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Found this on tumblr a while ago and damn I felt that one 😂😭

And now for my new tattoo~~~

I finally did it 😭😭😭 I'm so sorry that I couldn't update earlier this week, I've been insanely busy and exhausted, I hope you guys enjoy this nonetheless!

"Was that enough? Do you want more? I can make you something else if you'd prefer more filling food? I'm not as skilled as Taehyung for baking but I can surely manage some sweetness" Hoseok offers from the other side of the table, eyes meeting mine in silent expectation after seeing me empty my bowl of soup in a time record.

I sheepishly gaze back at him, embarrassed that I was caught digging in like it was my last meal on earth, but the reality is that I was starving, it felt like I was eating for ten and today's events probably had something to do with that.

"Didn't Taehyung leave some leftover chocolate bites in the freezer?" Jimin speaks up from the kitchen as he gets himself a glass of water, eyes gazing at my expression long enough to see the interest flash through, it has Hoseok jumping to his feet to have a look himself.

Chocolate would cheer her up for sure, he tells himself, soul eager to be forgiven after the failed outing.

My perking up at seeing him hurry to the freezer doesn't go unnoticed and when the beta opens the door with a swing that threatens to destroy the poor thing, Jimin can't resist peeking over his shoulder, an additional pair of eyes working to find the sweet treat for their soft omega.

"So? Did he leave anything? Maybe behind the containers? Or behind the dumplings?" Jimin asks, lips bitten nervously when Hoseok doesn't answer, fingers pushing everything aside and making a mess of his hard work organizing it all because he just wants to find at least one piece of dessert.

I observe in silence, get increasingly worried because I can smell their scents turning nervous, they're taking this too seriously now, it's just dessert, right? I can survive without any, really!

"Guys, it's okay, I'm not really hungry anymore anyway, that soup was more than enough" I try to assure them but they both shake their head, now on a mission to find something sweet, chocolate, candies, it doesn't matter, they'll give me something, their wolves have found purpose and they will accomplish it.

Wolves want true mate happy, let them work.

My eyes widen at the clear voice that resonates in my head, a purring that doesn't feel like it's mine at the back of my mind, it's such a weird feeling, but there's no doubt about this, my wolf just spoke to me.

Jimin stares at me and pauses his searching as he registers the shock on my face. "Love, are you okay?".

Hoseok peeks out from behind the freezer's door and at seeing my face, he closes it before both men make their way to me, noses smelling my windy rain, not quite a bad one, it's more like it's out of surprise, they still can't help but be worried when I have yet to answer.

"Doll? Is something wrong?" the beta asks as he crouches in front of me at the table, Jimin behind him and it takes me a moment to admit it aloud, it's not like it's the first time this happens but... will I ever get used to it?

"I just... I heard my wolf talk to me" I mumble and the two of them relax instantly, eyes warming up in understanding, this is all so new for me after all.

"What did it say?" Jimin inquires and I blush a little, my scent turning all soft rain, cinnamon almonds and honey making me want to smell more of it, as if the cuddle session from earlier wasn't enough. Steal blankets and nest with true mates?

My blush deepens and I hide my face, too embarrassed to say it aloud, how dare it say exactly what's on my mind back to me!

"Could it be that it liked how we were trying to make you happy?" Jimin tries with a sultry voice, it's teasing and gentle, and the small peek between my fingers to briefly stare at him answers his question, it makes both men preen in pride.

"I'll bake something, okay? We'll get that sweetness done" Hoseok decides with a firm nod of the head and before I can even try to hint at my other plan which consists of cuddling more because it just felt so good earlier to be that close to them, it pleased every single cells of my body, he goes off running to the pantry to get everything he believes necessary.

I pout a little, plan ruined, you can still steal blanket, blanket doesn't betray, and yes, it's right, blanket doesn't betray.

Under Jimin's curious eyes, I stand up from my seat at the table and walk past him to head back to the pack nest, the blankets there smell like everyone, if I bring one to the living room, it'll feel like they're all home.

And then when they get back home, we can all cuddle together?

I nod, that sounds perfect.

It's like something has changed in me after conversing in the pack nest earlier, to accept the instincts that flood through me, to not resist them, isn't this normal?

I'm an omega, I'm allowed to steal nest materials, this is my right, especially if my wolf's the one asking for them, that's what Jimin said, right?

I enter the room, unaware of the alpha following me discreetly, his eyes creasing with pride at seeing me enter the pack nest from a distance, this is what he wanted, for me to walk around freely without fear, and now he wonders if I'll walk out again or if they lost me to the magical nest.

I reach the bed, lungs filling with the seven different scents, scents that feel like home, when did this start happening? It feels like everything is moving too fast, yet not fast enough at the same time.

To have had my instincts caged for so long, they must be eager to finally have a freedom, to be soothed just like they should've been a long time ago, it feels good to not have to resist anymore, things I used to find weird before now finding a right to exist to their full extent.

I part the curtains of the beautiful nest and then grab the fluffiest blanket, face rubbing into it the best thing in the world, everything is so soft in here, it makes me want to get in and just... scent everything.

Do it.

I look behind me, at the parted door, and after one moment of hesitation, decide to give up on walking out of here. This is where I will spend the rest of my life from now on.

Feeling a strange yet comfortable haze settle over my mind when I close the curtains behind me to really get that cocoon effect, fairy lights giving off a pretty orange glow to the area, a purr starts building in the back of my throat at being in such a cozy space, one that smells like my seven true mates, perfection, this is perfection.

I lie down in the middle of the nest and rub my face into the pillows, a satisfied purr leaving me when my own scent starts being added to the lot, it makes me want to do it more, I want them to smell me as soon as they come here, I want to be part of this.

Just one more surface.

I turn around and pull a blanket closer, rub my face into it, bring it to my neck, unconscious of how it has me falling into a trance of bliss, every scents sticking to me, it's like paradise, but it's not enough yet, their scents are so strong, I need to add more.


Jin's POV

Finally back home, my first urge is to find my poor omega, how is she feeling now? Is she feeling better? Is she still shocked because of what happened outside? Did they make up? What about Hobi? How is he? Did he cry?

So many things I want to make sure of, it has my wolf and I feeling restless, we couldn't take a single break today, there were just so many patients in need of my help and I couldn't nest for even two minutes, it's making me cranky and sadly, most of it fell on Hoseok, which makes me feel terrible.

To know that she couldn't nest when she was in such a big need of it when I myself was in the same situation? It all hit too close to home, I didn't want her to feel the way I did and at reading his messages, it made me really angry, I shouldn't have let my instincts take over that way, I need to apologize to Hoseok.

As soon as I step foot inside the house, I'm met with the sweet smell of baked goods... is that chocolate croissants? Is Taehyung already back? I thought he would be home late today.

I head to the kitchen when I have yet to find anyone, body tense as I try to resist the urge to run to the pack nest, I just need to see everyone first, after I can go and get that itch out from under my skin.

There, to my surprise, I find Hoseok and Jimin, the two of them working together on decorating little cakes, warm croissants cooling down besides them, cheeks and noses covered with vanilla cream, happy glows to their eyes, they sure had their fun, it warms my heart, rids the image of a crying Hobi I had stuck in my mind.

They both turn to me when they smell me and smiles appear, joyous almonds and cinnamon, it makes me tear up, heart filling with guilt for the way I had talked upon learning of what happened to Y/N, I really didn't mean to be so angry at him, he didn't deserve any of it, he didn't know.

The beta drops everything he's holding at the sight of my growing tears, scent turning sharp and he comes running to hug me tightly after washing his face with a towel, his scent pushing out pheromones to calm me, his shushing voice soothing, I melt in his embrace, tears running down my cheeks as I hug him back, I'm so glad he's fine.

"Is our omega feeling bad?" Jimin muses softly as he comes to join us, his hand rubbing up and down my back and when I nod, Hoseok hugs me with even more strength, his almonds sweet, so sweet.

"It's okay, hyung, you were right, all of you. I really messed up, I'll make sure it never happens again, I promise. Jimin was very grounding ever since he got here, he took care of everything, it's all good now, both with me and with Y/N" the beta explains with a gentle voice, it has me heaving out a sigh of relief, thank goodness.

I take my time to scent him properly, it's not the same as scenting an alpha, but he's a mate all the same and it helps, my boiling emotions getting the slightest respite, he doesn't hate me.

"I'm so sorry, Hobi, I really didn't want to be like that, you were already panicking and instead of helping you, I made it so much worse, I'm sorry" I tell him, a pressure over my heart lifting when he coos and kisses my forehead, he already forgave me, of course he did.

We keep hugging each other for a beat longer until my wolf growls, that nesting urge still not gone, I'm truly getting at my limit, senses in disarray, it's very uncomfortable.

"You need to nest, don't you? You should go now, hyung, there might be a surprise waiting for you, a terribly adorable omega completely blissed out and passed out right in the middle of the blankets and pillows. She pushed herself into a scent coma" Jimin informs me with a giggle and I pull back to stare at him in surprise, did she really?

"In the pack nest?" I ask, hope in my voice, did she really go there all by herself?

When they both nod, a small nudge towards the corridor to spur me on, I break into a run, needing to see for myself, just how much of her scent was added into the pack nest, and to have the possibility to nest with another omega?

It's a dream come true, it really is.

Being the only omega in a pack isn't always very fun, the others don't have the same nesting urges as I do, and it's not their fault, they don't need it the way I do, but with her... things can be different.

As soon as I reach the door, I become aware of the sound of heavy purring on top of her scent flooding the room, the sweetest version of it, it has my own purr rumbling out of me before I even step a foot inside because this, this is heaven on earth.

I never knew that a scent was missing in our pack until we met Y/N, her rainy roses everything we need, all of us.

I open the shut door and enter inside, soul and heart giddy to find out how sweet and soft she currently is and I'm not disappointed, far from it when I part the curtains to find her under a pile of blankets, her arms rubbing the fluffy duvet unconsciously, her adorable purrs filling the silence, lips parted, yet the corners unmistakably curl into a smile, a treasure for my heart, I'm in love.

I carefully climb the nest and close the curtains behind me before making my way to my true mate, my cute little omega, lie down besides her before pulling her towards me with one arm under the blankets and over her waist, she's so warm, it's soothing me instantly, every struggles and worries I had today disappearing thanks to her.

It's like her rain is washing away every impurities that were swarming me, she's purifying my soul and filling it with rose water, an aroma that makes me breathe in deeply, I could never get tired of her scent, one that depicts her as mine.

With the both of us purring like madmen, it settles a deep instinctive need to care for her that I had dragged behind me all day long upon learning of her situation, her wolf wouldn't be this content if she wasn't feeling better now so I can allow myself to truly enjoy this moment, my wolf in ecstasy in front of such bliss.

I nuzzle my face into her neck as I slide under the blankets covering her to be part of that warm and delicious cocoon, her body brought even closer to mine, the way she fits into me like the missing piece of a puzzle sending happy waves of delight from my ears to my toes.

"My sweet omega" I murmur before mouthing at her throat, it causes her scent to spike up, rose water on my tongue, but there's also a hint of every other scents in the nest, she rubbed the nesting materials all over her skin, it makes me proud because that means she's starting to claim us as hers, she's trying to accept instincts she might not understand, she allowed her wolf some control.

Whatever it is that Jimin did and said today, it made things move and I'm so thankful.

It was a worry I had, that she would resist the instincts because they would clash with her human mind, with what she grew up learning, the things that her adoptive parents might have forced her to go along with, or the things they would have stopped her from doing.

Living the way a human does is not made for wolves, as similar as we are, we are also incredibly different.

A small whine reaches my ears when I lick her throat and I find myself grinning slightly, tongue lapping over her scent gland, possessiveness crawling around my heart at the sound of her sweet voice, my beautiful omega, so small under me.


Yes, ours.

Thick and fat rain that drizzles over my head, roses bursting like someone keeps throwing petals all over the place, I can't keep my mint from wrapping around her, the way I keep adding more to her skin, it oozes in the air, it gives a coldness to the rain, but it's not uncomfortable, it's nice, minty roses, I don't hate the mix, it's like a very original garden.

"Is a certain lovely girl waking up?" I coo when I hear her breath hitch in her throat, I can feel it under my lips, it's fascinating, addicting.

"J-Jin?" she manages out, voice nearly giving up on her with how strong of a daze she finds herself in, remains from the scent-coma she pushed herself into, but also from being scented by me that way, it's not something she's used to, not yet.

I don't want to stop giving love to her delicious skin, but I also want to see her shining eyes and so, I pull back and adjust myself until I hover right above her, upper body propped on hands that rest on either side of her head while the rest of my body cuddles her side, I take in the flushed cheeks, the dreamy orbs, oh how beautiful she is like this.

Moving down to one elbow, I get even closer to her, my breath fanning over her lips, it has her pink turning into a red as I bring my now free hand to cup her face, thumb sliding over her chin and lips, how soft and plump they are, I can't wait to have a taste of these one day.

My purring resonates directly against her chest, she can feel how strong it is, to a point that it overrides her own and I can see the way her eyes nearly roll backwards because of it, because purrs are known to be soothing, healing, there's no way even the smallest worry could pierce through our wonderland right now.

"My pretty girl, how are you feeling?" I ask her, preen with the way she has to try very hard to focus on my words, her brain melted, enchanted, she has to rebuild some of it to be able to process and answer, it's absolutely endearing to see.

"I... feel good, very good" she eventually murmurs, eyes blinking lovingly at me and I hum, the urge to kiss her so strong, but it wouldn't be fair for her, not when she's in that state, when everything is so new, so I instead settle for her cheeks, nose, forehead, everywhere but her lips, but I will have them one day.

Her soft giggles echo around me as she starts recovering a little bit more, it takes everything I have in me to not return to her scent gland and push her back in that daze, my wolf needing nothing more than to keep her close to me at all time, under my protection, today hurt her and I don't want it to happen again.

"Did Jimin take good care of you today? Did Hobi apologize, my sweet muffin?" I ask her instead, eyes gazing into hers, enough strength back into her orbs to be able to comprehend more of my words, she nods after a moment, a smile forming on her lips.

"They both took good care of me, and Hobi apologized more than necessary so I made sure to let him know that it was okay and we... talked a lot, Jimin explained things to me and made me promise to be good to myself and to my wolf, I said I would try".

I hum at her words, incredibly pleased by what I'm hearing.

"That makes me happy, sweetheart, very happy, you deserve to be good to yourself, you deserve everything good in this world" I tell her with another peck to her nose that has her smiling shyly to me.

Her eyes dart to my neck and I observe in wonder as she bites on her bottom lip, a little unsure of herself before she decides to wrap her arms around my torso to snuggle into me and a happy rumble leaves my chest at the act, all of my soul content with this private moment I'm finally spending with her.

I let myself fall to my side to give her more access to my throat, both arms circling around her waist to keep her close and when I feel her nose graze against my scent gland, I close my eyes to enjoy this with her, the soft tickles sending tingles to my heart and soul, my scent pushes out of me, eager to flood the air and please her instincts.

A cuddly little omega. It seems that while today was tough on her, it also opened her mind a little bit more to her reality, and by the same occasion, to us as well.

"I thought you would've been back later" she says after a moment and I shift a little to lie on my back, arms pulling her on top of me to cradle her close, I like having weight over me and she doesn't complain, instead naturally curving her body to fit the new angle she finds herself in, cheek resting against my shoulder, her fingers running along my other softly in a distracted manner.

"I was supposed to, but I couldn't handle being away from you anymore and most patients I had to see were mostly betas and alphas at this point so I asked another doctor who was free to take them for me. Called in sick for the rest of the day" I explain, words that have her pausing her fingers for a moment before resuming.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry everyone today" she murmurs, her purrs weaker, it alerts my mind, because nesting is not over, I don't want her unhappy in the nest I spent so long building, this is a safe space, happy space, need true mate happy.

I hug her tighter and shake my head, pheromones oozing out to cheer up her mood, because as weak as mine are, they still act well on her since my pack rank is above hers.

Even though her being in our pack is not yet official, her wolf knows, it reacts instantly, soothed as her body melts into mine.

"It's alright, omega, we just want to take care of you, not being able to leave work when Hoseok told us what happened made us tense but we knew that Jimin would be able to take care of you well, the others will just want to cuddle with you to reassure their wolves when they're back too, lots of cuddles for our sweet girl" I assure her and she nods lightly, the thought of more cuddles causing her purrs to get stronger again.

"I love cuddles, I didn't know I would love it that much but I would cuddle forever if I could, it's so warm and cozy, and you guys smell so good" she admits with a tiny voice, embarrassed about it but the fact that she voices it out anyway sends happy tingles across my soul because that sounds like a request, doesn't it?

She wants us to know that she enjoys them and that we can seek them out with her, she will want them just as much.

"I'll be sure to let the others know" I croon, purrs seeping out of me with much more strength than I have ever known myself to be able to produce, it makes her giggle, her shyness turning into amusement at the feeling that spreads through her body and I chuckle, unable to stop them, I'm just so happy.

"Let's stay here until the others get back home, okay?" I ask her and immediately, she nods, the idea obviously pleasing her as she noses at my scent gland softly, her purring merging with mine.

"Let's do that".

Your POV

"Look how adorable they are".

"I know! And I've never heard Jin hyung purr that loudly before, look at his face, he's in heaven, Y/N's heaven, it makes me jealous, he's never purred like that with us".

"Right, his omega wolf must be jubilant. Jin wasn't meant to be the lowest rank in the pack, so when we do formalize her being with us, him being the pack omega is going to make him much more comfortable, he'll have someone to take care of, someone who will look up to him, look up to his wolf, it's what he's always needed".

I listen to the ongoing conversation with a distracted mind, only a few words registering but senses mostly focused on Jin and on the mattress dipping to one side, baby powder and dark chocolate filling the space, it's Jungkook and Yoongi. Did they come back from work?

A gentle hand that cups my cheek and my eyes flutter open to find Jungkook smiling at me, his eyes warm as he gazes at me. "Are you back with us, sweets?".

I giggle lightly and nod my head, the older omega's arms still around me and holding me tight keeping me feeling so cozy and safe.

"I think so... today was filled with cuddles and naps, I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight" I admit and Yoongi sighs with a smile and a shake of his head in fake reprimand at my words.

"Those wolves could only think of spending time with you that they're going to ruin your whole sleep schedule... well, we can see what we do about that when we get there, how about you come with us for now? It wouldn't do to have you go back to napping, dinner is already in the oven and it should be ready in maybe one hour, I took over for Hoseok tonight".

I purse my lips at the prospect of leaving Jin's embrace, I love the feeling of his purring as it travels through my whole body, it's so soothing, like it's melting all the stress out of me, but at Jungkook and Yoongi's expectant eyes, I eventually nod my head and let the youngest alpha help me get off of Jin without waking him up.

It's not easy, my body so soft and relaxed that my muscles have all but given up on me, and he seems to notice too because the next thing I know, my eyes end up facing loose blue hair, baby powder strong in my nose as he cradles me in his hold, arms holding me up carefully into his chest before he gets us out of the nest, Yoongi close behind with a pleased smile.

"Is everyone else back now?" I ask them as we exit the room, door slightly shut to give the other omega some more napping time before it's time to wake up and Yoongi shakes his head as they resume walking.

"No, but Namjoon is on the way, as for Taehyung, he'll be back later, he won't eat dinner with us because he has to cater to a few people tonight at the restaurant".

I hum, a little bummed that Taehyung won't be here anytime soon, but knowing that I can see him later, that I will be here to greet him when he comes back, it makes me feel better about it, so I continue on to the next subject on my mind.

"Could I come with you to work tomorrow? I think I'd be fine going now, plus you two are going to be there so things can't really go wrong, what do you think?" I ask, eager to do my job, I barely worked a full day with them, it's ridiculous.

The two of them share a look at my words, unsure of what to say, am I really ready to go after what happened today, after my reaction to a lack of nesting?

"Wouldn't it be better to wait a little, honey? You just had a long day" Yoongi tries, worried but I pout and give him my puppy eyes, I can't stay here forever, can I?

"I'll bring a blanket from the nest? If I ever need a time out, I'll burrito myself and call for one of you?".

Jungkook huffs softly and nods his head, much to Yoongi's disagreement, he rather wouldn't risk it just yet, but I do make a good point, that's what I was missing yesterday so if I have a nest at my disposal, things wouldn't turn that bad again.

"I guess we could make you a nest in our office, we only go there when we need to draw on a project, you could have it as your own space if you need a break" the older alpha mumbles as we enter the living room where Jimin and Hoseok are now sitting calmly, the TV turned on on some news channel, they both turn to us when they hear his words.

"Are you leaving to work with them tomorrow, doll?" the latter asks, a little worried, but when I nod my head excitedly, Jimin hums, pleased.

"That's a good idea, it's going to be good for her to accommodate to her wolf there, she's going to get the perfect balance of calm and customers, she can get used to new scents without being overwhelmed since you guys have a good ventilation system, I'm all for it".

The merman has spoken, he's on my side, my hero, all hail good merman Jimin!

Said man's cheeks blush prettily, a wide smile stretching his lips and he bows slightly. "This merman is at your service, my love, anything for you".

I blink as a blush creeps up my cheeks too and both him and Jungkook giggle while the other two let out a soft sigh, knowing that there's no going back now if I have two alphas on my side already.

Namjoon's the only one who could get in the way if he thought that it would be a bad idea, but they already know he won't, he knows her in capable hands with them both, he trusts them like no other pack alpha could ever trust their members.

Yoongi shrugs lightly before going to the couch to cuddle between Hoseok and Jimin, soft scenting happening under my eyes and marveling my senses as I smell dark chocolate, almonds and cinnamon merge together to create a new dessert that I would love having a taste of.

"Well I guess there's no point in avoiding this, Jimin does make sense, and we'll be there anyway, two alphas can surely handle a breakdown if one ever occurs" the eldest eventually concludes and Jungkook and I both cheer at his approval before the youngest alpha starts spinning us in circle happily.

"We'll get to be together all day again!" he chirps and I nod my head quickly, arms holding onto him tightly to avoid slipping away and flying through the air, I'm not a bird after all, it has both alphas and the beta tensed as they keep an eye on me until Jungkook starts slowing down the spinning, his head turning a little dizzy, it makes him giggle.

"Let's not forget that it won't be to play, but to work, right?" Yoongi reiterates to make sure and when we both nod assuredly his way, he lets slip a small grin, his heart unable to resist such a cute sight.

"Alright, come join us, let's watch a little something while we wait for the lasagna to be ready".

I gasp at his words.

"Lasagna?! Yes!!!" I scream as Jungkook walks around the couch to join them and they all chuckle at my clear excitement, Yoongi a proud wolf because he's the one who came up with the idea, he even made the pastas himself with Hoseok's directives, he really wanted to please his true mate, so to hear that it's working, he's indeed a preening wolf.

We end up all squished on the couch, myself still on Jungkook because there's otherwise not a single chance for me to make it in between them and we all giggle like children at the way legs have to raise over knees to make it work, it's a mess of tangled limbs but it feels good, it feels right.

"So... lasagna, explain your reaction, doll, you like it that much?" Hoseok asks once he's comfortable, interested to learn more about my taste, he can already think of different variations of the meal and he wonders if I would love them as much as the classic tomato one.

I shuffle on top of Jungkook to have a good view of the cook who looks ready to take notes for future references, it makes me grin, he looks so cute like that, his curious eyes on my own, hearty lips curled upwards, he's beautiful.

"You're probably expecting a very meaningful explanation, but in all honesty, I just love that dish with all of my being because it's the best, most delicious food in the whole world and pastas rule and added with cheese and whatever sauce and garnishes you want to add, you've got world domination in your hands, that is all" I let out seriously, and when silence greets my words, I nod to myself, satisfied.

There's the simpler explanation of... I just really like that dish, but then.... where would be the fun in that? What I said is much better.

"Well that is not what I was expecting to hear at all, but I can't say I'm disappointed" Hoseok blurts out, eyes round as he stares back at me before breaking into laughter, Jimin, Jungkook and Yoongi not far behind now that it's fully processed in their mind.

"I guess Yoongi hyung really had a wonderful idea tonight, must be why he insisted for it despite it being a lot of work" Jungkook muses happily, arms embracing me from behind as he snuggles into Jimin's side to seek more comfort, one I am also allowed when the latter's hands come to find mine sweetly.

I look down as his fingers weave through mine to interlock tightly and I smile at the alpha when our eyes meet, his cinnamon melting and seeping into the air and around each of us, it easily expresses his delight and love.

"It makes me happy, but now I'm also starting to be nervous about it, I hope it'll be good" Yoongi mumbles, his nerves slightly spiking up until Hoseok nuzzles his side softly. "It will be good, hyung, I was there to help you, you did every steps very well, it's going to be delicious".

I turn around to stare at the worried alpha. "Honestly, Yoongi, you can't do worse than my first and last attempt at making lasagna for myself, that one was a mistake, good for trash, even the wild animals wanted nothing to do with it, I might have made a new type of poison that day".

A few huffs of disbelief echo at my words and heads shake. "Impossible, I would've eaten it, those animals are just inconsiderate" Jungkook states and I shift to stare at him.

"Jungkook" I start, take in his unwavering eyes, he truly believes what he just said.

"It was black and a knife couldn't make it through the bricks of pastas, I had to put the whole glass container in the trash" I say, notice how his gaze wavers, doubt filling in his doe eyes, would he still try to eat something that could break his teeth?

Jimin snorts. "How did you even do that, love?".

I shrug as I rest my head on Jungkook's shoulder, back against his chest. "I fell asleep and woke up to black smoke all over the place. My lasagna was in fire".

The four men tense up immediately, eyes widening and wolves grumbling in panic, true mate cannot cook EVER again.

"Oh honey... you know falling asleep while food is in the oven is very dangerous" Yoongi murmurs, his voice chiding and I know that very well, but I was just so exhausted that I couldn't keep my eyes open a second longer, I thought my alarm would've gotten me up but I slept through it too many times.

"I know" I pout, fingers playing with Jimin's to keep myself from meeting their staring eyes. "I never tried to make big food since then though, the deception was huge".

Huge like a tsunami, all this wasted cheese and pasta... that was a sad day indeed, the poor cheese...

Jungkook nuzzles his face into the side of my neck with a sigh. "Whatever are we going to do with you, our cute little omega? If you ever want to cook something again, you can ask one of us here and we'll help you, it could be a nice activity to do together".

Well that certainly would be fun.

"Good, we'll do that next time then" he chirps before sighing with satisfaction as he grabs the controller for the TV from next to Jimin. "Now let's watch something else than these recurring news, we can watch those funny videos of people failing stuff instead".

"Do you think I could've been part of those videos too with my failed attempt at lasagna?" I ask as the channel changes to the right show and Hoseok hums, although it sounds slightly judging.

"Sweet bun, I rather think yours would've ended up in a show of examples of things to avoid doing" he claims and I scrunch my nose in displeasure. "One that only eighty years old people watch? Now that's no fun".

Yoongi huffs. "Almost dying because of a lasagna in fire is not meant to be fun, sweet thing".

I grumble under my breath and decide to fully focus on Jimin's cute fingers and the show on the TV, not having anything to retort to that, because he's right.

"At least it sounds better than dying from adoptive parents poisoning the child under their responsibility" I eventually let out with a pout and the air stills at the bad memory, angry growls rising to fill the silence.

"Right, still need to deal with these guys" Jimin murmurs under his breath, fingers clenching around my own and I smile awkwardly to myself, that sounded highly ominous, didn't it?

"You guys are not going to do anything to them, right?" I ask, unsure if I even want to hear the answer and when indeed silence greets my words, nope nope nope.

"You know what, let's just watch this show, yeah? Then we can eat good lasagna" I hurry to blurt out, because I'm not taking part in something illegal, oh no!

If I have mafia mates, I'm not digging into that just yet! Give me some time to adjust, damn it!


Okay but can I say that I absolutely loved writing Jin's scene? It was so fjkdjsfjskfje

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