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"You three discussed the move?" Yoongi asked as he ate from a small bag of barbecue rib-flavored chips. He allowed Jungkook to eat some of the chips as well.

Hoseok gave a small nod and shifted slightly to get comfortable as he was sitting on Namjoon's lap on one of the air mattresses, Taehyung seated beside them."Yeah, we actually talked about it this morning before we came over. Namjoon and I think it's a great idea."

"What about you, Tae?" Yoongi propped his feet up onto the coffee table and leaned back a little on the sofa."Don't you want to live together with Hoseok and Namjoon?"

"What?" Taehyung was only partially paying attention to the conversation. He kept getting distracted by the tv.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and placed the bag of chips onto Jungkook's lap. The incubus had no complaints about that. He just kept munching on the chips as he was fully engrossed in the strange show that was on."Do you want to live with Hoseok and Namjoon?" Yoongi asked again.

"Oh, uh, yeah, but..." Taehyung lowered his gaze and fidgeted with his fingers."I mean, it would be great for us to live together, but is it really okay for you to buy a house for us? You already spend so much money on us by letting us have big meals here sometimes and treating us out to eat and stuff like that. I really don't want to ask for anything more."

With a soft gaze, Yoongi understood how Taehyung felt about receiving gifts and such things."You're not asking for it though. I'm offering it. Besides, think of how much it'll help me." Seeing Taehyung cock his head a little, he continued."We need better living arrangements. That much is obvious. These guys can't be sleeping in my living room forever. I want to move into a bigger house of my own to be able to give Seokjin his own room. Before that can happen though, I need to get things worked out for you three. And you know Namjoon would rather live with you two, not move into a new house with me."

Hearing that explanation, Taehyung could understand why Yoongi wanted to buy them a bigger house to be able to all three live together."Are we going to be able to afford it though? I mean, Hoseokie-hyung and I both have jobs, but bigger houses will have higher utility bills and stuff." He knew that was something they needed to take into consideration.

"And if anything in the house ends up needing repaired, it'll be expensive, especially if we ever have a plumbing issue." Hoseok added. The costs of everything needed to be taken to mind. It wasn't just utilities that worried them."Still, I'm sure we'll be fine. We'll just make sure to save up whenever we can."

"I'm sure Yoongi will be happy to help us out too if we ever need it." Namjoon said as he slipped his arms around Hoseok's waist.

"Exactly." Yoongi definitely wouldn't mind helping them out with any costs if they ever needed it."So what do you think, Tae? Will you let me buy a house for you three to live together?"

Glancing at his two boyfriends for a moment, Taehyung seemed to have a little internal struggle. He knew Yoongi liked to spend money on his friends, but he also didn't want to accept too much. Still, maybe this was okay."I would really like that, Hyung."

"Oh, that's so cool!" Jungkook exclaimed as he watched the show, grabbing everyone's attention."How did he do that?!"

Looking at the tv, Yoongi chuckled."I figured he and Seokjin would like this show." Wanting to entertain Jungkook and Seokjin, he had turned on a show about a wizard who solved mysteries. Looking at Jungkook, Yoongi gave his shoulder a pat."Jungkookie, share some chips with Seokjin." When Jungkook looked at him, he pointed at the chips then to Seokjin."Go on, punk."

As Jungkook got off the sofa and made his way over to Seokjin, Hoseok noticed that Yoongi's gaze lingered on the youngest incubus."Wow, I don't think I've ever seen you look at someone with heart eyes like that before." he said, which earned a half-hearted glare.

"Shut up." Yoongi felt his cheeks heat up a little. He didn't like it when anyone pointed out anything soft or cute he did.

"Are you planning on mating with him anytime soon?" Namjoon wondered curiously."I'm going to start helping Seokjin learn some Korean, so I want to know if I should help Jungkook too or not."

Shrugging his shoulders, Yoongi shifted his gaze to the side."I don't know. I want to, and I know he wants to. It's going to be weird though because I've never slept with a virgin before, and he made it so obvious that he doesn't know what to do." He let out a heavy sigh as he thought about it."We were both in the mood for it this morning, but it just didn't happen. I need to teach him what to do, and I, well...I need to buy lube. I don't own any."

"You should buy flavored lube." Hoseok suggested."Taetae likes strawberry-flavored. Maybe Jungkook will like it too. I mean, obviously, you'd be putting it on his dick, so he wouldn't be the one tasting it, but the smell is really sweet."

At that, Yoongi rolled his eyes."You know Jungkook would just eat it, right?" he retorted with a perked eyebrow."He sticks everything in his mouth. That punk tried to eat the damn bubbles in his bath earlier."

That just made Taehyung laugh."He's like a toddler."

Looking at Jungkook, Yoongi saw him using a chip to poke Seokjin's cheek."Yeah, definitely like a toddler sometimes." He was impressed by Seokjin's patience. Though, he allowed Jungkook to get away with the same sorts of things.

"I'm just glad you managed to get the syrup out of his hair." Namjoon said with a light laugh.

"Oh, I thought we were screwed for a bit. That shit was so difficult to wash out." Yoongi had felt really bad while he'd been washing Jungkook's hair. He had ended up getting a little rough, but it was necessary to get the syrup out. The incubus had whined a bit and probably had a sore scalp at the moment.

Hoseok spoke up again to get Yoongi's attention."Anyway, Hyung, as I said, buy some flavored lube. You won't regret it."

"Why does it need to be flavored?" Yoongi honestly didn't care how the lube tasted. He just wanted it to work well and feel comfortable.

"Hyung, don't worry about the flavor or scent." Taehyung said while shaking his head."Just pick a type that you think will feel comfortable for both of you. I mean, there's different types, like silicon and water-based, right?"

Giving up on this conversation, Yoongi flopped onto his side on the sofa."You guys are fucking stupid." In truth, he was just shy about this topic. How was he going to handle picking out lube at the store? Just thinking about it made him want to fall into a deep, dark hole and hide. What if the cashier judged him for it? He hated being so self-conscious about this sort of thing.

Meanwhile, Jungkook was trying to balance chips on his nose and failing. Seokjin was watching the show closely, mouthing some things that were said to copy. Hoseok, Namjoon, and Taehyung started discussing their imminent move to live together. Yoongi just laid there on his side, his gaze locked on to Jungkook, and maybe, just maybe, he melted.

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