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Yoongi was quite relieved once he and Taehyung were done making all the pancakes."Holy shit. We made enough pancakes to feed an army." he said as he hopped up to sit on the counter. All the chairs at the table were occupied by Taehyung, Jungkook, Hoseok, and Seokjin. So Yoongi and Namjoon were left without seats. Yoongi didn't care though."Namjoon, hand me food." Yoongi commanded with grabby hands.

Namjoon just rolled his eyes."You could have gotten it yourself." He grabbed the plate of pancakes Yoongi had prepared for himself and handed it to him.

"Could. Didn't feel like it." Licking his lips at the sight and aroma of the pancakes, Yoongi was definitely ready to chow down.

On the contrary, Namjoon picked at his own pancakes a bit with his fork."Are these even edible? The ones Taehyung made look fine, but the ones you made look like they might kill me."

At that, Yoongi huffed."Anything is edible if you try hard enough. Now don't be ungrateful, you shit."

Hoseok smiled as he ate his pancakes happily. Though he perked an eyebrow when he saw Seokjin and Jungkook use their forks to trade pancakes."What are you two doing?"

Seokjin felt childish for this, but he figured that was okay in this moment."Jungkook has more pancakes that were made by Taehyung, and I have more that were made by Yoongi. Taehyung's taste better."

Jungkook shrugged his shoulders and grinned."I like Yoongi's better because Yoongi made them. So we're trading." Reaching over to Seokjin's plate, Jungkook grabbed a pancake with his fingers."This reminds me of the mess hall."

"The mess hall was much more hectic, Jungkook. If you grabbed someone's food like that without permission, you'd be at risk of losing a finger or two." Seokjin said with a roll of his eyes.

"Nonsense. I stole people's food all the time and never got caught." Jungkook then proceeded to stuff a whole pancake into his mouth at once.

Taehyung was a bit curious about that."Was there a problem with the amount of food?" he wondered.

"Between wars, food is very limited." Hoseok explained."If you don't steal someone else's food, you'll starve. It's literally steal or die of hunger. Food is only abundant right after a war when they obtain all the resources from whatever world they conquer. Survival of the fittest."

Taehyung really didn't like that. It sounded terrible."Well, here, it's mainly survival of the smartest."

"That would be me." Yoongi chimed in."Definitely the smartest here."

"How are you the smartest?" Namjoon challenged."You can't even make proper pancakes. I, on the other hand, have worlds of knowledge."

Yoongi perked an eyebrow."And how's that working out for you? Still can't survive on your own here. You only know our language, not how to get a job or get your own home."

"I'm still smarter than you." Namjoon held his head high as he said that.

"Really? Cause you just seem like a brat to me." Yoongi childishly stuck his tongue out at Namjoon, who did the same back to him.

"You're both children." Hoseok said with a laugh.

"Am not!" they denied in unison, earning laughs from everyone else.

Jungkook leaned a little closer to Seokjin as they were laughing."Is it just me, or do they seem like they've become friends?"

Seokjin nodded as he answered."I've seen them have some talks. I think they've opened up a bit to each other."

Taehyung scooted his chair back a little."I'm going to the bathroom." He leaned over and pecked Hoseok's cheek before standing and exiting the kitchen.

Namjoon watched Taehyung leave the kitchen and excused himself before following."Taehyung." he spoke to get the human's attention.

Stopping in the hallway near the bathroom, Taehyung looked back at Namjoon."Yeah?"

"I just want to tell you that I love you." Seeing that Taehyung didn't know how to respond, Namjoon's expression softened."You don't have to say it back." Stepping closer, he pressed a tender kiss to the human's forehead.

Taking Namjoon by surprise, Taehyung grabbed the incubus' hand and pulled him into the bathroom, closing the door."Namjoon, I feel for you. I really do. I'm just still trying to adjust to this whole threeway relationship thing."

"I understand that, babe." Namjoon saw Taehyung's cheeks visibly turn pink."What?"

"You just...You called me babe." That really pulled at Taehyung's heart in ways he couldn't explain.

Namjoon chuckled lightly as he realized that he'd said that."I've heard Hoseok call you that. Should I not do it?"

"No, no, it's not that." Leaning closer to Namjoon's face, Taehyung smiled shyly."I like it."

"Well, in that case, I'll say it often." Namjoon touched his forehead to Taehyung's."Babe."

Showing a little more acceptance for the incubus, Taehyung softly pecked Namjoon's lips."Now shoo. I actually need to pee."

"You're the one who pulled me in here." That earned Namjoon a light hit on his bicep."Okay, okay, I'm going." He headed out of the bathroom and closed the door to give Taehyung privacy. Then, he returned to the kitchen to see that things had gotten a bit rowdy."What did I miss?" he asked Yoongi.

"Honestly, I have no clue." Yoongi said with a shrug. Seokjin was laughing as Jungkook and Hoseok were throwing bits of pancake at each other. They were making quite a mess, to Yoongi's dismay."Jungkook's going to regret this if he gets syrup in his hair or irritates his scratches."

Namjoon shook his head at the little food fight that was happening; he also couldn't help but chuckle about it."Yet according to Hoseok, you and I are the children."

Yoongi chuckled with Namjoon, finding himself not really caring about the mess at the moment. This morning was fun. He was enjoying it a lot."My mornings have never been this lively before." He was thankful to the incubi for keeping his days from being as lonely as they previously were.

When Taehyung returned to the kitchen, he saw the food fight and paused."Uh, nope." Turning right back around, he abandoned the kitchen, choosing to not get involved.

Taehyung's reaction and decision to leave the room made Namjoon laugh, but his attention was soon grabbed by Yoongi tapping his shoulder."Hm?"

"I need you to do something for me." Motioning for Namjoon to come closer, Yoongi whispered into the incubus' ear.

"Oh." A smile spread across Namjoon's lips at the request."Jungkook!" he called to get the youngest incubus' attention.

Jungkook halted mid-throw and looked directly at Namjoon."What?"

"Yoongi has something to say to you." Namjoon was pleased to have Jungkook's full attention. Even Hoseok and Seokjin paused to listen.

Yoongi cleared his throat. He wanted to say this now while everyone was in such a good mood."Jungkook." He really meant this."I love you."

Hoseok's whole expression brightened."Oh my god! That's so precious!"

"What does it mean?" Jungkook asked curiously.

Namjoon smiled."It means 'I love you.' He loves you, Jungkook."

With widened eyes, Jungkook got up from his chair so fast that it collapsed backward onto the floor. He bolted over to Yoongi and was barely able to keep himself from colliding into the human."Say it again."

"He wants you to say it again." Namjoon translated through his chuckles at Jungkook's reaction.

"Please." Jungkook's complete and undivided attention was on his cute human.

Yoongi couldn't stop smiling as he peered at Jungkook's handsome face, seeing some desperation in his expression."I love you."

"I..." Jungkook really focused for this."I love...you."

"I love you." Yoongi said again to help Jungkook get it.

"I love you." It was fully visible how excited and giddy Jungkook was becoming."Yoongi, I love you!" He turned to look at Namjoon."He loves me!" Then, he looked toward Seokjin and Hoseok."Yoongi loves me!" Unable to contain how happy this made him, Jungkook took off running through the house, shouting in every room."Yoongi loves me!"

Standing, Hoseok stepped over to Yoongi and pat his shoulder."I think you broke him."

"Maybe." Yoongi was smiling with pink cheeks, completely happy in this moment.

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