelt down in front of him."Baby, I'm so sorry you've been in here all day. I completely forgot about your need to eat. Please forgive me."

Taehyung was so hungry that he had actually almost forgotten about being hungry. It was a weird state to experience."It'll be okay once I can get something to eat."

Jimin scooted over and gave such a hopeful look."Are we going to leave now? I think we should all go to Yoongi-hyung's place and order pizza."

"Good idea, Jimin." Hoseok stood and motioned for his friends to follow. He led them over to Yoongi and the incubi."We'll all head out now and go to your place, Hyung. Everyone can eat; Jungkook, Seokjin, and Namjoon can get settled in. Then, we can all get some sleep."

"About damn time." Yoongi was acting quite grumpy, but he was really just irritated from being tired and hungry. He was also uneasy about three incubi living with him for an unknown amount of time. It was going to be super hard for him to handle, but he would have to adjust to it.


Getting everyone into his home in the middle of the night was a headache for Yoongi. He just wanted to eat then crawl into bed. Unfortunately, he needed to make sure all the incubi would be settled in properly. He grumbled to himself as he threw away his unfinished pizza that had been sitting out all day. He retrieved his phone and was pleased to see that it wasn't dead, all thanks to the five-minute sleep timer. Yoongi turned on his phone and sighed, exiting the video he'd been watching this morning.

"Hoseok, how many pizzas do I need to order?" Yoongi asked as he stepped into the living room, where Hoseok was getting all the incubi to sit and wait. Seeing that his game was still on, Yoongi grabbed the tv remote and turned it off before also turning off his console.

"Just enough for you, Jimin, and Tae." Hoseok answered."Incubi only need to eat every few days. They'll let you know when they're hungry."

"Fine, whatever." As Yoongi opened the app on his phone to order the pizza, he watched Hoseok leave the living room, probably fetching the pillows and blankets Yoongi always kept in the closet for whenever his friends would stay overnight. He wasn't fond of being left alone with the incubi, but he supposed he would have to get used to it. He wanted to go into the kitchen where Jimin and Taehyung were waiting, but he didn't think he should leave his alien guests unattended just yet.

Seokjin looked around the room a little before stopping his gaze on Jungkook, who was staring at Yoongi."You're so shameless, aren't you? You're practically undressing him with your eyes, Jungkook."

Jungkook didn't take his eyes off of Yoongi."Guys, how am I supposed to earn his love? I don't know what humans like. I want to mate with him, but I have to earn it." He groaned quietly."This would be so much easier if I could speak his language."

Namjoon rolled his eyes, recognizing what was going on with Jungkook."You already let yourself get attached." He could tell that Jungkook had already fully made up his mind on picking the small human as his mate.

"Don't be jealous just because Hoseok has a mate." Jungkook said without thinking.

"I'm not jealous." Namjoon smacked the back of Jungkook's head because he was, indeed, very jealous.

Seokjin chuckled with amusement as he saw Yoongi perk an eyebrow at them."Hoseok's mate seems nice. Maybe you can ask Hoseok to form a threeway."

Namjoon shrugged his shoulders."That's such a normal thing for our kind, but we don't even know if humans do that."

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