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After Yoongi got dressed, he left his bedroom and headed straight to the living room. He spotted Jimin on the sofa, putting on his shoes. Seokjin wasn't in the room. Though, Yoongi could faintly hear water running."Where's Seokjin?" he asked curiously.

Jimin looked over at Yoongi and smiled."He went to take a shower. I have to head to work. I overslept a little, so I hope my manager won't notice that I'm wearing the same clothes as yesterday."

"Gross, Jimin. Do you want to just borrow something of mine?" Yoongi offered with a perked eyebrow.

That offer was waved away with Jimin's hand though."Thanks, Hyung, but if I take the time to change now, I'll be late." Once his shoes were on, he stood and stepped closer to Yoongi."Are you sure everything is okay though?" he asked with a hushed tone."I mean, you sounded scared when you yelled earlier."

Yoongi gently shook his head."I'm sure, Jimin. Jungkook just startled me, and I panicked. Everything's fine though." He really didn't want his best friend to worry, but there wasn't any time for him to explain right now.

"Okay, if you say so." Jimin smiled when he saw Jungkook finally come into the living room."See you later, Jungkook." he said with a friendly wave. He was so pleased when Jungkook smiled and waved back."He's so cute. I still think Seokjin is cuter though."

"Whatever, Jiminie." Yoongi gave Jimin's shoulder a small push."Go on now. Don't be late to work."

"I'm going." Jimin reached out and ruffled Yoongi's hair."Bye bye, little spoon." he teased.

Yoongi smacked Jimin's hand away."Ah, fuck off, brat." He watched Jimin leave before turning to face Jungkook."I can be big spoon sometimes, right?"

Cocking his head a little to the side, Jungkook grinned at Yoongi."Hungry." he told him simply.

"Me too. Let's get some breakfast." It really made certain things easier for Yoongi that Jungkook was picking up on some Korean words. If only the incubus could speak full sentences. That would definitely be helpful.

"Pancakes." Jungkook was quite proud of himself for being able to use some Korean words. He wanted to know more though.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and chuckled."You know I suck at making pancakes but okay. I'll make them." Making his way to the kitchen with Jungkook following behind, he could hear a door open. Perhaps Seokjin was done with his shower."I'll make enough pancakes for Seokjin too." As he started to get out everything he needed to make the pancakes, Yoongi groaned when he heard another door open.

"Hyung~!" Hoseok could be heard calling as he entered the house."Namjoon and Tae and I are here~!"

With much excitement, Jungkook rushed to the front door and grinned at them."Yoongi is making pancakes!"

Hoseok poked his head into the kitchen."You're making pancakes? Hell yeah! I want some too!"

"What the fuck do I look like to you?! Some kind of pancake wizard?!" With sudden frustration, Yoongi groaned again."Make your own damn pancakes!"

Taehyung entered the kitchen and laughed lightly."Don't worry, Hyung. I'll help." Being in a good mood this morning, he made a beeline straight for Yoongi and hugged him."Good morning, by the way. I have a feeling today is going to be good."

Namjoon couldn't help but chuckle."Pancakes are a little sweet for my taste, but I'd like a couple." Then, he looked at Jungkook."Where's Seokjin? I need to talk to him."

Jungkook started to shrug but stopped mid-shrug when he saw Seokjin come to them."Right there."

"Thanks, smartass." Namjoon gave Jungkook a light knock on the head then turned to Seokjin."You have a minute to talk in private?"

Giving a nod, Seokjin walked away with Namjoon."We can talk in the living room while everyone else is in the kitchen."

Hoseok grinned brightly at Jungkook."You seem to be in a very good mood this morning. Are things going well?"

"Oh, yeah, definitely." Jungkook was very happy with how things were going between him and Yoongi."Things are great. Yoongi did yell at me this morning, but I think it's because I startled him earlier. So that's okay." he said with a huge grin."Oh! He sucked my dick this morning! That was AWESOME!"

"Progress!" Providing encouragement, Hoseok gave Jungkook a high five."This seems to be a good morning for everyone. Even Taehyung is happy this morning. I taught Namjoon how to make Taehyung's favorite smoothie, so we surprised him with it when he woke up."

Jungkook cocked his head to the side."Namjoon made it for Taehyung? That's cute."

Hoseok grabbed Jungkook's hand and pulled him into the kitchen to watch Taehyung and Yoongi make the pancakes."Look at them. Such cute friends. We're only missing Jimin."

"Jimin actually just left." Jungkook quite liked Jimin. He thought Jimin was a good match for Seokjin.

"He must have to work this morning." Hoseok seated himself at the kitchen table and smiled happily.

Meanwhile, in the living room, Namjoon seated himself on the sofa and patted the cushion beside him."Sit with me, Seokjin."

With how serious Namjoon seemed, Seokjin knew what he needed to discuss."You have spoken to Hoseok." he assumed.

"Yeah." Namjoon was serious, but he was also very relieved. He knew this was going to be great news for Seokjin."I talked to him about your problem, and he said..." He could see the fear in Seokjin's eyes. He was ready to erase that fear."He said there are no punishments for it."

That definitely took Seokjin by surprise."Wait, what? No punishments?"

To give a little reassurance, Namjoon lightly grabbed one of Seokjin's hands."You're going to be okay. They won't hurt or kill you. In fact, he told me that there are treatments for it."

Tears welled up in Seokjin's eyes at this news."There are treatments...I'm going to be okay..."

"We'll all take care of you, Seokjin. We'll do everything we can to help you." Namjoon reached his free hand up to stroke Seokjin's cheek with his thumb."Hoseok said he's sure Jimin will still accept you, but you don't have to feel pressured to tell him. You can wait until you feel comfortable with letting him know." A smile came over his lips."We can all see that he really likes you."

Unable to contain his relief, Seokjin leaned forward and pressed his face to Namjoon's collarbone."I like him too." he said shakily as his tears began to flow.

This was Namjoon's first time witnessing Seokjin cry, but he welcomed it. He held the other incubus' hand and used his other arm to hold him close."Everything is going to be okay, Seokjin."

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