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Yoongi was completely confused when Hoseok grabbed his hand and started leading him through the ship with one of the aliens following closely behind. What just happened in that conversation? How did Hoseok know their language? Why did Hoseok seem to know his way around this ship? Hopefully, his questions would be answered soon. Though, something about this made sense."You're a fucking alien."

Hoseok sighed as he walked along rather calmly."Yeah." There was no point in denying it now. When they reached the grey room that contained Jimin and Taehyung, Hoseok unlocked the door and opened it."I'll explain everything."

When they entered the room, Jimin and Taehyung both looked up from where they were sitting on the floor."Hoseok-hyung!" Taehyung quickly stood and ran to his boyfriend, throwing his arms around him."I thought you were going to get hurt! I was so worried about you!"

Hoseok felt really guilty for causing Taehyung to be worried like that."I'm alright, Taetae. Not hurt at all."

"What's going to happen now?" Jimin asked."You're going to explain?"

Hoseok made a small motion toward the floor."Let's all sit down and have a little talk." Then, he looked back at Jungkook."We're going to sit and talk." he told him.

This confused Jimin quite a bit."Wait a minute. You speak their language?"

Taehyung pulled away from Hoseok and cocked his head a little to the side."Why can I understand their language? I've never heard it before in my life."

Yoongi pulled his hand away from Hoseok's and seated himself on the floor."Hoseok's a fucking alien, and Taehyung can understand their language. What's next?"

"Hoseok-hyung is an alien?!" That made Jimin think of something."Yoongi-hyung, you were right! You said before that Hoseok-hyung didn't pass the vibe check! That must be why!"

Taehyung seated himself back to where he'd previously been next to Jimin."Hoseokie..." He didn't know what to think of this."You're really an alien..?" How could his boyfriend keep such a big secret from him?

Sitting on the floor as well while Jungkook sat beside him, Hoseok sighed."Yes, Taetae. But only half. I'm half human too. I'm very sorry for not telling you, but I didn't want you to be afraid or avoid me. I love you."

"I guess I understand..." Taehyung wanted his other question to be answered though."So how can I understand that alien language?"

In an odd way, Yoongi found satisfaction in seeing a look of confusion on Jungkook's face. The situation was reversed from before. Now the alien was the only one who couldn't understand the current conversation.

"First, I should tell you all what we actually are." This explanation was going to be a lot, but Hoseok hoped he could break it down as simple as possible."We're incubi, but we're different from the incubi humans hear about in stories. We quickly feel attached to the ones we pick to be our mates. And mating gives us such a special bond."

"Incubi?" Jimin cocked his head a little to the side and pointed to Jungkook."He's an incubus?" When Hoseok nodded, Jimin hummed softly."And you're half incubus?" He got another nod."So what kind of special bond do you get from mating?"

"When we mate, we share our knowledge with each other." Hoseok explained."For example, Taehyung unknowingly learned the language of the incubi and succubi from when we mated and created our bond. More knowledge spreads between mated incubi and succubi because we have such similar genetics and brain waves. With humans, you only learn to understand our language but not actually speak it."

Yoongi interrupted the explanation to ask something that was bothering him."Why are they here?"

Now Taehyung spoke up again."Yeah, that's a good question. They said something about orders. What orders?"

Jungkook lightly tapped on Hoseok's shoulder."I don't understand. Is everything okay?"

"Everything is okay." Hoseok cleared his throat quietly."They came here under orders to find a world to invade and conquer."

Yoongi rolled his eyes and groaned with much displeasure."So we're being invaded by dick monsters from space."

"They're incubi, not dick monsters." Hoseok corrected.

"Same diff."

Jimin shrugged his shoulders."Hyung has a point. They are basically dick monsters to us. They aren't human, and they're looking for someone to fuck. Dick monsters."

That actually caused Taehyung to chuckle, despite their situation."Dick monsters."

"Well, I've convinced them to not invade. They're going to try to live here. They do need mates though. Otherwise, they won't understand anything." Hoseok jutted his thumb toward Jungkook."I mean, just look at him. He's totally clueless because he has no idea what we're saying."

"Why did you convince them to stay here?" Jimin asked curiously."Why not just send them home?"

Hoseok frowned at that."Their home is a terrible place. It's ruled by a cruel emperor who is hungry for power. He sends them to different worlds to mate with the natives, learn their languages, and conquer. There are specific incubi who are in charge of learning as many languages as possible. They are called collectors. The collectors mate with the natives then kill their mates after taking as much knowledge about that world as possible." He lightly placed a hand onto Jungkook's knee."He was going to become a collector. He really doesn't want to though. I was supposed to be a collector. That's why I left that world and came to Earth. I was supposed to mate with the leader of this ship because he is a collector. Mating with him would have given me all of his knowledge and languages to get me started. He would have also learned Korean from me. I ran away and came to Earth."

"So he's not a collector, right?" Taehyung asked to be sure.

"No, he's not." Hoseok was glad that Jungkook could be spared from that horrible job."He's actually never mated before."

Yoongi stifled a laugh."So he's a virgin incubus? Isn't that like an oxymoron?"

That made Jimin laugh."He's a living oxymoron."

"Guys, don't laugh at him for being a virgin." Taehyung said with a sigh.

"I'm not laughing at him for being a virgin." Yoongi clarified."I'm laughing at him for being an oxymoron."

"He's so cute when he laughs." Jungkook said lowly, which got Hoseok's and Taehyung's attention.

That was something Hoseok needed to mention as well."Um, Yoongi-hyung, this is Jungkook by the way. He, uh, well..." He figured he should just be blunt with this."He wants you to be his mate."

Yoongi immediately stopped laughing."He what?" He had no idea of how he should respond to that.

"He already told the others that you're his." Hoseok sighed, knowing that Yoongi wasn't in search of a relationship."It's okay if you don't want to answer his request to mate."

Yoongi scrunched his brow."Well, I already don't like him because he seems to think it's okay to manhandle me. And I only want to be with someone I can love, who will love me back. That's very important."

"Jungkook, he says he wants to be with someone he loves. You will need to earn his love if you want to mate with him." Hoseok stated.

Jungkook's eyes lit up."Challenge accepted. I'll do anything for him."

At that, Hoseok chuckled."Yoongi-hyung, he's going to try his best to earn your love."

Yoongi simply rolled his eyes."Fuck my life."

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