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Over the Summer, Jimin helped Yoongi move into his new dorm in Seoul University; it was a lovely, small place on campus.

Jimin sighed, standing up and stretching his arms out as he placed a fragile cardboard box labeled 'kitchen' onto the countertop. He then proceeded to unpack the box and, with Yoongi's help, put all of the dishes and cutlery away in their new cupboards and draws.

"Hey Jimin," Yoongi said, snaking his arms round Jimin's waist and lightly kissing his neck, "give me attention."

Jimin chuckled and turned around in Yoongi's embrace, linking his arms around the elder's neck and closing the space between them, "god Yoongs, you're so needy." He then kissed him, which lead into a small make out session pressed against the countertop.

Jimin smiled when they broke away, "like I said Yoongs - needy."

"Hey!" Yoongi exclaimed, faking offence on his voice as he slapped Jimin's ass lightly.

The two both laughed and carried on transporting boxes around and unpacking. It took them two days to finish to the point that it looked like a home, although there were still a few stray boxes here and there about the rooms.

"I don't want you to leave at the end of this week, stay all summer baby." Yoongi said as the two cuddled on the sofa, watching whatever show was on TV.

"I would but I have things to do for next year at school." Jimin replied.

Jimin would stay if he could, but it was his last year in school before he could go to University, and he planned to become a dance teacher and have his own dance school.

The two happily lived in the new apartment until Jimin had to go home, and after that Yoongi began preparing for his first week at University.

next chapter is the last aw~

and 30k omg guys thankyou so much!! really wow~

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