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Yoongi was not pleased at all when he awoke in that grey room with Taehyung. He was quick to squirm his way out of Taehyung's arms and sulk a few feet away."I didn't even get to finish my pizza. What the fuck?"

"That's what you're concerned about? Pizza?" Taehyung rubbed his face with his hands to attempt to keep himself at least somewhat calm, but it wasn't working. He was scared and repeatedly getting on the verge of crying again."We're on an alien ship, and they've taken Hoseok-hyung. Now you're here. I'm trying to believe that they won't hurt us because they haven't yet. They've just left us alone."

Feeling rather irritated about this whole situation despite also being a bit afraid, Yoongi crossed his arms over his chest and huffed."How long are we going to be kept in this room? I've gotta piss."

Taehyung couldn't deny that he was in need of a trip to the bathroom too. He couldn't just tell the aliens that though. They couldn't understand them, and he didn't really want to be around them. Though, the one who brought Yoongi here did seem nicer than the other two."Do you think Jimin is okay?"

"He should be fine. For now at least." Yoongi figured there was a chance that Jimin would be brought here next if the aliens were taking anyone involved in this mess."I don't think they're dumb enough to jump him in public, and he's at work." He glanced around the empty room and sighed."At least, he might still be at work. I don't know what time it is or how long I was unconscious. He actually could be out of work by now."

"You were taken from home, right?" Taehyung asked and got a nod."Hoseok-hyung and I weren't far from your place when we were taken." He frowned as he thought of this."What if they're keeping an eye on your place to wait for Jimin?"

That thought made Yoongi groan."They must have followed us to my place when we ran from their orb-ship-thing. Jimin tried to assure me that we weren't followed, but I think this proves that we were."

Flinching like he did every time the door was opened, Taehyung looked toward the opening door and felt very uneasy when he saw the same man who had taken Hoseok away from him. The man stepped into the room, followed by Jimin. Taehyung was certainly confused. Jimin was conscious and just following that man obediently."Jiminie!"

Jimin glanced up at the alien man and gave him a small wave before running over to Taehyung."Taetae!" He knelt down in front of Taehyung then looked over at Yoongi."Hyung!"

Seokjin watched their interactions for only a short moment before leaving the room and locking the door again.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Jimin?" Yoongi was utterly confused. Why did it seem as if Jimin had come here willingly?

"I went to your place right after work, Hyung. You weren't there." Jimin explained."And Tae didn't show up at my meal break. I knew something was up." He shifted to sit down between his two friends."I tried to call Tae, but that guy came out of nowhere and took my phone. He said something to me, but it was some other language, so I have no idea. I figured he must be one of the aliens or whatever. And since you and Tae were both MIA, I thought the aliens took you guys. So I just came with him. And I was right."

Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jimin's arm to hug it for comfort."So you came with him willingly just to find us? Jiminie, you're so brave."

Yoongi scrunched his nose."He's not brave. He's stupid. Now we're all here, and no one will ever know what happened to us. No one knows we've been taken." This frustrated Yoongi so much."You guys will all be reported missing by your jobs, but I don't have anyone to report me missing. You guys will turn into unsolved missing persons cases, and I'll just disappear without anyone even noticing. We're stuck with these freaks."

Jimin rolled his eyes."Hyung, now we can work together. Let's brainstorm to find answers to the important questions."



"I want to go home~"

"What are they?"

"Nevermind that. What the fuck are they going to do to us?"

"I'm scared~"

"Whining like that isn't going to help, Taehyung. We need to find a way to get out of here."

Standing from where he'd been sitting on the floor, Jimin clenched his hands into fists by his sides, trying to be strong in this situation."Yoongi-hyung's right. We need to work together to come up with a plan."

Yoongi stood as well."Of course I'm right. Sitting around and whining isn't going to do us any good."

However, Taehyung remained on the floor, sitting with his knees pulled to his chest."But what can we do? They're faster than us. They're much stronger too." He sniffled as he couldn't stop thinking of something very important."And they took Hoseok-hyung. What if they're hurting him?"

"Even more of a reason for us to work together and get out of here, dumbass." Yoongi was worried about Hoseok too, but he was trying so hard to keep his composure. He didn't want to collapse with fear, as Taehyung kept doing."We'll find a way out of here, save Hoseok, and gtfo like our lives depend on it because they might."

Yoongi's words seemed to scare Taehyung even more."You think they'll hurt us?"

"Oh, Tae, we'll be okay." Jimin knelt down in front of Taehyung and tried to comfort him."We'll be fine. We just need to stick together and be as brave as possible. Okay?"

However, Yoongi was having none of that."Jimin, don't sugarcoat it. We don't know what these freaks are or what they are going to do to us. We know nothing about our situation. All we know is that they've taken Hoseok, and any one of us could be next."

But before they could even start to discuss a plan, the only door to the room that contained them opened. A man of significant height stepped in and approached the three captives. Lifting a hand, he pointed to Yoongi then motioned for him to come closer.

"Fuck you!" Yoongi spat. He didn't want to cooperate with this freak.

Jungkook didn't understand Yoongi's words, but he clearly understood his tone as defiant. Moving closer, he reached out and grabbed Yoongi with such strong hands. He lifted Yoongi with ease and tossed the skinny male over his shoulder. Turning to leave, he wasn't bothered in the least by Yoongi's fists pounding against his back.

"Put me down!" Yoongi was trying so hard to be defiant, but he wasn't strong enough. No matter how much he didn't want to admit it, he was so weak and fragile, compared to the strength of this freak.

"Yoongi-hyung!" Jimin stood and tried to give chase, but the door was closed and locked as soon as the tall man exited the room with Yoongi over his shoulder.

Taehyung, unable to handle how scared he was, began to cry."They're just going to pick us off...One by one..." He huddled into a ball as he could hear Jimin start to bang his fist against the door.


"Jungkook, what are you doing with the little one?" Namjoon asked with a disapproving expression when Jungkook entered the room with Yoongi over his shoulder.

Moving Yoongi off of his shoulder, Jungkook moved him down to allow his feet to now be on the floor. However, he firmly grabbed the smaller male's arm to keep him from running away."Does he look like a threat to you? I don't think so."

Yoongi almost felt like wetting himself now that he was standing in a room of men who were all taller than him. He kept his composure on that end though. Instead, he opted for just trying to tug his arm out of the alien's grasp and failing.

"He's feisty." Namjoon commented."I never said these people were threats, Jungkook. I simply said that they might jeopardize our mission."

Yoongi really wished he could understand what was being said, but he couldn't. That was something that made this situation even scarier to him. He had no idea what was being discussed. For all he knew, they could be brainstorming how to cook him for dinner.

"Your mission is wrong, Namjoon. You know that."

Hearing that strange language being spoken with a familiar voice, Yoongi was very confused. Looking to the side of the room, his eyes widened with shock as he saw Hoseok, who appeared rather calm."Hoseok."

Hoseok stepped over to Jungkook and Yoongi."It's okay, Hyung." he told Yoongi with a soft tone, trying to help him be calm."I'll explain everything as soon as I can." Turning to face Namjoon, Hoseok narrowed his eyes."The people of this planet don't deserve to be conquered by us." He placed his hands on his hips as he spoke with a harsher tone."No one deserves to be conquered. You know that Emperor Minseok is wrong. Why do you continue to follow his orders?"

"It's the only life we know, Hoseok." Jungkook said as he kept his firm grip on Yoongi's arm."We've never had the chance to live any other way."

Emerging from where he'd been standing near a corner, Seokjin cleared his throat before speaking."How could we possibly stop following the emperor's orders? You know what happens to those who disobey."

That wasn't a good enough excuse to Hoseok."He can't kill you if he can't find you." He was desperate to save his friends and keep his home from being conquered."Please listen to me. Especially you, Namjoon." Hoseok sighed and let his arms hang by his sides now."Emperor Minseok doesn't know about this world. He doesn't know where you are. You have the chance of a lifetime to be free from him. You can be happy here. You can have mates and not have to kill them."

"I would never kill my mate." Jungkook stated, like it was a definite fact.

Hearing that, Namjoon had something to confess."Jungkook, under Emperor Minseok's orders, I am supposed to be your mate."

"What?!" Jungkook was not expecting that at all."Why?!"

The sudden raise in voice and shift in tone from the one beside him caused Yoongi to tense. He didn't know what was being said, and he was under the impression that he could be in serious danger if things went sideways.

Seokjin spoke up again."You're supposed to take Hoseok's place as the next collector. Mating with Namjoon would get you started."

"I..." Jungkook's grip on Yoongi's arm tightened a little, earning a small whimper."I can't do that. I won't."

"You don't have to." Hoseok faced Jungkook and reached up to gently cup his cheek."Jungkook, sweetie, you don't have to follow the emperor's orders anymore. Stay here. Don't return to him."

"Namjoon, please allow us to stay here." Seokjin wanted to give this a try. Maybe they could actually be free and happy in this world without killing their mates and conquering worlds to please their emperor.

"Namjoon, please." Hoseok really wanted to help them. He wanted them all to be free from those dreadful orders.

Being put in this position was definitely not what Namjoon wanted, but it did seem like this could work out. Since the emperor didn't know their location, they wouldn't be found. He let out a heavy sigh."Fine. We'll stay here under one condition. We must find ways to fit in with this world and enjoy ourselves. I will turn off the ship's command center for now. If things look like we won't have improvement in this world, I'll send our coordinates to Emperor Minseok for the invasion."

That gave Hoseok so much relief."You won't regret this, Namjoon."

"So what are we going to do with the ones we've brought here?" Seokjin asked.

Jungkook loosened his grip on Yoongi's arm finally and got a very serious expression on his face."I will mate this one." he stated."He's mine."

Hoseok shook his head at that."You can't just mate with whoever you want on this planet. You need to make sure they want to mate with you too."

"How can I do that?" Jungkook looked at Yoongi and wished he could just ask the smaller male.

To make this easier on Jungkook, Hoseok figured he should explain everything to his friends."I'll tell him and the others what's going on. Okay? Let me take him back to the others for now. I'll explain everything." When Jungkook pouted, Hoseok sighed."You can come too, Jungkook."

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