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In the morning, Yoongi really didn't want to get out of bed. He had a headache, and his sinuses felt a little achy. He tried to think of why he would be feeling this way and came to the conclusion that he must be sick. Though, he also figured he could just sleep it off. Maybe sleeping here was the cause of it unfortunately. As he thought about how he'd slept, he remembered that he hadn't been dried off at all after being abducted from his bath. He'd slept wet, got his bed wet, and also slept naked for the first time in forever.

Yoongi felt the mattress shift a little from movement as Jungkook seemed to roll over behind him. An arm draped over him from behind and pulled him close. Based on the sound of Jungkook's steady breaths, the incubus was still asleep. Another thing Yoongi noticed when he was pulled close was the fact that there was a lot more skin-to-skin than usual. It took him a small moment to remember that Jungkook had undressed after their naughty time last night.

In an attempt to go back to sleep, Yoongi snuggled against his pillow and tried to relax. The throbbing in his head didn't quite allow that though. He started to wonder if his heating was up a little too high. Getting a tingly feeling in his nose, Yoongi opened his eyes and barely managed to pull his blanket up over his face in time to cover a sneeze, which appeared to startle Jungkook.

"Yoongi..?" Jungkook was taken by surprise when his human sneezed again."Are you okay..?" he asked with such a sleepy tone, having been awoken so suddenly.

"Sorry, Jungkook. I didn't mean to wake you." Feeling one of Jungkook's hands move up to touch his cheek, Yoongi reached up and grabbed his hand."Did you sleep well?"

Completely different thoughts were going through Jungkook's mind right now. Why did Yoongi sneeze? Why did the human feel so warm? Yoongi's body temperature didn't normally feel like this."Little mate, are you hurt?" Concern filled Jungkook as he tried to figure out what could be wrong."Why are you so warm?"

"I don't want to get up yet, so I'm gonna try to sleep some more." Letting his eyes close again, Yoongi wished his head would stop pounding.

"Little mate?" Jungkook knew something was wrong, but he didn't know what it was. What was wrong with Yoongi? Getting off the bed, he grabbed his pants from the floor and pulled them on, not caring at all about the dried mess inside. Then, he hurried out of the bedroom and straight to the living room."Jimin!" His shout effectively woke the human, who was lying alone. It also startled Seokjin, who was lying on a different air mattress than usual."Jimin!"

Sitting up, Jimin rubbed his eyes groggily, wondering why his name was being shouted with such worry."Jungkook? What's up?"

Using one of the few words he had learned and could properly remember while being so worried, Jungkook grabbed Jimin's arm and pulled him up."Help!" He began pulling the sleepy human along."Help Yoongi!"

"Help?" Jimin followed Jungkook, wondering why Yoongi needed help."Is Yoongi-hyung okay?"

Pulling Jimin into the bedroom, Jungkook pointed toward the bed, where Yoongi was curled up beneath the blanket."Help." He released Jimin's arm and watched with much worry as he approached the bed.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Jimin reached over and stroked Yoongi's hair gently."Hyung, you okay?"

Yoongi didn't even open his eyes. He didn't want to, not while his head was hurting like this."My head hurts."

Moving his hand to feel his hyung's temple and forehead, Jimin frowned."You feel warm. Jeez, Hyung. You probably made yourself sick by sleeping wet, you dork." Glancing over at Jungkook, it was apparent to him how worried the incubus was."Jungkook is so concerned for you right now."

"Call Hoseok." Yoongi managed to say right before a sneeze."Ask him to pick up medicine and soup from the store."

"Okay, Hyung. Try to go back to sleep until he gets here." Standing, Jimin stepped over to Jungkook."He'll be okay. Come on. Let's leave him alone to sleep." He tapped Jungkook's shoulder then motioned for them to leave the room.

Jungkook shook his head and wouldn't take his eyes off of Yoongi."No." He didn't want to leave, not while something was clearly wrong.

"Fine. Just let him sleep." Jimin left the bedroom to call Hoseok.


Hoseok didn't actually arrive at Yoongi's house until roughly three hours later. When Jimin had called, Hoseok had still been in bed. However, now that he was at Yoongi's house, he was doing his best to help Jungkook and Seokjin understand what was wrong."Yoongi is sick." he told them.

"Sick?" Seokjin didn't understand.

Neither did Jungkook, who cocked his head to the side."What's sick?" This was a new word for them.

"Sick means he is unwell." Hoseok needed to explain, but he was trying to keep it simple. He didn't want Jungkook to panic again."He will be okay. He just needs medicine and rest."

"Do they not know what sickness is?" That baffled Jimin.

Hoseok shook his head."Well, no. Incubi and succubi don't get colds or the flu. Their bodies are much more resilient. I can imagine that Jungkook was very scared to see Yoongi-hyung in such a state."

"Yeah, he was." It had taken some serious convincing to get Jungkook to leave Yoongi's bedroom. Jimin had gone in there to give Yoongi the medicine Hoseok had bought for him. Wanting Yoongi to get proper rest and not be disturbed, Jimin had needed Hoseok to help him talk Jungkook into getting out of the bedroom.

"How long will he be sick?" Jungkook asked with worry."How does he feel right now?"

"He shouldn't be sick for long, Jungkook." Hoseok answered."Yoongi said his head hurts a lot, and his sinuses might be a little achy from sneezing, but he's asleep now, so he's going to be fine."

Seokjin wasn't showing it as much as Jungkook, but he was also worried about Yoongi. He quite liked him and didn't want him to be in discomfort."Will he be okay by tomorrow? Or will it be longer than that?"

Hoseok shrugged his shoulders."It varies from person to person. He might be sick for one day. He might be sick for a week. Though, I think he'll only be sick for a day or two."

Seeing Jungkook lower his gaze and appear sad, Jimin hoped he wasn't feeling too upset."Jungkook?"

Hoseok turned his gaze to Jungkook and saw his sadness."I know you're upset, Jungkook, but I promise Yoongi will be fine."

"But is there nothing I can do to help him?" Jungkook felt terrible as he thought of this."I didn't realize this until today. I don't know how to take care of him. How can I have him as my mate if I don't even know how to take care of him?" He felt so useless.

"It's okay, Jungkook." Hoseok reached out and gave Jungkook's shoulder a firm pat."You'll learn. I know you will."

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